It is a sort of a hybrid between 'Allowing the virus to run its course unchecked' [Sweden] and 'Maximum containment of the virus' [New Zealand]…
"Why the Dutch Covid-19 strategy is ineffective and inhumane:"
"The Netherlands is currently retreating from its “intelligent lockdown” as one of the hardest-hit countries in the world."
As Rutte explained in his address to the nation on March 16th, the Netherlands opted for a scenario dubbed 'Maximum control of the virus'. It depends on a rather curious definition of 'control', as it entails a gradual, controlled spread of COVID-19. "
"The virus will not be able to spread as quickly, and we can spread out the infections over a longer period."
"That leads to a controlled spread among the groups least at risk. [.,,]"
"April 6th: The OMT has drawn up criteria that must be met in order for measures to be relaxed. The criteria are: 1. R below 1 for a while 2. Care no longer overwhelmed 3. Enough testing capacity. 4. Enough tracing capacity "
"5. Enough ways to monitor recent spread. Criteria 3+4+5 will not be met when the first measures are relaxed on the 6th of May and even not at the time of writing (May 30th)."

Hän viittasi myös jotta "Koronasta tuskin on yhtäkään tutkimusta olemassa."

Jonkun pitäisi asiaa tutkia, jotta saataisiin varmuus.
Ehkä tämä oli tarkoituskin ?
Toisille talous on tärkeämpi kuin ihmishenki:…
Herd Immunity in The Netherlands
This is the Dutch approach to the coronavirus.
via @KellyOverCorona and @ADejeuville…
"Yo-Yo lockdown" model continued:
I wonder if this sort of throwing the blame to public will be systematic in Finland as well:
Yo-Yo Model Continued:
Yo-Yo lockdown model cont:
In Helsinki, Finland, 150 Hospital Coronavirus ICU beds planned for Meilahti Hospital parking garage. Model "block" already built 1.5.2020 which can easily be scaled and replicated. (most likely doubling ICU capacity per NL model)
via @viljamyller:
🇫🇮 is gearing up to increase hospital beds similar to 🇳🇱
"Is that why HUS is looking for 50 nurses at the “reserve hospital” in Helsinki's Herttoniemi for the period 1.6-31.12.2020? The good thing is that we are preparing."
via @JmmManssila:
STM is preventing @Eksote from giving in person Corona information to those entering Finland, opting to leave THL flyers instead.
It is reasonable to question if this STM policy targets preventing importation of virus from abroad.
via @akihheikkinen
Same kind of behaviour was practised in "herd-immunity-seeking" UK, even during 'lockdown' of its citizens:
via @SyHawkes :
The Dutch🇳🇱 "Ride the wave' 'intelligent 'yo-yo' on-off lockdown" - Brake policy; (via @KellyOverCorona )

Compared to the so called 'hybrid' Finnish🇫🇮 Brake policy; (via @jukka235 ) as sited in Hetemäki report to Finnish Goverment:
⚠️"Herd Immunity in 🇳🇱-The Director's Cut.
🇳🇱 PM Mark Rutte wants to gaslight he never made a speech about #herdimmunity, but it was the underpinning of the #COVID19 strategy in his address to the nation of March 16th. "
From @ContainmentNu:
⚠️In herd immunity Sweden 🇸🇪 they also try to discourage the use of face masks😷:
"Tegnell says we should not use mouthguards."
from @lo_malin:
"The professor who conducted the mask😷 study at 🇫🇮 STM says: "the need for masks could be reassessed, .. if new evidence is obtained about the potential benefits of masks in societies that are culturally closer to Finland." "
from @LuukkanenKatja:
On June 3rd 2020:
"The 🇫🇮 government does not make a general recommendation [on use of masks 😷]
Finnish Minister of Family and Basic Services Krista Kiuru says that no general recommendation is given for the use of face masks.
It seems most of the herd immunity or 'modified herd-immunity' countries try to discourage, or at a minimum, not encourage the public use of masks to be able to maintain the epidemic as per their plans which is contrary to @WHO guidelines:

⚠️Beware of that 'False sense of security', though.
In 🇫🇮, vigilant citizens hoping to crush the pandemic calling out gov. to change it's unscientific stance on 😷and issue a general mask use recommendation as per @WHO guidelines;
[As a rule of thumb], masks not recommended if seeking herd immunity]
In Netherlands 🇳🇱 the mask 😷 use is also not encouraged by RIVM (the Dutch THL equivalent), even in contact professions:
via @KellyOverCorona:
Also in 🇫🇮 HUS Head of Infectious Diseases, Asko Järvinen downplays aerosol transmission: "..the risk of infection with a hairdresser is reduced by the fact that the client is mainly the back of the hairdresser." :
via @susannaharkonen, @talouselama:
Another great thread by @StefSimanowitz on the UK 🇬🇧 not modelling a containment scenario early on, or even presenting it as a viable option, just like in 🇫🇮 and 🇳🇱 :
In 🇸🇪 Sweden the most recent rhetoric against mask wearing by Tegnell and FHM is the very same as most recent in 🇫🇮 by STM, THL, Mika Salminen, Varhila and rest of gov.
Only logical conclusion is that they want the disease to spread.
Via @VirpiFlyg:
@JoannaTeglund on the 🇸🇪 Swedish tactic of herd immunity,Giesecke, and the amounting death toll;
Dutch 🇳🇱 strategy continued:
RIVM Van Dissel Fact Check on human to human transmissibility, from @KellyOverCorona & @ContainmentNu:
Does THL have some special interest for example in vaccination / population studies /testing since they seem very adamant in keeping the epidemic live and kicking ?:
from @ElinMeranda:

"-Viruksen kiertäessä maailmalla on mahdollista tosielämän koeasetelmassa osoittaa rokotteen teho.
Siinä mielessä rokotekehittäjän näkökulmasta voi olla hyväkin asia, että rajoituksia lievennetään, arvioi
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen ylilääkäri Hanna Nohynek."
THL Hanna Nohynek again, via @ElinMeranda:
"Ajatellaan, että koehenkilöiden pitää olla nuoria ja terveitä, jotta heillä olisi lähtökohtaisesti matala riski
vaikean taudin sairastamiseen, jos he rokotuksesta huolimatta saisivat tartunnan."

