"Well done, China. You’ve bested us. You win. Or at the very least, the Justin Trudeau government has been bested." @TerryGlavin @OttawaCitizen
My stomach rolled over reading GLAVIN devastating critique. We MUST stop kowtowing to #China's bullying.
"National Research Council, for reasons that were not made quite clear, entered into an agreement, the exact details of which Canadians are apparently not entitled to know, with a Chinese entity known as CanSino Biologics Inc." @TerryGlavin
☞ Any thoughtful guesses why?

"Only 14 per cent of us think it would be a good idea to allow Beijing’s 'national champion" telecom giant #Huawei to get in on Canada’s 5G (fifth-generation) internet connectivity infrastructure." @TerryGlavin

"But the federal government hasn’t yet found the courage to say no to Huawei."@TerryGlavin
☞ AND, it won't.
My possibly biased gut instinct says Huawei decision is «fait accompli» - a 'security pledge' in advance of #China & #Beijing allies support for #UNSC🌐seat vote.

BUT, in all likelihood, Ireland & Norway will emerge with 2 #UNSC🌐Western European and Others Group seats in June 2020 election.AND THEN, WHAT!? With nothing left to lose, #Huawei decision will come to light, Canada will be ejected from #FiveEyes. AND, #XiJinping will smile.