(a) Why are WHO lying about mortality rates?
(b) Why is rate higher in country X than Y?
(c) What is the real truth?
If we recruited for a study of dandruff in the same place that Ross & Braunwald did their recruitment, that too would be confirmed as universally fatal.
All the people in the country
All the people who show up at hospital with suspected COVID
All the people who get tested for COVID and are positive
or many other possibilities
Someone just sent me this. I've never seen this presenter before but apparently it was an impromptu reaction to the Genius-in-Chief.
I vote for this guy to be President. Or that Doctor chappie. Or indeed anyone else.
If the bottom is "all the cases of Covid", then the ratio is the "case fatality rate of Covid".
What do you need to have to be a case of Covid?
At the average age at death, roughly what proportion of people should be dead?
The answer to the question of "what does it take to be a case of Covid" is ....
I don't know.
Use what you like, but bear in mind that you have used what you like.
This is a unique dataset.
A 7 votes, the MAJORITY are unable to make sense of a table.
No wonder the Great Covfefe is the leader of the free world. It's not his fault. He is just a random loon. It is our fault for electing him.
"For a random 70-79 year old from the ship who had the virus, what was the probability that they would die on that ship?"
Pick the closest to the correct answer.

CASE means you have symptoms of some sort at least.
INFECTION just means virus present.
Generally, we can't. There aren't enough test kits.
Now for the CASE fatality rate, we use only the people who has symptoms, i.e. Covid DISEASE.
(Yes I know that the "vi" in means Virus and "d" means Disease, so it is redundant. But it is clear.)
In this Lancet paper, for example ...
Do we count people who die with Covid + (say) ST elevation myocardial infarction?
Do we count people who die *ever*? (In which case it is 100%, but is also 100% for dandruff)
Obviously this has a weakness:
By this and other manoeuvres, they can get less-biased answers.
I leave you with a pic of the author of the Github preprint, Tim Russell of London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Looks like a fun group to work in! They don't have @rallamee saying "no" to cholesterol, carbs, and other good stuff

The NUMBER of people infected, and the PROBABILITY OF DYING FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DO GET INFECTED, are different things.
In principle they are independent.
Kissing increases the NUMBER of cases, but does not increase the CASE FATALITY RATE.
Similarly it increases the number of infections, but does not increase the infection fatality rate.
This is curious. Normal distributions arise when we randomly and independently add/subtract things.
So this appearance of the graph must be a coincidence.
Maybe I am overthinking. Maybe it's just that we mentally try to map any shape that looks like that onto a Normal.
Comments welcome.
Apparently they have this thing called "Google", and it has all the answers for everything.
i.e. you need to have someone with it, bumping in to someone susceptible.
It's not really a random decay like this, but because the disease lasts varying durations in different people, it is a bit like it
But the blue curve is not a symmetrical shape: it's slope eases away more slowly than it develops.
It's not really Normal. Our brains are so used to looking for normality that we squish things mentally into a Normal template.

1. Was it selected for the headlines because of an unusually high death rate?
2. People were already needing nursing home.
3. Has anyone seen a scientific publication of it? Especially age stratification?
Comments welcome.