1/ This is one of the most important #covid19 articles you will read
This is about advance care planning
About talking to your doctor- who you know/trust- before you're critically ill about what you want done if you are faced w/ the end of life

We know that outcomes in the elderly w/ #covid19 in the ICU have been abysmal.
Many of these people will end up dying alone on ventilators, if they even get on one.
And is the time to discuss this when someone is critically ill in the hospital surrounded by people they've never met?
Primary care doctors NEED to be reaching out to their high risk patients, NOW
Leaving our patients to figure out their code status or end-of-life decisions in the middle of crisis is a form of harm, in my opinion.
It is avoidable. We need to address it.
Will make sure to share it when it is out.
This might be one of the biggest things we as docs can do, right now.
If you're a high risk patient, call your doctor.
These are important conversations.
And it is even more important that patients are having these BEFORE they are truly sick
The answer is not always "more ventilators" (although we do need these).
Sometimes, it is more conversations. More understanding of goals.