#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest

#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest

#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest
Dave arguing for Congress party adds that the Government was formed with majority and now their MLAs are being abducted.
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest @INCIndia #Bengaluru
Dave begins to make his submissions on the Interim application for release of 16 MLAs.
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest @INCIndia
Dave taking the Supreme Court through the prayer for release of the MLAs who are allegedly abducted.
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest
The Single Largest party had won the vote of confidence on that day.
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest @BJP4India @INCIndia
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest @BJP4India @INCIndia @OfficeOfKNath

#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest @BJP4India @INCIndia @OfficeOfKNath

#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest @BJP4India @INCIndia @OfficeOfKNath @PMOIndia @narendramodi
Who accompanied them -- BJP.
And in the middle of the night, the Governor issued missives
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest @BJP4India @INCIndia @OfficeOfKNath @GovernorMP

#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest @BJP4India @INCIndia @OfficeOfKNath @GovernorMP
Please don't forget the figure of 2/3rd, if 2/3rd are gone, I'll have nothing.
Dave: the Question today is about destroying the principles of democracy by using muscle and money power and Supreme Court will never allow it.
Tomorrow the party will abduct MLAs from States it does not have majority in & come to Supreme Court & say Supreme Court is bound by Floor Test.
Supreme Court should not entertain this matter.
It is the duty of the Speaker to decide whether the resignation is voluntary or not and that it (Resignation) is not obtained through coercion.
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest
@BJP4India @INCIndia

Governor does not represent the BJP and is required to be and expected to be neutral.
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest
@BJP4India @INCIndia

People will laugh at us. Please don't entertain this matter. If they want to battle it out outside Supreme Court, okay but to use the Supreme Court's forum for this kind of a case... #SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest
Dave arguing: "Is this how the august office (of Governor) is supposed to function How is he confident without hearing anyone?"
#SupremeCourt Supreme Court #MPFloorTest
Why have any authority in this country at all when everything is to be made redundant?
#SupremeCourt Supreme Court #MPFloorTest
But even when BR Ambedkar used the expression it was meant to be Constitutional morality derived from principles of the Constitution.
#SupremeCourt #MPFloorTest
"where is this responsibility?"
#SupremeCourt Supreme Court #MPFloorTest
BJP is indulging in complete destruction of Constitutional Morality!
#SupremeCourt Supreme Court #MPFloorTest @BJP4India @INCIndia

“Constitutional morality is not a natural sentiment. It has to be cultivated. We must realise that our people have yet to learn it. Democracy in India is only a top-dressing on an Indian soil which is essentially undemocratic.”
#SupremeCourt Supreme Court

The Governor had no business issuing missives in the middle of the night
#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis
AM Singhvi for the Speaker (@INCIndia MLA Narmada Prasad Prajapati) tells the Court that 6 were accepted.
#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis @DrAMSinghvi
#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis @KapilSibal @OfficeOfKNath
The Governor first accepted the resignations of Six persons as Ministers and thereafter their resignation as MLAs was accepted by the Speaker.
#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis @KapilSibal @OfficeOfKNath
He is nobody to decide this!
#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis @OfficeOfKNath

"The object of the Tenth Schedule is to curb the evil of political defection motivated by the lure of office or other similar consideration which endanger the foundation of democracy."
#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis
... there needs to be a re-election only then can a trust vote be asked for.
#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis
#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis

#SupremeCourt #MPGovtCrisis
Dave: Heavens aren't going to fall that Congress must go immediately & Shivraj Singh's Govt must be saddled on the people.
Issue notice and hear it at length on some other day.
Dave concludes his arguments
Dave says Rohatgi is not on caveat in his petition, shouldn't be heard and he may argue on his own petition.
Rohatgi says, I will argue on whatever I want
#MadhyaPradeshPoliticalCrisis #MPGovtCrisis
It is the party (@INCIndia ) which was responsible for the mass murder of democracy in 1975!

This is not a case of defection.
This is a case of resignation and here are people who have resigned and the duty of holding by-election is that of the EC, not Supreme Court
#MPGovtCrisis #MadhyaPradeshCrisis #SupremeCourt
#MPGovtCrisis #MadhyaPradeshCrisis #SupremeCourt

They have rejected to be under the banner of the party.
Then what should happen?
#MPGovtCrisis #MadhyaPradeshCrisis #SupremeCourt @INCIndia
The Speaker has to accept the resignation first and satisfy himself.
It is not like the resignation of a sitting judge where he has to resigns in his own hands.
#MPGovtCrisis #MadhyaPradeshCrisis #SupremeCourt @INCIndia

@BJP4India @INCIndia #MPPoliticalCrisis #MPGovtCrisis
#MadhyaPradeshCrisis #SupremeCourtofIndia
#MPPoliticalCrisis #MPGovtCrisis
#MadhyaPradeshCrisis #SupremeCourtofIndia

