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May 29th 2023
18-year-old Khudiram Bose was martyred in 1908. And Savarkar was in London from 1906 to 1911.

Netaji Bose repeatedly criticized Savarkar & Hindu Mahasabha. Savarkar also didn’t utter a word about Bhagat Singh’s hanging while Nehru and Bose tried their best to save him.

Khudiram was martyred one year before Madanlal Dhingra assassinated Wyllie in 1909. He was a 16-year-old Muzaffarpur boy inspired by local leaders during the Bengal partition movement of 1905 and by Anushilan and Jugantar.

Inspired by Savarkar?
"I would request Jinnah, Savarkar & to all those who still think of a compromise with the British to realize once for all that in the world of tomorrow there will be no British Empire."

- Netaji Bose via Azad Hind Radio(1943)

He was also a fervent critic of Hindu Mahasabha. ImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
Today is the 77th anniversary of the Royal Indian Naval mutiny. A forgotten chapter from the Indian Independence movement, erased from both Indian & Pakistani History books.

On February 18th 1946, over 20000 Indian sailors of the Imperial Navy rose against the British.

Balai Chand Dutt (BC Dutt) was the man who triggered the 1946 Royal Naval Mutiny. Today, BC Dutt has been erased from Indian History.

A 23-year-old Dutt persuaded his comrades to join the revolt, commencing on February 18th 1946, with a hunger strike on the Ship 'HMIS Talwar'.
Within three days, the revolt spread to nearly 75 other ships and nearly 20,000 Indian sailors joined the Mutiny.

Karachi, Bombay, Kochi, Madras and Calcutta were the focal points of the Mutiny. Indian Sailors began offering left-handed salutes to British superior officers.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
Ques: Name the political party that first raised the Indian tricolour in Hyderabad, when the city was liberated on August 15, 1947?

Ans: The Communist Party of India (CPI). The CPI raised the Indian Flag in five places in Hyderabad City on August 15th.

Another fact of #HyderabadLiberationDay

The American CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) kept a close watch on Operation Polo and the agency feared that if the Nizam was overthrown, then Hyderabad would fall into the hands of communists.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
Onam is not a Hindu festival. Onam is not a monolithic festival. It's a Malayali Harvest festival. #Thread

Onam belongs to everyone who was born or has links to Kerala. In the eyes of Asura King Maveli (Mahabali), all Keralites are the same regardless of caste & religion.

TK Velu Pillai observes in 'Travancore State Manual (1940)', that the Onam celebration is part of the social amusement and Christians, Muslims and Hindus celebrate Onam.

William Logan in his book (Malabar Manual - 1887) mentions that Onam is about feast and harvest.

An overwhelming percentage of ‘Onapattukal’ or Onam songs were related to harvest and sung by the subaltern castes.

The 1810–1821 survey of Kerala by Ward and Conner notes that Onam was a time of rest and enjoyment for the otherwise back-broken Dalit & Ezhava communities.

Read 10 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
This is Fake News. #Thread

This flag which Dhar has shared here was proposed by Mountbatten in 1947. And the flag was rejected by Nehru and Gandhi. Mountbatten also proposed a flag for Pakistan with Union Jack in the canton in 1947.
Both flags proposed by Mountbatten were rejected.

The British wanted to keep the last symbol of colonialism behind in both nations. ImageImage
This was the flag proposed by Gandhi in 1921. (Very similar to the flag of Bulgaria)

The flag was based on the concept of self-reliance which Mahatma Gandhi wanted to promote. Image
Read 6 tweets
May 26th 2022
Why is Puzhu being attacked?

In 1987, when SN Swamy was writing the script of CBI Diary Kurippu, the protagonist was named Ali Imran. SN Swamy himself said in an interview that the protagonist's name was changed to Sethurama Iyer as per the director & actors' instructions. 1/n
Why was the name changed? Because Kerala has the hidden savarna mindset.

The director-actor understood it. The arrival of a Savarna male as an intelligent hero is considered natural and while a Savarna male as a cruel villain (Puzhu), who is also casteist, is deemed unnatural.
Puzhu perfectly portrays the paranoia of Brahmin men and clearly, it has rattled the conservative Right-wing (RW) of Kerala. The movie broke the conventional path that Malayalam cinema has taken since the 1950s and got a backlash.

Just like The Great Indian Kitchen and Meesha.
Read 10 tweets
May 4th 2022
Today is the death anniversary of #TipuSultan

There were only two kings that the British feared the most.

