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Sep 27th 2020
A thread about what’s going on in #louisville right now. I’m going to touch on the “failing school” narrative, structural racism, and reform for our city. I am a dad, a tax payer, and a principal for @JCPSKY

#louisvilleprotests #wearejcps
For my students that read this, think about the points I have here, reflect on them, and balance them with your breasts experiences. You will be in a position soon to do something about it.

#aisuccess #iroquoisbelieves
I am a principal of a predominately black school. We are among the highest free and reduced lunch count in our state. Our students have many barriers and roadblocks in front of them. I work with good people who actively work to remove them #iroquoisbelieves
Read 31 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
Attica Scott, the lone black woman in Kentucky’s state legislature & author of “Breonna’s Law” (ban no-knock warrants) arrested in #Louisville & charged with riot in 1st degree; Class D felony.
If convicted she would lose her right to vote & hold office.
The arrest report alleges that she "caused damage at multiple locations, including setting fire to the Louisville Public Library.”
Louisville free Public Library Union issued a statement of support for lawmaker Attica Scott.

The rioting charge is a Class D felony, same class as former LMPD officer Brett Hankison's wanton endangerment charges.
Failure to disperse & unlawful assembly are misdemeanors.
Scott’s daughter Ashanti & activist Shameka Parrish-Wright @Seasoned4u from Bail Project also arrested
Read 6 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
Energy at #PortlandProtests high tonight. 3X the amount of people out tonight compared to last night after finding #BreonnaTaylor killers were not indicted. Solidarity with #LouisvilleProtests #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor
Looks like some police murder holes were boarded up
Read 19 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
PHOTO THREAD: Armed pro-Trump and conservative activists with the "Viking Militia" marched to City Hall in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday, where they were confronted by antifascist and antiracist protesters.

All photos in thread available for license. ImageImageImageImage
Following a confrontation, the militia group retreated. The counter-protesters celebrated, including chants of "No justice, no derby!" ImageImageImageImage
It was only after the right-wing side of the conflict retreated that police entered the area in a riot formation. ImageImage
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Sep 6th 2020
THREAD: Today hundreds of armed right-wing and pro-Trump militia activists marched through #Louisville to City Hall, where they were confronted by antifascist activists (some armed) in their path.

There was initially no violence as they walked by their counter-protesters.
As the right argued with the left outside the courthouse, it sometimes escalated into violence. It was relatively mild (pushing, etc) but at least two people unholstered handguns.
"Breonna Taylor!" chanted counter-protesters.

"Kyle Rittenhouse!" chanted a militia supporter wearing a viking helmet.

Read 18 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
At the post-#KentuckyDerby press conference, @StephRWolf asked trainer Bob Baffert/jockey John Velasquez about their thoughts on the protests happening outside Churchill Downs today. (1/)
@StephRWolf Bob Baffert: "America is so much stronger when we're united... I want to see the old America back." #Louisvilleprotests #KentuckyDerby (2/)
@StephRWolf John Velasquez: "If we have equality for everybody, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now... When things are going wrong or somebody makes a mistake by the law and everything, you need to be held accountable." #Louisvilleprotests #KentuckyDerby (3/3)
Read 3 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
I am a journalist, verified on Facebook. Today I spent the entire day covering various armed groups throughout Louisville.

As I just finished a livestream, I tried to log in and it appears @Facebook deleted my account.
I just attempted to submit this appeal with my driver’s license.

Again, I am a JOURNALIST who Facebook completely inexplicably just deleted as I covered protests in Lousiville, Kentucky.
I use the @BoxCast app to livestream to both Twitter and Facebook.

I didn’t receive any email or notification from Facebook; my account literally just outright vanished.

Boxcast seems to have sent this automatically when it happened.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
THREAD: This afternoon, 64 protesters in Louisville, Kentucky were arrested after while marching throughout the city against police violence and demanding the police officers who killed Breonna Taylor be arrested.

All footage in thread by me for @N2Sreports.

The protesters - led by @lsarsour and @TamikaDMallory with @untilfreedom as well as local organizers - began with a sit-in outside Churchill Downs, where the Kentucky Derby will take place in two weeks.

