Sometime in 2001-2002 i was the beat officer for an area in South London called Upper Norwood. There was a particular problem of an evening with a group of youths, a gang had claimed a corner and a telephone box. They were dealing from there
None the neighbours were talking to each other about
So, as well as targeting the gang, picking them off, and gaining lots of evidence, it was a persistent problem. So, we teamed up with the residents. The solution was the simplest ever
I asked them all to go outside the front door and stand in the gardens at exactly 8pm
88 households. Bang on 8pm. and boy did they reclaim their street.
The remains of the gang looked like rabbits in headlights, nervous residents became stronger, together.
Actually, I'm not 100% sure of that last bit, as i was shifted 'up-town' to another job. But i bet you most of them lived very happily for a long time.
The best communities police themselves....
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