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Just a few min away from tonight's emergency #Boulder council meeting. I am listening in from home. Finally get to fulfill my dream of covering a gov't meeting while in yoga pants.
Mayor pro tem Bob Yates leading as Sam Weaver is home with a cold. Setting a good example by not coming in.
Rachel Friend called in for the same reason.

Yates starting off by reminding ppl that the public has been banned from the meeting, but it's online
If you are watching, you can see that city leaders are spread out, per social distancing recommendations.
Tom Carr reading the emergency ordinance to allow city council and boards/commissions to hold virtual meetings. Public still has to be able to participate via call-in, Carr says.
Council may do board/commission appointments tonight. They have to be done in March, per city charter. But Carr has already said he'll defend the city in an exception to that.
Sound is pretty shit on the call-in line, but it's a bit ahead of the video feed.
Young q about a provision in the ordinance to allow city manager to waive public hearing requirements if it's necessary to protect public health and safety.

Didn't catch what it was.
Brockett moves to pass the ordinance.
It passes unanimously.
So now Weaver and Friend can join the meeting.
Via phone, which they have done. Next up: Motion to amend the agenda: Should council appoint board and commission appointments?
They're going to discuss that now.
Carr: Charter mandates you have to appoint these members by March. If you don't do it tonight, it won't be done in March.

"There's minimal risk" in violating the charter. But someone could later challenge a board decision if members were appointed outside legally mandated time.
Brockett: If we have a meeting two weeks from tmrw, would that count?
Carr: It wouldn't be a regular meeting, so no. Tomorrow would be legal.
Young: We could make an appointment and then have a public hearing later...?
Carr: Yes, you could do that or waive public hearing (I think is what he said; again, sound is garbage.)
Yates suggests holding a meeting in the next couple of weeks to do those appointments, then just extend the terms of current members for a lil bit extra, since board/commissions are cancelled through March 29 anyway. At least as of right now.
Weaver: I think we should have a meeting in the next three weeks, even if it's virtual. If we can do those appointments, as long as we've done the coronavirus stuff, we should work those in.

"I think we can do our business and make our appointments."
Friend: I think we should push this discussion to when everybody is at home. "Kick this to whenever we want to kick it to, when we're not all in the same room."
Consensus on that: those appointments will not be happening tonight.
Jeff Zayach – Boulder County Public Health, is calling in for an update.
"I know this is a big topic. We're in obviously pretty incredible times. I've been in public health for 31 yrs now and we've never been in a scenario like this."
"Big decisions" need to be made in order to control this disease, Zayach says.
In BoCo, 7 presumptive positive cases: "That really isn't going to matter much for us, bc the best modeling we've looked at and best predictions are that if you have a case, you can multiply that case by 50X and that's prob # of cases you actually have" bc of inadequate testing.
"We've asked for better testing support multiple times through multiple folks," Zayach said. Governor is aware.
Zayach: We should act as if we have active spread in our community and practice social distancing.

Working with the state to develop orders; whatever Colo. does, BoCo will adopt as well
All events for 50+ prohibited
All bars/restaurants closed
All gyms
All casinos
All theaters
Restaurants can stay open for drive-thru or takeout
"It's really important we do those kinds of actions now. We know we're going to see an increased spread. Every one of those decisions has significant impact in our communities. It's the best way to control the disease."
It's going to have impacts on residents w/o access to services, on our biz, on employees, Zayach says. We know that but we have to do it.

"It's a no-win situation."
Weaver confirming that Polis ordered all that about 15 min ago.
Eagle County + Pitkin County seeing "really significant spread" in the disease impacting health ca

"We expect that fully to come to us" by the end of the week, Zayach says.
To reiterate, Zayach says BoCo can expect to see those kinds of numbers that Pitkin/Eagle are seeing now by the end of the week.
Zayach: Towns can layer additional orders onto state mandates.
"We're already stressing our health care systems" in BoCo, Zayach says.
BoCo focusing on prevention, not testing, bc they don't think that situation is going to improve.
Urges again against panic buying. "That's not necessary to do."
Weaver: Our community hospital is doing a great job being ahead of this.

