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Feb 10th 2023
#Breaking Delhi High Court allows urgent listing of Delhi Police's plea against discharge of #SharjeelImam, #SafooraZargar, #AsifIqbalTanha and eight others in the Jamia Violence case.

#DelhiHighCourt #JamiaViolence
The plea was mentioned by SG Tushar Mehta before a bench of CJ Satish Chandra Sharma and J Subramonium Prasad.
#DelhiHighCourt #JamiaViolence #TusharMehta #sharjeelimam
SG said that registry has raised some objections because the chargesheet in the matter is Hindi.

The court allowed listing of case on Monday.

#DelhiHighCourt #JamiaViolence #TusharMehta #sharjeelimam
Read 5 tweets
Jun 3rd 2021
Calcutta High Court 5-judge Bench to resume hearing in CBI transfer plea in Narada matter

#NaradaScam #CalcuttaHighCourt #MamataBanerjee

@AITCofficial @MamataOfficial
Read an exchange between lawyers hearing from yesterday's hearing

#NaradaScam #CalcuttaHighCourt…
Bench assembles; hearing commences.

Solicitor General Tushar Mehta resumes arguments.

He says he will conclude his arguments today

#WestBengal #CalcuttaHighCourt
Read 66 tweets
Jun 1st 2021
5-judge Bench of Calcutta High Court to resume hearing in case relating to Narada scam where CBI is seeking transfer of trial to High Court on law and order grounds.

#naradascam #CalcuttaHighCourt #MamataBanerjee

@AITCofficial @MamataOfficial
Yesterday's hearing was marked by heated exchange between lawyers.

Read full story here…
Bench assembles. Hearing commences

#NaradaCase #CalcuttaHighCourt #MamataBanerjee
Read 56 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
Delhi HC begins hearing a PIL to recognise same-sex marriage under Hindu Marriage Act.

#samesexmarriage #homosexuality #LGBT

@Iyervval Image
He are seeking to impose marriage equality under Hindu Marriage Act. The Act does not say that marriage has to take place between a man and a woman: Adv Raghav Awasthi for the Petitioners.

Benefits available to heterosexual are thus not available to homosexual couples: Awasthi

Have any homosexual couples applied for marriage registration but were denied? : Court

Yes, but they were not willing to come before the Court. Thus, the PIL: Awasthi
Read 13 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
Supreme Court to continue hearing the petition against conducting Final year exams as mandated by UGC.

#SupremeCourt #StudentsInSCForJustice #StudentsInSCAgainstUGC #StudentsLivesMatters @advocate_alakh @DrAMSinghvi
.@pallavibnb traced the rise in cases & deaths ever since the UGC 1 guidelines.

2.65 million reasons: The Indian student community is fighting a solo battle against UGC

#StudentsInSCForJustice #StudentsInSCAgainstUGC #StudentsLivesMatters

Article -
Read 119 tweets
May 28th 2020

A 3 judge bench led by J. Ashok Bhushan begins hearing the suo motu case. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta was asked to brief the court about steps taken by centre to avert the migrant crisis in the wake of #lockdown
Senior Advocates Indira Jaisingh, Kapil Sibal, Sanjay Parikh and Colin Gonsalves on screen. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta appearing for Centre.
Counsel for Medha Patkar, Senior Adv Sanjay Parikh urges court to take up their plea addressing migrant crisis first after SG Tushar Mehta wraps up his submissions on behalf of centre.
Read 72 tweets
Feb 27th 2020
It's clear that #AnuragThakur, #PraveshVarma and #KapilMishra gave provoking statements, Govt should take action on them and #TusharMehta you are Solicitor General of India,not private lawyer of BJP. Stop defending people who are not related to Central Govt.
Let's think, wasn't there any riots before their statements? Wasn't buses were burn in the name of saving dEmOcRaCy? Wasn't AAP MLA's (especially #AmanatullahKhan) also gave provoking speeches? (Which is the root of all this nonsense) Wasn't he shared stage with #SharjeelImam?
Wasn't Delhi Dy CM #ManishSisodia spread fake news by sharing old video of Delhi police saying Police lit up the buses? Wasn't #NDTV journos gave limelight to so called 'Sheros of #Jamia' who doesn't believe in Secularism and Judiciary of this country & rushed to defend Sharjeel?
Read 22 tweets

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