#MPPoliticalCrisis #MPGovtCrisis
#MadhyaPradeshCrisis @rashtrapatibhvn
This is a stage prior to imposition of Article 356.
#MPPoliticalCrisis #SupremeCourt
#MPPoliticalCrisis #SupremeCourt @GovernorMP

#MPPoliticalCrisis #SupremeCourt @GovernorMP

One concern that we have: Speaker hasn't decided for 16 MLAs.
They say 16 have been taken away to #Bengaluru
We can't compel MLAs to attend proceedings but what we can do is to ensure they can take their own decision
That's the duty of a constitutional court
They are being portrayed as though they are kidnapped!
#MPPoliticalCrisis #SupremeCourt
These are points that the Court needs to be alert about
These 16 either proceed to the floor or don't but surely they can't be held captive and how do we ensure this?
#SupremeCourt #MPPoliticalCrisis

"the only question now is if the directive should be followed or not?"
#SupremeCourt @GovernorMP #MPPoliticalCrisis
[S.R. Bommai vs Union Of India; 1994 AIR 1918]
#SupremeCourt @GovernorMP #MPPoliticalCrisis
#SupremeCourt @GovernorMP #MPPoliticalCrisis

says how could the Governor have been wrong in his prima facie conclusion that floor test was a must!
#SupremeCourt @GovernorMP #MPPoliticalCrisis
As a constitutional court, we also have to discharge our duties.
What can be the modalities to ensure it?
#SupremeCourt @GovernorMP #MPPoliticalCrisis
#SupremeCourt @GovernorMP #MPPoliticalCrisis #JusticeChandrachud
Justice Chandrachud: Where are they (the rebel MLAs) exactly?
Mehta: I as Governor don't know that.
#supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #MPPolitics
But there are media videos, where these MLAs are being seen saying that they are not children... they have not been abducted and taken away against their own will.
#supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #MPPolitics
We just want your assistance in how to ensure that the legislature decides who has the majority?
#supremecourtofindia #MPFloorTest
Rohatgi says willing to produce them before the Supreme Court.
SC refuses.
Rohatgi says that the MLAs can be instead produced before the Registrar of the Karnataka HC then.
"So that they can lure them, do horse trading... Why do you (congress) want to meet them (rebel MLAs) when they don't want to meet you?"

"These are all those cases where midnight hearing and Sunday morning hearings were held"
These were times when Congress pressed for an immediate floor test. @INCIndia #MP_मांगे_जवाब
Rohatgi made this suggestion on Court's asking how the free will of the MLAs can be ensured

Can he sit on the resignation, can he be choosy that he'll accept some, not accept others because political game is going on? #MPFloorTest
@INCIndia #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtofIndia

Singhvi: Is the Court to direct the floor test short circuiting the discretion of the Speaker in the running assembly, that is one main issue. @DrAMSinghvi #MPFloorTest #SupremeCourtofIndia #SupremeCourt
So, SG Mehta for the Governor can say he was prima facie satisfied, but the Governor has no locus here.
#MPFloorTest @GovernorMP @DrAMSinghvi
#MPFloorTest @GovernorMP @DrAMSinghvi

#MPFloorTest @GovernorMP @DrAMSinghvi
#MPFloorTest @GovernorMP @DrAMSinghvi

#MPFloorTest @GovernorMP @DrAMSinghvi #SupremeCourtofIndia #SupremeCourt
The object in all this is that there should not be an immediate by-election.
#MPFloorTest @DrAMSinghvi #SupremeCourtofIndia #SupremeCourt
#SupremeCourt #SupremeCourt #scindia #MadhyaPradeshPoliticalCrisis
This will be like asking Your Lordships to mandamus to commit Constitutional sin.
#SupremeCourt #Scindia @DrAMSinghvi
#SupremeCourt #Scindia @DrAMSinghvi

@DrAMSinghvi & @KapilSibal : No
Singhvi: J Ramana's judgment makes a clear distinction between A 190 & Disqualification.
This is a petition to short circuit my (Speaker) discretion
1) the MLAs can be brought to SC
2) chambers in the HC
3) The Governor said so because he saw on TV.
#SupremeCourt #MadhyaPradeshPoliticalCrisis @DrAMSinghvi
@DrAMSinghvi: 1 or 2 days after settling down
Maninder: We do not want to appear before Speaker. It is a matter of our safety
Singhvi: The horse is already under captivity.
@DrAMSinghvi #SupremeCourt #KamalnathGovernment
Maninder (For Rebel MLAs): We don't want to meet you
J Chandrachud: There is a problem with your plea for access, this is not like the custody of a child

Justice Chandrachud: I see the reason why you're saying that, but it won't be appropriate
Rohatgi: I'm saying make it live! Whether it is MLAs meeting the Registrar General or someone else, make it live.
Matter adjourned till tomorrow, will be taken up again at 10.30AM
#SupremeCourt #MPPoliticalCrisis #MadhyaPradesh #MadhyaPradeshPoliticalCrisis
@OfficeOfKNath @ChouhanShivraj