Sounds like you have capacity right now..?
Do you feel like at the moment BCH has capacity to handle what we're going to see?
Dr. Vissers (sp?) "Right now we can, but it all depends."
"Anything we can do right now, very aggressively, to mitigate the spread and flatten the curve.... anything we can do to flatten that curve, even if it doesn't reduce overall cases but spreads it over weeks and months, we're much better prepared."
That's Robert Vissers, President and Chief Executive Officer of BCH
Friend: Does Boulder need to do anything or does Polis' order cover us in terms of restaurant closures, etc?
Zayach: Our authority covers city and county, and you'd only need to adopt anything if you want to be more stringent than state.
Q from (I think) Wallach: What is data on efficacy of actions taken today?
Zayach: "We know from modeling from Washington and Oregon as well as CDC that the earlier on the front end of this we can put in strategies, the less that curve shoots up really fast in terms of positive cases."
The last quote I attributed to Zayach (before this one) may have been from Vissers. Can't tell when everyone is on the phone.
Zayach: Implementing these things now means we'll have to have them in place for less time than doing them later.

Orders today are from 4-8 weeks.
Vissers: We are currently ready and capable of caring for COVID patients.

"Although scale is potentially unprecedented, disease is not unique."
"Certainly we have the expertise, capability and competency to care for these patients, even the very sickest ones. Our challenge will be the capacity."
"If we are overwhelmed in capacity, we won't be alone."
"What will overwhelm us when we no longer have enough resources" nurses, ventilators, ICU beds, etc. Vissers says.
"We can do the care," but "100%" of mitigation lies with the community, Vissers says. "The sooner we can act, the flatter that curve will be" and better position we'll be in.
BCH has prepped for this kind of thing before: Severe flu season, SARS, Ebola, etc. This might be bigger, but they're at least well-versed in prep, Vissers says.
Non-essential services, surgeries and visits delayed; Telehealth expanded. "Current not experiencing any provider shortages. Quite the reverse," Vissers says, bc of cancelled services.
Visitors have been "significantly" limited, Vissers says.
BCH is testing at all urgent care facilities, despite shortages. We have enough capacity to test incoming patients, he says.
Vissers concluding words: "Our ability to deal with this comes down to how well we do in preventing the spread."
Weaver: What can we do best as individuals? Asks for 2-min tutorial (which we already know, but let's do it again for the ppl in the back)
Vissers: We're at a stage now we need to be isolating and keeping in groups far less than 50. 5-10
Stop any unnecessary travel.
Follow, at a minimum, advice put out by BoCo.
Vissers: "Being aggressive and proactive is only going to help. In the end it will probably reduce overall social and economic impact. ... If we can get out of this quicker, impact is less."
95% of patients we're testing are negative, he says. So most advice: Stay home if you're stick. We don't have a lot of available testing and seeking a test isn't going to change what you need to do, Vissers says: Stay home.
Updates being posted frequently.
Friend: When should you go to the hospital?
Vissers: That should be the last resort, where you're very sick.
"Ppl are still having heart attacks, car accidents, etc. We need to retain that capacity."

There is a nurse triage line set up. Call that instead, Vissers says.
Friend asking about overflow plan.
Vissers: Yes, we have a plan. It includes more than just ICU care.
Some space at new campus. Also plans for triaging and care at a space away from the hospital, like lower floor of parking garage or setting up tents.
RE: Friend q about ventilator capacity.
Vissers: It depends on if everyone gets sick at once.
Bc we're deferring a lot of surgery, we have machines we can utilize, Visser says.

Apologies for the extra S I've been adding to his name. Moving quickly and breaking some things here.
Young asking about uninsured and/or undocumented patients.
Visser: "We're going to do what we've always done." Last year provided $60M in uncompensated care, regardless of ability to pay or immigration status.
Young: Any of this info available in languages other than English?
Visser: We do on the in-patient side, but that's a great point. Idk that our constant website updates have been, in fact I'm sure they haven't. That's something we can get on soon.

