#Coronavirus #COVID19 #CoronavirusSeattle
Stream here: tvw.org/watch/?clientI…
🎙️ Events of 250 or more people are prohibited by order of the Governor
🎙️ Could be expanded (or removed) in the days to come
🎙️ This is an "extremely dangerous" event we are facing
🎙️ Our upcoming decisions will be profoundly disturbing to how we live our lives today, but they are based on science
🎙️ This is not a time for high risk populations to be going out into public - it's just too dangerous
🎙️ We have a plan to accommodate thousands of people who will need serious medical attention - but that will be stretched at best
🎙️ Schools can help us provide nutritional needs for children if closures are req'd
🎙️ We need to set a template for the rest of the country, who will soon be where we are now
Next up: King County Executive, Dow Constantine:
🎙️ @DocJeffD will sign an order to prohibit smaller events UNLESS they meet public health requirements (i.e. sanitation)
🎙️ "The core challenge is to delay the spread of disease to reduce the peak number of people to not exceed the health care system capacity"
🎙️ Decisions are driven by science and data
🎙️ If left unmitigated, infection #'s double every 5-7 days, maybe quicker early in the epidemic
🎙️ "We must take time to be sure we get this right, but we have to act with urgency and leave no one behind"
That concludes Dow Constantine's statement.
🎙️ We're taking unprecedented actions today, and are facing unprecedented health emergency
🎙️ We're learning of more cases each day as testing increases
🎙️ "We expect a large scale outbreak in weeks"
🎙️ We cannot stop it, but we can slow it
🎙️ Reducing the size of the epidemic peak will lessen the impact on our community and health care system
Now up: Bruce D, Pierce County Executive:
🎙️ Acknowledge the consequences, e.g. it's the middle of non-profit fundraising season
🎙️ Calling on everyone to support the critical non-profits at this time, when they are needed more than ever
Now up, Dave S, Snohomish County Executive:
🎙️ Decisions driven by science and impact on community
🎙️ They will be disruptive, but we must take them to save lives and reduce burden on health care system
🎙️ Self-isolate if you are elderly; if you have elderly in your family, remind them of this
Reads aloud a text from someone in Italy:
🎙️ "Stop saying it's just flu or severe flu. Please come and see our ICUs in northern Italy. People can't breath, and we don't have anywhere to put them"
Cites @trvrb's work to illustrate what happens if we don't take social distancing measures to "flatten the curve"
🎙️ This is a very serious disease. Killing 10x people as annual influenza impact is very severe.
Gov Inslee again:
🎙️ This model only goes through April, and the # can reach 25k if we don't act
🎙️ By Mid May we could look at 60k+ people if we don't act
Q: <Something around enforcement and how this impacts airports, etc.>
🎙️ Confident that Washingtonians will accept and abide by order because they understand severity
🎙️ That said - if someone is willfully ignoring, there are legal means to stop that from happening
🎙️ Not based on an algorithmic model; once you reach 250, it becomes harder to physically enact social distancing; we thought over 250, it would be impossible to do that
<some questions missed due to laggy connection>
🎙️ You might kill your grandad <rest of answer cut off by buffering of live stream>
🎙️ Require older adults and individuals with underlying conditions be actively encouraged not to attend
🎙️ Social distancing measures to be met, e.g. limit close contact of people within 6 feet
🎙️ Sponsor must follow cleaning guidelines for CDC
🎙️ It's a multi-layered strategy - we know none will be 100% and that's expected
On a different topic:
🎙️ There are resources online for the public to answer what to do if you get COVID19, have symptoms, etc.
🎙️ We provide this information so people can take individual responsibility
🎙️ Our state legislature will delegate at least $100M to help with response
🎙️ Don't feel it's draconian to help avoid more people from losing family
🎙️ It's a reasonable approach made by elected officials to protect constituents
🎙️ We want to do everything we can to avoid that
🎙️ Very concerned about unsheltered people; looking for oppties for people who need shelter and who need to isolate themselves
Please excuse typos and grammatical errors.