I couldn’t be more proud of the unity we are seeing in Ohio
From @GovMikeDeWine to @DrAmyActon to @EmiliaSykesOH to @KennyYuko to Mayors and Commissioners, we’ve been at the forefront of the Coronavirus response, filling in the void left by Trump
Let me say first, that @FrankLaRose , Boards of Elections and parties have worked incredibly hard to triage the many challenges presented by the crisis, including making polling locations as sanitary as...
It’s been a Herculean task by so many. I've been proud to watch the yeoman's work so many are doing.
I believe events have overtaken the state’s ability to run this election in the standard way that accomplishes the dual goals of fairness and minimizing community spread.
Here are the problems:
Things are moving so fast. Thousands of people who had no reason to request an absentee ballot even days ago might now desperately want one....
They are scared
They are medically vulnerable
They may have caught a cold, or worse, and are being RIGHTFULLY told to stay in. And they are doing so, as they should!
And if large numbers of these folks don’t vote, it potentially has an impact on outcomes.
And while election sites aren’t bars, restaurants or mass events, we’d certainly not want a carrier of Coronavirus going to one
Especially when we’re still learning quickly how much we DON’T know about this virus.
That gives anyone who is newly uncomfortable, feeling newly vulnerable, or shut-in because they feel sick, the ability to request a mail-in ballot instead of voting in person.
1) Democracy must go on - postponing or cancelling elections outright is a dangerous precedent; this still ties it to the March 17 election day, and there is still near-term closure
It also might minimize the lines of those who do go, and maximizes the efforts of the BOEs to keep things clean and safe, which also helps flatten the curve.
That would reduce the risk of community spread, and would be more fair.
I get that
But it's no more dramatic than what schools and parents and restaurants and bars and workers are all grappling with at this exact moment (Actually, easier)
I believe there are highly compelling reasons--the same emergency circumstances that justify the dramatic steps the Governor has taken elsewhere--to justify this.
We achieve tough things
I hope/trust the Gov, Sec of State & legislative leaders can find a way to accomplish something along these lines
Flatten the curve!