@NEJM study found >50% of #COVID19 patients had neurologic involvement including encephalopathy, agitation, confusion & corticospinal tract abnormalities
Immune activation in the cerebral spinal fluid was observed
This @jama study found that patients with severe #COVID19 were more likely to have neurologic symptoms including acute cerebrovascular disruptions, impaired consciousness, and skeletal muscle injury
Once #coronavirus has breached the ‘immune-privileged’ brain, there is the potential for persistant infection and ongoing severe disease
The cerebral spinal fluid was positive for #coronavirus
~36% of #coronavirus patients have severe neurologic symptoms resulting in acute cerebrovascular diseases, consciousness impairment and skeletal muscle symptoms
“prompt.. intubation and mechanical respiratory support at the earliest sign of ineffective noninvasive ventilation should be proposed, since the central respiratory failure progresses rapidly after the #SARS_COV_2 entry into the CNS”