Corona is much less bad than bird flu by the way
This toolkit trains thinking
What it does, is provides an *OBJECTIVE FRAME OF REFERENCE* for groups of professionals who are suddenly being asked to rise to the occasion to model their situation and make collaborative decisions
County level: police, fire, hospital, schools at one table.
A lot of people are dependent on things like insulin. Moving that around without getting people infected? Hard.
I faced that shit down, and I made tools to minimize death that day.
You can do this: you can stare death in the face, and make death blink. You are human, and this is how we survived two millon years in the caves, making fire.
You have to think very carefully about how supported we are by the systems which are about to fade out under big load
We can talk about how to make masks out of t-shirts and face protectors out of soda bottles and baseball caps later. We can sing songs about the wonders of bleach. That time may well come.
Fully absorb those models: they're the core framework on which all future planning work on your life is going to hang as you survive this
Read now.
I was really, really good at this stuff. I had to quit because I couldn't make a living: hello Ethereum!
Still broke. Christ