1: I haven't worn shoes since Wednesday. I *should* have expected that, but I didn't think of it.
2: I haven't worn a BRA since Wednesday. Never would have thought that was in my WFH life. But then again, all the comfy bras are in the laundry.
3: Sweetie would buy a tambourine and now there are closed door rehearsals as he practices.
4: I will now be hunting for good tambourine lessons on YouTube.
5: I am drinking less coffee and less diet Coke. Partially, because no commute, partially because Sweetie brings me hot tea.
6: How in the world can those two boys generate so many dishes in 4 hours?!?! I just washed everything at lunch time!
7: A week of rain in CA is much more disturbing when you're trapped at home AND the entire patio is inside the living room because originally the building was supposed to be painted last Tuesday.
8: I would suddenly want to channel my germophobic friends as I notice all the surfaces in my home I want to scrub. Good grief: cupboard handles, door handles, and light switches are gross.
9: I sent Sweetie into the foyer/hallway of our apartment complex to clean the door handles and handrail on the stairs. I worry about my upstairs elderly neighbor.