High among them: a proper pint of Guinness.
Bars are rightfully closed though.
What’s a boy to do?
Adaptation. Ingenuity. Guile.
Now, I have earned some goodwill at my preferred pub, so if I were to call them, I suspect they’d likely pour me a to-go pint if I had a proper container.
The problem: I have no such container.
But then I remembered a place that sells the perfect vessel.
Confronted with my predicament, they kindly agreed to do a curbside transaction.
Pay over the phone. Drive up. Bag through window.
The vessel but not the cargo.
So I dialed up my preferred pub.
The venue is closed for all but takeout food, they explained.
Circular logic is really the best logic.
Cashless transactions, curbside handoffs, sanitizing before and after, bottle wipe-down before serving.
Novel crises call for novel adaptations. We adjust, adapt and go on.