We do have Spanish translators and providers on campus.
Brockett: There is a Google translate function built into, though that's not quite the same.
Brockett to Zayach: Any recommendations for us that we could do in Boulder over and above what Polis did?
Zayach: Others across the nation have looked at, should they be moving to other non-essential biz functions? That was a step a little too far to go bc of potential impacts in our community. But at this point, I think recommendations put forth (by Polis) are the place to start.
"It's going to move us a long way if we can do that."
I think a Wallach q again: How many ventilators do we have? (I think; sound was bad)
Visser: I'm not sure I can give an exact # but I'm not sure that matters. We're working with all hospitals, reporting all our total equipment to make sure they are adequately distributed.
Visser hasn't seen that statewide number, he says.
It's more than just ventilators: You need staff, rooms, etc. "It's the entire team and their competency required beyond a single piece of equipment."
Wallach: Should we do a shelter-in-place order like SF?
Zayach: If you listen to Dr. Fauci (nat'l public health expert) he would encourage doing that b4 you have almost any cases. That's the best approach to stopping the complete spread of the disease.
"We have to see what's going to happen in Colorado with the approaches we are taking here. I do believe it will reduce the curve."
Wallach: Would shelter-in-place for two weeks do more for us than just flattening the curve?
Zayach (I think, but maybe Visser): "I would not recommend that we do that at this point. ... We know there are impacts to residents when we do that. We've heard this loud and clear from municipalities."
"It's a really difficult balance when we start talking about those things."

Pretty sure that was Zayach.
Visser in response to Young q: By Wednesday, we can free up 23 beds. But unfortunately, we've been running at 90%+ occupancy for surgery this year. Most of those are elective, though.
"We are looking at other areas we can care for or manage patients." Un-built space, operating rooms, etc.
Young asking for total number, but Visser saying it's too complex. It's not just bed count: There are all sorts of different beds for Dif things "designed to manage the gamut of severity and acuity."
"We do think we'll be able to significantly increase our ICU bed capacity."
Weaver giving a CU update.
CU is "shutting down the campus, more or less," he says. Asked kids to leave the dorms today if they have somewhere to go.
Uni is reminding students to not have parties during a pandemic.
"CU is slowly shutting down," Weaver says "and asking students that are still around to be responsible."

Research labs are being asked to shut down as well.
Tanya Ange, deputy city manager, leading of city of Boulder response: Guiding principles have been developed for decision-making process.
No. 1 is preserve the healthcare system, deliver essential services (we'll go over what those are in a bit) and consider equity, ensure continuity of operations, etc.

Lots o' gov't speak.
"We cannot respond to this alone or in a vacuum," Ange says.

City of Boulder COVID-19 website is being updated frequently. Info available in Spanish.
All city press releases and communications, as of 5 p.m. today, will be in English and Spanish.
Web traffic: 3,200% above average to the COVID page.

City is also doing a weekly video coronavirus update bc it's so well-engaged with on social media. Also in English and Spanish.
Chris Meschuk going over essential services/staff: water and wastewater, transportation access, law enforcement
Some internal staff working on-site. Everyone else is working from home, if possible.
City working with Xcel and trash hauling co. to make sure those critical services continue.

Xcel today announced it would NOT shut off power due to missed payments during the outbreak.
Police and fire have personal protective equipment for going out on calls; city encouraging online and phone reporting. And social distancing applies to first responders, Meschuk reminds ppl: Stay 6 ft away.
Kurt Firnhaber, HHS, is going to talk about unhoused residents and measures being taken to protect them.
Started working on a plan last week. "As you're aware there are challenges they face that the rest of community has an easier time with. Social distancing is more difficult."
"Their general health is not as good. Those that have symptoms, we don't currently have a plan for where they go or where they would be housed" if they need to be isolated.
Phase 1 of the plan started today. Here's an overview of shelter locations.
Navigation has been moved to Boulder Shelter as of this morning.
Severe weather shelter is taking over the entire building (since Nav moved to NoBo)

"Thorough cleaning" of that location today and 72 beds moved farther apart from one another.
Firnhaber on plan: "Essentially it's creating a third location for homeless individuals to go if they're symptomatic."

Each person screened every evening at one of the two shelters; if symptomatic, they'll be taken to third facility with 24/7 service and "some" medical staff.
Not sure if they will be tested, due to lack of availability, but they will be put in isolation with medical support, Firnhaber says.
This won't be set up until the equipment for workers can be found. They're having difficulty with that.