1) Tipu
2) Ranjit Singh

Tipu Sultan & Ranjit Singh did far more than any other Indian ruler to stop the British from taking over the entire Indian subcontinent.

The 1784 Treaty of Mangalore was the last time when an Indian ruler (Tipu Sultan) dictated the terms to the Defeated British.

After the defeat in the Second Mysore War, the British under Lord Cornwallis formed a triple alliance with the Marathas and the Nizam against Mysore.
FACT: The 1784 Treaty of Mangalore was seen by many in London as the beginning of the end of the East India Company (EIC). After the Treaty, stock prices of the East India Company dived and Pitt’s India Act was introduced.

Inshort, the Nizam and Marathas gave British a lifeline.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
Today is the 76th anniversary of the Royal Indian Naval mutiny. A forgotten chapter in both Indian & Pak History books.

On February 18th 1946, over 20000 Indian sailors of the Imperial Navy rose against the British. The last nail in the coffin of the British Empire.

Balai Chand Dutt (BC Dutt) was the man who triggered the 1946 Royal Naval Mutiny. Today, BC Dutt has been erased from Indian History.

A 23-year-old Dutt persuaded his comrades to join the revolt, commencing on February 18th 1946, with a hunger strike on the Ship 'HMIS Talwar'.
Within three days, the revolt spread to nearly 75 others ships and nearly 20,000 Indian sailors joined the Mutiny.

Karachi, Bombay, Kochi, Madras and Calcutta were the focal points of the Mutiny. Indian Sailors began offering left-handed salutes to British superior officers.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 28th 2021
A brief thread on Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals

Incorporated in 1976 by Govt of Gujarat, manufacturer & trader of fertilizers, industrial chemicals covering a wide range of products

Largest Manufacturer of Toluene Di-Isocyanate, Aniline, Acetic Acid
#GNFC (2/n)

GNFC is the sole Manufacturer of TDI in India with a market share of 70%; rest 30% is imported.

Key Financial Ratios:

Market Cap: 6,981 Cr
P/S: 1.20
D/E: 0
P/E: 7.46
ROCE: 15.8%
Promoter + FII + DII: 63.17%

FY21 Sales: 5,129 Cr
EBITDA: 1,003 Cr
OPM: 20%
#GNFC (3/n)

GNFC has a demonstrated track record of operations in both fertilizers and chemicals segments

It has to its credit one of the largest Ammonia plant, a reference plant in the world of fuel oil based technology along with the world's largest single stream Urea plant
Read 12 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
Comment acheter un passe Navigo pour étudiant afin de minimiser ses coûts de transport en Ile de France ? La question est simple et donne l'impression de contenir la réponse. Vous allez voir que non... #Thread (cc @vpecresse @julienbayou)
A l'aide de mon navigateur internet favori, je vais sur mon moteur de recherche favori qui m'envoie vers le site…
La page permet de souscrire en ligne, bienvenu donc en 2021
Read 18 tweets
May 26th 2021
"Réponse de Jean-Marc Jancovici à "Hervé Kempf : [Jean-Marc Jancovici, 2/3] « Meilleur expert mondial du CO2 »"…
Bonjour à tou(te)s, je souhaitais juste apporter quelques informations qui me semblent utiles pour les lecteurs de ce post :" 1/21 #Thread
"- lorsque Hervé Kempf m'a contacté pour le dire qu'il souhaitait faire mon portrait, j'ai accepté de répondre à ses questions en me disant que l'auteur en tiendrait nécessairement compte. Je ne saurai jamais si cette supposition était fondée 🙂"
"- ce qui est sur, c'est que Kempf ne m'a posé essentiellement des questions sur mon parcours personnel (en voulant tout savoir, le modèle de ma voiture, tout ce que j'avais fait depuis ma naissance, si ma soeur était brillante élève, etc)."
Read 21 tweets
Oct 14th 2020
Past Glory of Gajapatis~
Dated back to 9thce AD the Kalinga Rulers were known as"Gajapati" where gaja literally means elephants & pati means the master.
After amalgamtion
(picture of Utkala's kurmabedha durga presently known as kurumbera fortWB)
Of Kalingotkala Anantavarma invaded the Samantha chakra king Ram Pala,Who basically belong to Gouda desha
*Rama pal captured Ganga river plane of utkala when karnadeva was weakened.
But again in 1119 Anantavarma defeated pala king and took his rights back at Mandaragada
Before anantavarma , Mahapratapi Emperor Yajati Mahasivagupta also ruled the land of Bongadesha.
* Coming to topic the Eastern Ganga ruler Anantavarma Chodaganga Deba, We found Prasasti In an WB inscription
Ref: Inscription of Bengal Volume 3
Read 12 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
ଶ୍ରୀ ରାଧାଗୋବିନ୍ଦ ଦେଉଳ
రాధా గోవిందా ఆలయం, శ్రీకాకుళం
~ Brief History of the Temple ~
Sri Radhagovinda Temple, an Architectural masterpiece , is situated in the village Meliaputti in Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh
It is constructed by Maharani Krushnapriya Pattamahadevi, wife of Sri Veera Veerendra Pratap Rudra Gajapati of Paralakhemundi Estate during 1790, in an acre of land ,on the banks of River Mahendratanaya.
*The cost of Construction was about Rs 2 lakhs in those days.
spent from her Stridhana bhandara.