Police lined up in a formation.
Protesters continued marching, and police threatened to arrest them if they didn't leave the road. The group went on the sidewalk, marched around the officers, and then continued on.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
Today about 500 armed activists with the all-black "Not Fucking Around Coalition" aka "NFAC" gathered to march in #Louisville for #BreonnaTaylor.

As they were getting ready, one member accidentally fired a shot, injuring three. This was captured in my livestream.
After the shooting, the #NFAC formed a perimeter around the scene at Baxter Park. They allowed police and EMS in to tend to the three wounded, who were taken away in stretchers. I've seen it reported that the injuries are "not life threatening."
Police recovered the firearm that apparently was accidentally discharged. I don't believe the individual was arrested.

It looks like a Henry-style lever action rifle or shotgun, but I'm not 100% sure of the model.
Read 26 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
30 min from now #NFAC will march in Louiville for #BreonnaTaylor. We broke this news last Sunday. KY media caught up mid-week. Media also reported #threepercenters will go, but it was based on a social media post w/ only a few “likes”. @courierjournal @TobinBen @phillipmbailey
Remember last month when media reported of a “patriot militia” was presumably coming to Louisville. Well, that never happened.…
So if some #threepercenters do show up, know that the @courierjournal & others who reported based on weak evidence provided credibility via advertising it. If there is an unfortunate conflict, it could reasonably be stated negligent reporting stirred the pot unnecessarily.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
Louisville I need your help. Seven people were shot in front of me on the first night of #Louisvilleprotests May 28th. Very little is known about what happened and I want Interview anyone who may have information about the shooting. Here's what I know:
The shooting happened around 11:45 p.m. on May 28, amid a standoff between protesters and police. Protesters were rocking a police prisoner transport vehicle moments before the shooting. I did not see where the shots came from, I just saw two men fall after everyone ran.
The latest from at @LMPD: "The LMPD Major Crimes Unit is conducting he investigation. There are no new developments to report in this case. We do not release the names of victims. We will update you when we have new information to provide." Here is the narrative from police Image
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Jul 2nd 2020
Update my story about the more than 330 protesters arrested in Louisville:…
The decision to dismiss cases against #Louisvilleprotests participants is in the hands of County Attorney Mike O'Connell. His office returned comment this afternoon. In an emailed statement, O’Connell reiterated the fundamental right to peacefully protest.
He said his office would review each case and decide whether to dismiss charges. Cases involving violence, weapons, property damage or issues of public safety would be viewed "in a different light," he said.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
I wrote a story about the crowd control weapons @LMPD has used amid #louisvilleprotests. I wanted to provide an update thread with answers from LMPD. Here's last week's story:…
.@LMPD crowd control weapons include "OC spray [pepper spray], ECW [Electronic Control Weapons], Pepperball Guns, 40 mm Aerial Bangs, 40 mm Scatter rounds, triple chaser gas rounds, hand tossed gas rounds, 40 mm marking rounds, 40 mm impact rounds...
less lethal sock rounds, stinger rubber ball grenades and long distance pepper ball guns." They also have two LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) units. Each unit costs $8,805.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
I wrote up a piece on the weapons @LMPD is using against protesters in Louisville. Below are a few quotes from the story: #Louisvilleprotests… Image
Dr. Ranit Mishori with Physicians for Human Rights says terms like “less than lethal” are misnomers disguising the impacts of crowd control weapons. “When you call something non-lethal you get the wrong impression they are benign... But the fact is they can cause immediate harm.” Image
“I feel like they’re bringing out all their toys that have been stuck in a warehouse and they are just unleashing them on us and it’s unwarranted,” said Shameka Parrish-Wright, Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression co-chair. Image
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Jun 5th 2020
Sister Friday is taking place from noon to 8 pm in Jefferson Square - on what would have been Breonna Taylor’s 27th birthday. Image
Rameka Jackson, 32, says Sister Friday is to show that women support the movement against police brutality.

“We want to show ... that we are Breanna, we are her. It could have been me, it could have been any of those women over there so that's the purpose of us coming out today”
Jackson said women have been responsible for setting up donation tents, first aid stations and EMT stations through 9 days of #LouisvilleProtests.

But their work hasn’t been shown through the media.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
THREAD: I filed this story last Thursday, hours before the first night of protests in Louisville. It was published on Monday, but, understandably, I doubt you saw it.