Looking at East Boulder Rec Center and Fairgrounds in Longmont as possible locations for this.
RE: Equipment. That's protective gear for those who would be transporting and caring for unhoused individuals at this location.
Firnhaber is going to address eviction protection as well. Only JeffCo Housing Authority has passed a temporary moratorium; Denver has said it won't deploy sheriffs to oversee evictions.
Several orgs that the city funds do rental assistance, "so we have structures in place" to assist families in need. We can add $$ to that "as needed," he says.
He didn't say the JeffCo or Denver part. That was me.
Brockett: You're saying that additional funding could be deployed for rental support. Can you elaborate on what those programs are? Other than Keeping Families Housed, which EFAA does (disclaimer: I work for EFAA)
Firnhaber: We also have a program for individuals, which runs through coordinated entry (for unhoused individuals, to prevent them from losing house)
That started midway through 2019
Somehow I missed that entirely...

There's also rental assistance for seniors, through the Area Agency on Aging, according to Bridge to Justice folks I just chatted with Friday.
Firnhaber RE: unhoused COVID plan: We have meeting tomorrow where we'll be closer to answering some of those qs. Challenge isn't finding the location. ... It's really the equipment and support that's the challenge.
Young: How are unhoused individuals and families receiving information on COVID?
Firnhaber: Facility staff has gone through training, signs are up, they're educating ppl as they come in.
Reaching out to the wider community, we're relying on existing structures, the organizations that are connected with them.
Young: Courts have suspended non-essential cases through March 31. Is that accurate?
Meschuk: They were talking about adjusting operations. I don't have details but I can follow up.
That could impact evictions, I believe was Young's logic.

Firnhaber: BARHA is encouraging their landlords to work with their tenants as necessary to find ways to create flexible payments and that sort of thing.
Joseph: Are there ppl still living in camps around town?
Firnhaber: We don't currently have encampments (they just did sweeps) but there are individuals who camp within the city. The HOT team (cops specific for unhoused response) is connecting with them.
Friend: Why are we looking at the East Boulder Rec Center? They are all shut down... that one doubles as a senior center.
Firnhaber: We've communicated well with seniors that these are all shut down. Rec center is a second choice; fairgrounds was put up as a first choice.

But East Boulder Rec Center is "better structured" than NoBo, layout-wise, number of rooms, etc.
Any clients would be brought on a designated bus. So others wouldn't be coming in the facility unless they came through in that fashion. Doors would likely be locked (so no one could accidentally wander in).
Friend: A lot of this is going to be county's purview. If we lock down and put ppl with their families, not all families are safe. What are we going to do to address those women and children who might not be safe?
Firnhaber doesn't know; excellent question, though. I have been thinking about doing a story on this as well. DV incidents go up in times like this; they did in China.
Ange addressing Friend's q about why East Boulder Rec Center: It's the largest, and there are the most divided spaces and closest to the hospital.
Meschuk answering Friend's DV q: We do cover that in our vulnerable populations response; we're coordinating with those providers.
Carr answers Young's q: County court has suspended all non-essential cases through May 31.
Meals on Wheels still operating, too, and looking to expand. They need more $$ and drivers.
Brautigam going over potential financial impacts. We believe they could be significant, she says, since we are so sales-tax based.

We won't know until April what the March impacts are.
"This is a vicious cycle that's going to be hard to move out of," Brautigam says.
38% of Boulder's total revenues come from sales tax; 48% when utilities are excluded.
I'm just gonna include this whole slide:
This is why we have reserves, Brautigam says. They should help us through a short-term downturn. "We feel very confident we've done a good job in financial planning."
Here are the emergency measures council may consider tonight:
Today, Boulder banned gatherings of 20+ places in public places. That's more stringent than Colorado's measure today of 50+ ppl.