*it was completed in 10 years as per her dreams and ambitions.

*It is just about 10 kilo Metres from Paralakhemundi(odisha), 20km from Tekkali and 32 km.from Palasa Railway Station of srikakulam.
Read 14 tweets
Jul 2nd 2020
(1/x) Udo Harenkamp, Ratsherr der Stadt #Einbeck hat in seiner #Facebook Gruppe eine Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht, wo er behauptet, dass Jens #Kestner #MdB der #AfD aus #Northeim mit dem Anwalt Klaus #Kunze gegen ihn vorgeht. Warum das spannend ist: #Thread ImageImage
(2/x) Zum Hintergrund: Anfang 2018 kam es auf dem #Kreisparteitag der #AfD #Northeim zu einem „#Eklat“. Es wurden Screenshots einer privaten #WhatsApp-Gruppe beim #Parteitag der Öffentlichkeit zu Verfügung gestellt, in der die Arbeit des Vorstands kritisiert wurde.
(3/x) Unter anderem erklärte Harenkamp seinen Austritt aus dem #AfD Kreisverband und ist nun fraktionsloses Mitglied des Stadtrates von #Einbeck. Nach dem #Kreisparteitag wurde laut @HNA_NOUS auch #Anzeige erstattet:…
Read 19 tweets
Apr 25th 2020
#THREAD As a new investor, what do you need to look for? How do you start investing? Here are a few tips, ideas and opinions.
#1 Finances - did you pay off your bad debt? If not, get rid of bad debt. It's better to be worthless than to be worth - R 1 000 000 000 000.
Be careful when investing if you have debt, especially in South Africa. The debt will overpower your investments and drain your resources
#2 Do you have an emergency fund in place? If yes, then wonderful - you can invest. If not, head over to this link and learn why you need this in place.…
Read 10 tweets
Dec 30th 2019
Η πιο ενδιαφέρουσα, ιδίως για την #Cyprus, πτυχή της κρίσης στη #Libya είναι η στάση της Αιγύπτου. Είναι η πιο αδύναμη "μεγάλη δύναμη" των τριμερών με Κύπρο & Ελλάδα, και θα κινηθεί όπως θα υποδείξει η Μόσχα. Αδύνατη να κάνει κανενός είδους ουσιαστικό confront στη #Turkey..
H αποστολή τουρκικών proxies στη #Libya (πχ Sultan Murad Division) είναι αμιγώς positioning Άγκυρας ενόψει Βερολίνου. Τον Απρίλη η #GNA ζητούσε αεράμυνα εναντίον της υπεροχής του #LNA (μαχητικά+drones των ΗΑΕ). Τον Δεκέμβριο ζητούσαν το ίδιο..
Η #Turkey διατηρεί στρατεύματα από την κατοχική δύναμη στη #Cyprus μέχρι το Ιράκ, το Κόσοβο και το Σουδάν. Δεν είναι game changing η αποστολή 200 "Σύρων" του NSA/OSO στη #Libya. Είναι απλά μια ένδειξη πίεσης..
Read 6 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
On parle pas mal de #FakeMed en ce moment. Alors du coup petite histoire : "le jour où j'ai arrêté de croire en l'homéopathie". Déroule.
Ça remonte à quelque chose comme 1994. À l'époque j'étais en 3e. Ouais je sais je suis vieux wsh
...Et déjà à l'époque en 3e il y avait cette formidable tradition du stage en entreprise. Une semaine dans l'entreprise de ton choix, suivant tes affinités.
Read 22 tweets

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