Here's what my quarantine protocol looks like:
AM workout:
250 push ups with a 20lbs vest (I don't count sets, do as many as a I can, rest as much as needed)
50 burpees for time with a 20lbs vest
150 pull ups with a 20lbs vest
250 push ups with a 20lbs vest
50 pistols (per leg) with a 20lbs vest
Again, not too concerned about sets, just getting the reps in.
Abs - either a plank for time (with 20lbs vest) or 100 sit ups.
Eating whole foods (zero junk or processed stuff).
Eggs, oats, rice, protein powder, liver, chicken, pasta, good quality bread etc.
I also take a tablespoon of fish oil and 10g of collagen as well.
And that's my protocol for those interested.
One other thing I may sneak into my routine is spending some time doing solo BJJ exercises - will need to make time for this.