Reminder: Health officials have said you should limit gatherings to 5-10 ppl.
Brautigam: Even though Colorado did restaurant/bar, gym, theatre closures, city may want to adopt that, too, to make it more enforceable.
The third measure is that no biz would be allowed to keep operating if it doesn't mandate space between staff, customers (3ft) and practice good sanitation.
Swetlik: Are CU dining halls open?
Brautigam: Yes
Yates: Do we have jurisdiction over CU?
Carr: I think we would have (garble garble; this call-in sound SUX)
Wallach q: Our reserves are enough to cover 2.5 months of operations, right?
Brautigam: Yes, if everything stops. We don't think everything will stop.
Wallach: What's our doomsday plan?
Brautigam: We did this in 2008 downturn; we haven't done specific planning around this for coronavirus. We need to think about what would be appropriate. (What would need shut down, etc.)
Wallach: Should we be thinking about this?
Brautigam: We could. But we have federal requirements to pay our employees through this. So if we stop a service, the only way to save $$ is to not have employees, bc we have to pay them regardless.
Friend: I absolutely encourage us to shop locally but I've personally been shopping online. Does that contribute to sales tax?
Brautigam: Yes. Amazon and other large retailers do submit sales tax.
Joseph: Can we enforce the gatherings ordinance? Specifically, the parties on the Hill?
Brautigam: Idk if we can lawfully prohibit gatherings in private homes. In the event that a party spills over to the street, police will be able to enforce it.
Brautigam: "It's hard to control what others do, but we are trying to do that."
If we weren't in the middle of a pandemic right now, I might point out that the above tweet is SO Boulder.
Young asked something about janitorial contractors. I missed it, but Ange is saying we're increasing our janitorial services. And that's considered an essential service, so it won't be cut.
Yates: Can former BCH hospital that city owns now be used for add'l shelter or patient overflow?
Brautigam: We have begun deconstruction in a very environmentally sustainable way. One of the first things we did was turn off all water. So for months, there has not been water or sanitation. It's currently not habitable.
We cannot use that facility, she says. There is black mold we're abating. "It's just not an appropriate place to put human beings."
Young: Our order is to ban gatherings of 20+. Zayach from BoCo Public Health said 5-10 is better. Can we change that?
Brautigam: Yes, it absolutely can.
We ended up at 20 bc we felt 50 was "way too large" but we "weren't sure it was appropriate to go down to 10," Brautigam says.
Swetlik: Are there any other way to discourage Uni Hill parties, like limiting amount of alcohol purchased at one time?
Carr: Yes, emergency measure provides for that.
Reminder from Brautigam to sign up for reverse 911, which is how you can get emergency notifications from the city. More info here:…
Joseph asking when council is going to discuss evictions. After Brautigam's specific proposals.
Weaver: What should we do about private schools?
Does the city directive impact those, he asks?
Brautigam: I don't have a directive yet.
Brautigam: We can mirror governor's orders today but I don't have anything beyond that.
Council breaking out the white board to list all various members' suggestions or concerns.
So, private schools
Also from Weaver:
Workshops/instruction facilities
Live theaters
Private events and festivals
Resource/ CHaRM (which Weaver says might shut down voluntarily)
Also maybe limit grocery stores and pharmacies in some way. For instance, do only carry out or curbside pickup and delivery.
Brockett: Do you have concrete proposals on all these or do you want us to talk them over one by one?
Weaver has concrete proposals on some of them. "I do think we want to consider shutting down any schools which are not shut down already," along with live theaters.

For some (groceries/pharmacies) we should at least just raise the issue
Daycares and hotels are added to the list
As well as transit, Uber/Lyft

This could be a long night.
Yates: "This is all potential. We're just talking out loud here."
Friend: Do we want grocery stories to limit hours to elderly/at-risk persons?
Are we suspending evictions?
Do we want to start a list of things that are staying open, bc we're closing so many things?
Friend: At the state level, should we lobby for payment holidays for mortgages/student loans?
Financial protections for employees?
Is it remotely possible that we could change rules to allow emailed discussions during this? (That falls under open meeting rules)
Friend (again): Did we suspend any water shutoffs due to non-payment?
Do we want to lift ban and allow safe parking?
Can we change laws about donating opened food?
What can we do about transit? Make it easier to rent e-bikes?
Still Friend:
Are we going to look at public curfews?
Sales tax abatements?
How are we going to handle ballot petitions that may be impacted by this?
So. Much. Stuff.

Glad elected officials are thinking of all these things.
Joseph: Moratorium on evictions that take into account employment status
Sanitation in public areas frequented by the homeless
Could we lobby feds for extension of the Census? Library closures impact access to internet.
She also suggested extending deadlines for city applications (such as rental licenses)

And can we stay evictions if it's already in the process? Or otherwise provide them housing.
Young: To what extent does non-essential cases at BoCo courts impact evictions?
Carr: I would guess court would not consider those essential cases. Evictions are a matter of state law, so it's not something that we can prohibit.
Young: So if suspension of non-essential cases at county and district court level does not suspend evictions, then.. what can we do?
Carr: State law provides for landlord right to evict somebody. We could try to order landlords not to use it but that's not a v strong position.
Carr: We will report to you as soon as we hear from the court.
Swetlik suggests limiting alcohol sales per person (I think; he was mumbly).
Brockett also touches on eviction. He will support resources to keep ppl from being evicted.

