the full agenda is here - charlottesville.org/home/showdocum…

8 reportable crashes
14 non reportable (meaning damage less than $1500)
the data includes 2 blocks on either side of the intersection.
“the media will inevitably be back” this summer asking what we’ve done in response to the events of 2017, what work is being done for racial equity.
“complying with the law is not transparency” - they don’t get credit for making public records available to the public. being transparent would be releasing information they weren’t legally required to.
“i don’t think anybody’s trying to hide anything, we’re discussing it,” nikuyah says. jeff pushes back - says they’ve been fighting this for 10yrs
they’re engaged in a pretty tense, personal disagreement with her on the dais and him in the back of the chambers.
“can we have a moratorium on luxury student housing?” it’s driving up land value all over the city.
city ordinance currently states personnel files cannot be disclosed to outside parties & can only be used for administration of government.
again, that’s a *city ordinance* that the city can change.

we’re going over some slides we’ve all seen before (even though i missed TWO budget meetings last week - one was during a school board meeting & i was out of town saturday)

i’m as confused as she clearly is.
her solution is simple: the city should simply tax her less and spend less money
“this money has to come from somewhere,” and encourages an INCREASE in real estate taxes coupled with robust tax abatement for low income homeowners.
he supports a real estate tax increase.

nancy’s back at the mic supporting the meals tax increase. the money from the increase will fund necessary attention to equity issues.

additionally: “you’ve already given them a deal” in letting them build here. “let them do something for us.”

the next commenter says there is a conflict of interest because the developer of this project assisted in redrawing the flood plain maps that make it possible.
several commenters tonight very worried about the flood plain issue of this project. this guy also calls the map redrawing a conflict of interest.
he says changing the flood map was a 2 year process.
she motions to deny it & heather seconds.
she calls it a “short circuiting of the process” and a “breach of trust”
“i cannot lower my own professional standards because of affordable housing,” kathy galvin says.
but for him, “the pros outweigh the cons”
since the SUP was tied to the rezoning, we don’t need to address that tonight.

@GovernorVA you can still veto that.