Here's one big reason why I hope you will still find time to read & share.…
Last night, while covering the #LouisvilleProtests, I found myself on East Broadway, under an interstate overpass.

And while I was doing my best to capture the powerful demonstration that was unfolding, I turned and locked eyes with a young man.
He wasn't there to protest.

He was just walking by.

Instantly, I was jolted by the realization: I knew him.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
In case you missed it, our staff @WFPLNews @KentuckyCIR had a flurry of stories yesterday night, including coverage of #LouisvilleProtests and deeper looks at the shooting of #DavidMcAtee. Here's some of it: Image
Reporter @jaredtbennett looked at the role of the National Guard in the protests, as well as in McAtee's death.… Image
.@RyanVanVelzer was out covering the protests much of the night, and was also on hand to capture it when @louisvillemayor spoke with the crowd for the first time Tuesday.… Image
Read 7 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
It's 4pm, which means it's the new time for @GovAndyBeshear 's daily address. Today it's not only about coronavirus, but also #breonnataylor, #davidmcatee and the #louisvilleprotests. Follow along here or listen on 89.3 WFPL.
@GovAndyBeshear Beshear says he's listening to concerns about military presence. The state will reduce the National Guard presence in Louisville, on recommendation of the Adjutant General.
Beshear says he supports the release of any footage that will shed light on David McAtee's death. Says there should have been body camera footage. There's not. Michael Brown will be overseeing the ongoing investigation into McAtee's death.
Read 13 tweets
May 31st 2020
I want to share some of my impressions of what happened last night in the third day of Louisville protests as @GovAndyBeshear called in the National Guard and @louisvillemayor put in place a curfew. Image
I want to emphasize that I will be characterizing what I saw with the understanding that I am only one person and so much happened last night it's impossible for any one person to witness. Our night as @WFPLNews reporters ended after we were teargassed and pepper balled by police
Even before the curfew began, police fired teargas and greens smoke at Sixth and Liberty streets.
Read 13 tweets
May 30th 2020
From @RyanVanVelzer: About 30 right-wing militia members downtown. Spokesperson said they are part of the Sons of Liberty in Kentucky and want justice for #BreonnaTaylor. (1/2) Image
@RyanVanVelzer Spokesman is dressed in a tropical shirt and has a loaded AR-15 that he says is for self-protection/protection of his family — a common belief held in the right-wing militia movement. (2/2)
@RyanVanVelzer Update from @StephRWolf: Most of the people in the Hawaiian shirts have left the protests. Overheard one say, “They all drove overnight. They’re tired.” #Louisvilleprotests
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May 30th 2020
As the heir of #LouisXVI, and attached to the defense of his memory, I do hope that the damage will be repaired and that the statue will be restored. I already thank the Authorities for the measures they will take for that.
#Louisville #Louisvilleprotests #Kentucky
The « Souvenir Français » in the United States of America is very much alive, particularly regarding the support that King #LouisXVI brought to American Independence.
#Louisville #Louisvilleprotests #Kentucky
Several cities thus have retained a special relationship with France. This is the case of Louisville in Kentucky, which has a beautiful statue of #LouisXVI offered by the City of #Montpellier about sixty years ago.
#Louisville #Louisvilleprotests #Kentucky
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May 26th 2020
@USAmbIceland @usembreykjavik In #deathtotals this impostor leads.
At 100000 our nation bleeds.
As before: THERE’S NO PLAN.
Just this #ElCrappyTan
whose ineptness no one supersedes.

#CadetBoneSpurs 🏌🏻
@ArcticCouncil @landlaeknir @Landspitali @svasva @HouseForeign @SpeakerPelosi
@USAmbIceland @usembreykjavik @ArcticCouncil @landlaeknir @Landspitali @svasva @HouseForeign @SpeakerPelosi #Iceland’s strategy?
Try using SCIENCE.
Trump’s malfeasance?
It’s his failed appliance.
Donald flubbed the #pandemic. Response was anemic!
Upon Trump there exists no reliance.

@megtirrell @jonatlib @RUVfrettir
@KariStefans 👏🏻 @katrinjak 👏🏻 @VidirReynisson
Read 36 tweets

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