And small biz support for those impacted by closures.
And thinks city shouldn't shut off utilities for non-payment.
Wallach: If evictions are halted for 90 days, 60 days, whatever... if ppl are not working, they're going to be evicted on the 91st day.

Would rather get resources for them. "Otherwise we're delaying the day of reckoning but it will be a huge day of reckoning."
Commercial evictions should be included in that, too, since biz are going to be impacted. Can we get commercial landlords together to work on something?
Nagle is talking about evictions but I can't hear a word she is saying. Except that she doesn't seem to like Swetlik's idea of limiting alcohol sales and the business closures that council seems to be on board with.
We should instead try to figure out how to shop "in a safe manner."
Yates: We've got a long list here.
Young: I've learned that if biz close due to a mandate, their insurance will cover them.

There was a question in there but I missed it.
Yates: For this discussion, let's focus on health and safety. And focus on what should be closed that hasn't already been closed by us or the governor already.
Private schools: Our recommendation is that they should be closed, Brautigam says.
Council seems to agree.
Weaver: Can we allow curbside and delivery for bars/restaurants?
Yates: I think that's what governor order says.
Weaver: What about marijuana retail and general retail?
"Are we just going to shut them?"
Carr: Think about the impacts and the burden. That's what we struggled with this weekend as we made these decisions.
Council debating what things to close or not. I'll tweet as they reach decisions bc I'm already running out of steam.
Also it's hard to hear.
Yates: Maybe we should use ordinance Brautigam suggested that biz have to follow safety guidelines
Wallach: How do we enforce that, though?
Yates: We have to face that we're limited in what we can do. We can't pass a law that you have to wash your hands every hour but we can strongly suggest that people do.
Friend: I think in terms of not being able to micro-manage everything, I see our role as advising Brautigam. I have faith she is ahead of the curve and doing what's needed to protect the community.
"Otherwise we might micro-manage this into next Thursday."
Weaver agrees with Friend.
"What we need to do is have daily updates from our city leadership" and on our website. "Our role is getting the best information out."
Joseph: We have to think about what is a retail store. McGuckin emailed us to say they serve first responders and other safety providers in our community. We need to consider this.
Yates: Brautigam, do you need any more guidance from us tonight?
Brautigam: I don't. But I don't think shutting down general retail is appropriate at this time.
Yates: No one on council is in favor of that.
Young: Council should put together a declaration that asks landlords to work with their tenants, recommendations on how/where to shop... things that "can't be covered by mandate" but council "can strongly encourage"
Brautigam: "It's great we have the governor's order. We will probably mirror that just to make sure we are 100% sure we can enforce that."
I think council is voting on extending the state of emergency declaration.... having a really hard time hearing.
Council is going to pass tomorrow night's consent agenda tonight. It includes the Zayd Atkinson settlement and other routine things.…
Passes unanimously.
Tomorrow's meeting is cancelled, per a unanimous vote.
So when will council meet? Next scheduled meeting is April 7. Council can now dial-in to that, thanks to ordinance passed tonight.
Council talking about what to handle over the next 2-3 weeks. Board and commission appointments, more coronavirus stuff, rejiggering of workplan for the year given coronavirus... that's what I've heard so far.
Now they're talking petitions. Social distancing is really going to impact those, so council adds that to the list.
They weren't supposed to meet on March 24 or 31 but they might now. Remotely, of course.

Council all on board. There goes my time off.
Weaver: We have things like the eviction issue, business impacts, monitoring what's happening with our hospital, etc. So I think we need to.
Brautigam and staff will prioritize what comes to council when, of all the things they've brought up.
Carr jumping in to remind council that things are changing rapidly so "there is a strain on staff," so it may be better for them to not do council meetings.
OK so maybe not a meeting on March 31. But def one next week.
Council may switch to Zoom for future remote meetings. That's all for tonight.

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