A 3 judge bench led by J. Ashok Bhushan begins hearing the suo motu case. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta was asked to brief the court about steps taken by centre to avert the migrant crisis in the wake of #lockdown

SG: I need 10 minutes
MR Shah: it seems there is no clarity about fare and thus middlemen is taking advantage
UP is doing good work where on reaching they get food kits, 1,000 rupees and are quarantined before leaving them to villages
With food surpluses available with FCI then even during the time when these people are waiting to be transported, is food being supplied to these people or not? Why should there be a food shortage?
J Bhushan: Food will be given by whom, originating state of receiving state?
J Shah: It is not that the govt is not doing anything but looking at the number of stranded migrants, some concrete steps need to be taken
Migrants are walking because of anxiety or local level instigation where they are said "walk now, trains won't run. Lockdown extended "
SG: I need to take feedback from the states. I am not shifting responsibility
SG: No not at all. They are citizens of India. There is no dispute
SG: There exists an understanding between all states
SC: There are some important issues that need to be addressed. The states and the centre all need to understand that these are our concerns.
Centre is doing a lot to prevent COVID-19 but there are Prophets of Doom in our country who only spread negativity, negativity, negativity. These arm chair intellectuals do not recognize the nation's effort
Don't let anyone use this platform to become a political platform
Let the impleadment applicant file affidavit on what their contribution is?
J kaul- People who have been part of the institution, if they believe they can run down the institution it is unfortunate. We have to go by our conscience.
"I completely agree with Solicitor General. Almost 18 lakh persons have been shifted and 1335 trains have been running. 176 trains have been commissioned and 96 special trains. There are camps too for labours"
SG Tushar Mehta: Please do not make it a political platform. Before addressing please speak about your contribution
Sibal: A lot !! A lot !! Don't make it personal
SG: I am only speaking about your client
Sibal: (Takes time to find a paper) I am from Delhi Shramik Sangathan and others
SC: Please tell us your suggestion, nothing else
Sibal: its a humanitarian crisis. If you don't want me to assist I won't. I am not here for politics
National plan is prepared by the National executive committee and approved by NDMA. Under the national plan there is a section 12--- guidelines for minimum standards of relief.
Railways right now working at 3% capacity. Ask them how many trains had run before and how many are running now
Counsel: we are supplying food. We have set up camps and are giving 5 kg rice to these migrants
Jaisingh addresses the court: there are surplus trains that can be used for migrants. Only 3% trains are being used as of now.
Jaisingh: We are giving you statistics based on the press release issued by the Indian railways
Colin: When lockdown extends and mass migration begins then there is a real risk. Given the current figures, it will take 6-8 months for all migrants to get back home.
A migrant is reaching the station without knowing whether he is going to get in the train. There are district wise lists. SG is saying 100% of the ticket is given by the state. But states have no money
Several states have filed their responses and a report by SG Mehta too has been recieved by the Centre.
When migrants reach their places, issues of food employme will also be taken up when reports are recieved
1. No fare either by train or bus will be charged from migrant workers. Railways to share fare but no fare from migrants
We have a national as well as state plan for the migrant crisis
SG: But this might encourage more people to walk
SC: People are already walking.
Matter now to be heard on June 5, 2020
#Covid #SupremeCourt #TusharMehta #COVID19 @RailMinIndia

Tushar Mehta, @KapilSibal Indira Jaising and @DrAMSinghvi argued before the Supreme Court
[READ ORDER] bit.ly/3d9928o
#SupremeCourt Tushar Mehta @KapilSibal @DrAMSinghvi