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Aug 8th 2022
#Unknown (2011)
Genre : Mystery Thriller

My first Tamil review
ஒரு கார் விபத்துக்குப் அப்பறம், கோமால இருந்து எழுந்த லியாம் நீசன், யாரோ அவரோட identity ah எடுத்துகொண்டத கண்டுபிடித்தார். யாருமே அவர நம்பல. அவரோட மனைவி கூட அவர தெரியாதுனு சொல்றாங்க.
Then ஒரு பொண்ணோட உதவியோட, அவர் தனது Image
identity ah கண்டுபிடிக்க போறாரு.
ரொம்ப entertaining ah இருக்கும்.
கிளைமாக்ஸ் ட்விஸ்ட்💥🔥
லாம் நெனச்சி கூட பாக்கல.

ஆரம்பம் முதல் இறுதிவர செம speed ah போகும். எங்கேயுமே bore அடிக்காது‌
அந்த க்ளைமாக்ஸ் ட்விஸ்ட் என்னோட டாப் 5 ஃபேவரைட் ட்விஸ்ட்.
Great 4.25/5 ImageImageImageImage
4 yearsகு முன்னாடி இத பாத்த.

Action lovers கண்டிப்பா இத பாக்கலாம்.

இன்னும்‌ நிறைய reviews and threads‌ பாக்க பாலோவ் பண்ணுங்க. And link in bio. Also check my pinned tweet for other threads

Note: Above Plot contains only first 20mins of story
Read 6 tweets
Aug 8th 2022
#Unknown (2011 - English)
"After the accident, Liam Neeson waking up from coma and discovers that someone has taken his identity.
No one believes him, even his wife saying she don't know him"

Highly entertaining and engaging
Climax twist was💥🔥🥵
Great - 4.25/5
(1/2) Image
With the help of one young woman, he tries to figure out what is happening.

Fast paced from the beginning till the end.
You will never feel bored anywhere.
That climax twist was my top 5 favourite twist of all time.
Watched this 4years before and I was stunned.
#Movies2blue ImageImageImageImage
Don't know how much you guys will like this movie.
But must watch for action entertaining movie lovers.
Link in bio
@tamilhollywood2 @dineshDj_ @Just__Cinema @pc_vignesh @raghul30111994 @Ganae_Ramesh @Karthi_Genelia @vanhelsing1313 @cinemavirumpi26
Read 4 tweets
Jun 18th 2022
12 Unexpected Banger Movies of Mine (Hollywood)

(A Thread) Personal opinion
#TopTen2blue #Movies Image
Sean Archer, undergoes plastic surgery in order to impersonate and get hold of his son's killer.
Engaging Image
Jack, a psychopath and a serial killer, recounts a series of murders he committed over a period of 12 years, which he considers to be a work of art.
The real Psycho.. Image
Read 15 tweets
Dec 6th 2020
New important thread.

Explored: Rockefeller communique on #contacttracing, Verified (UN) guide on #vaccine #communications, insights via #Vaccine Confidence Project, & a Behavioral Insights report. Today> special report from Oct 15 2020 meeting, #WHO, Technical Advisory Group. Image
"On 15 Oct 2020, the WHO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Behavioural Insights & Sciences for Health held a special meeting w/ the WHO Department of Immunization, Vaccines & Biologicals to discuss behavioural considerations in relation to COVID-19 #vaccine #acceptance & uptake." Image
The report was developed by members of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behav. Insights & Sciences for Health, chaired by Cass Sunstein, largely credited w/ developing/popularizing notion of "nudges" as policy tools.

Technical Advisory Group members:… Image
Read 36 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
#आजचाथ्रेड 16-09-20
लाॅक डाऊनच्या अगोदरची एक घटना अशीच अंतर्मुख करणारी. आमच्या ओळखीतला महेश नावाचा एक तरूण ,राममंदिरा समोर त्याच घर होतं. पहाटे साडेचार-पाच पासूनच लोक मंदिरात यायला लागायचे. 1/1
एक दिवस महेश उठून पाहतो तर काय, रस्त्यावर उभ्या असलेल्या त्याच्या गाडीला मागुन कोणीतरी जोरदार धडक दिलेली.
चडफडत महेश गाडीजवळ गेला, नक्की किती नुकसान झालंय ते बघायला तर काचेवर अडकवलेली एक चिठ्ठी दिसली.1/2
त्यावर एक नाव आणि फोननंबर लिहिलेला होता आणि फोन करण्यास सांगितले होते. महेश घाबरला.
बिचकतच त्याने त्या नंबरवर फोन लावला. पलीकडचा माणूस म्हणाला, ‘‘मी वाटच पाहत होतो तुमच्या फोनची.तुमच्या गाडीला धडक देणारा मीच.1/3
Read 7 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/09/2020-2…

Thousands of tons of ocean pollution can be saved by changing washing habits…

#pollution #washing #ocean
From Scalable Efficiency to Scalable Learning (#22)…

#efficiency #learning #scale
COVID 19 - Understanding the Unknown in Acute Respiratory Infections - CEBM…

#acute #unknown #respiratory #infections
Read 12 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
La dizione #Asintomatico compare più spesso in pubblicazioni scientifiche con (o senza ma con evidente riferimento a) varia ulteriore #specificazione e rivolto a soggetti #affetti (es. infezioni: #asintomatici #infetti, pazienti infetti asintomatici, casi asintomatici, ecc.) 1/14
ma #senza #manifestazioni cliniche (sintomi e segni). Tuttavia pare che il termine #asintomatico abbia anche un significato più ampio, cioè di soggetto #senza #manifestazioni cliniche il cui esatto #stato di #salute, di #affetto o meno, sia #determinabile solo con un #test. 2/14
Almeno così potrebbe sembrare dalle letture di un profano come me che ha fatto alcune ricerche. Ad es. su #PubMed sono molteplici le pubblicazioni che esplicitano che gli #asintomatici possano essere anche #non #infetti e #negativi alla diagnostica. 3/14
Read 15 tweets
Feb 12th 2019
#Effort & #Understanding

There is no meaningful effort without an understanding
There is no understanding without a #meaningful effort
We #achieve meaningful effort only by #failing and #trying again
#Effort teaches you to be #practical

#Understanding will bring #trust and #patience
#Understanding is needed to examine WHY and WHAT

#Effort is needed to achieve WHAT by doing HOW in accordance with WHY
Read 11 tweets
Nov 25th 2018

Start with #desire.

One has to begin with desiring something that cannot be achieved by desiring. But if you are aware of this fact - if you are aware of the fact that you are desiring something that cannot be desired - it helps. At any moment, you can take the #jump.
With the #mind we cannot understand anything which is effortless. Mind means effort. The faculty of the mind is to do something; it is an instrument for doing. The very faculty of mind is to #achieve something, to gain some desire.
You cannot begin with no #desiring. The mind will make this non-desiring also the desired object.

The mind will create new desire and say, “Okay, I will try not to desire.” It will say, “Really, it looks fascinating. I will try to do something so that this no desiring happens.”
Read 24 tweets

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