Meanwhile in Netherlands 🇳🇱, Van Dissel from RIVM defends care home deaths: via @ContainmentNu, @DoedeVeltman:
" While RIVM has guidelines regarding nursing home care, no one has ever said that those guidelines should be followed. "

The 🇳🇱, 🇸🇪, 🇫🇮 and 🇬🇧 rhetoric on "protecting the risk groups and elderly and the 'fit' taking on the virus to develop herd immunity" is one of the most often spoken phrase used in from early on in all those countries. Some try to distance themselves
It appears in 🇫🇮 THL is not alone in it's studies, as also HUS has an anti-body study to gauge possible immunity:
"HUSissa menossa olevassa potilastutkimuksessa selvitetään vasta-aineiden kehittymistä ja merkitystä taudin aikana."
"Erityisesti tutkitaan eroja vasta-aineiden muodostuksessa ja neutraloivien vasta-aineiden määrässä infektion eri vaiheissa ja eri taudinkuvissa. Vasta-aineiden laatua, määrää sekä niiden osuutta verrataan oireettomien, vähäoireisien ja vakavasti sairastuneiden kesken.
"Samalla työntekijät kutsuttiin tieteelliseen tutkimukseen, jossa koronaviruksen vasta-aineita sisältävistä verinäytteistä analysoidaan myös neutraloivat vasta-aineet."…
John Edmunds one of the main UK 🇬🇧 herd immunity architects admits that deaths could have been avoided had lockdown been chosen earlier. via @jukka235 and @bealelab, by @BBCPolitics:
"In 🇫🇮 THL has decided to classify the source code of the epidemic calculations/modeling a 'top secret' despite the fact that they have 'nothing to hide.' "
"Such de facto approved policies are an obstacle to transparent decision-making. "
via @jukka235 and @antagomir:
From @jukka235 on the testing of asymptomatics and on [also Finland's] testing in general:
"In China 🇨🇳4/5 of infections are caused by asymptomatics.
Yet asymptomatics are not tested in Finland 🇫🇮.
'Probably does not apply to 🇫🇮 Finland'."
🇫🇮 PM Sanna Marin avoids talking to media on the #coronavirus subject, during the 23 days after release of 🇫🇮 secretive "hybrid" strategy, only 3 interviews, 1 of which was an unrelated personal interview.
PM even skipped appearance on @YleAstudio interview today.
The obvious actions in trying to cover up that the "Hybrid Model" is just a "modified herd immunity" or "modified-laumasuoja" or
.."Holland's modified yo-yo on-off lockdown"
"transporting the disease through the population" in a 'controlled fashion' is criminal and not in fashion among the citizens.
Maybe that is why only the name of 🇫🇮 Corona strategy has changed and not the deeds or actions.
The widespread citizen & scientist movement is sweeping across the 🇪🇺 and the 🌎 calling for abandoning the mitigation 'slow burn' herd immunity strategy to be replaced with sustainable suppression.
Latest example from 🇮🇪 Poblacht na hÉireann:
"The worldwide circulation of the virus" seems to be one of buzzwords among herd-immunity ppl that is used in 🇳🇱, 🇫🇮 and 🇸🇪 at least to try to fool the public into thinking suppression of the 🦠 is not possible. Example from 🇳🇱, via @KellyOverCorona:
New videos on 🇳🇱 strategy via @ContainmentNu:
"These are really really good videos of my partner in crime - the RTs keep dripping in. Put on your ears, sit down for a moment and learn some of them:"
The Dutch Rhetoric in beginning of May, was the same, as the deceptive rhetoric in Finland:
Has 🇫🇮 THL/STM/Gov been using same tactic as in
🇳🇱 RIVM to dissuade testing in Finland.
Sure thing is peoplem children, teachers etc. were having hard time getting tested even after exposure.
Likely disease was allowed to spread.
via @pesla:
Meanwhile, in Herd-Immunity 🇸🇪 Tegnell's gamble in going 'all-in' with maximum infections to swiftly gain that herd-immunity sees 1000 new daily projected infections with alarming Reff of 1.87, via @FLAHAULT:
Meanwhile, UK 🇬🇧 home secretary states it is safe to send you loved ones to care homes:
Tragic in care homes has happened at least in Canada:
In UK:
And Finland:
"the elderly died alone in their rooms… : Nursing home = the final solution for your elderly."
via @KlausElovaara :
There are plenty more care home in plenty more countries as well, but that is it for today.
Carehome deaths would deserve their very own 'multi'thread.
The Dutch rhetoric on "imported infections not allowing containment strategy" is same bs politicians and THL in Finland have lied to the people all along, via @KellyOverCorona:
"Change of instruments, not objective: in fact lockdown measures are exchanged for testing and source and contact research, hoping to prevent an excessive increase in hospital admissions, but not aiming for a permanent decrease" via @ContainmentNu:
Good, insightfull and thought provoking questions, towards RIVM etc. Going back In time to 🇳🇱 in April.
These would be well directed to be asked and demanded an answer by the 🇫🇮 people from the THL, STM and the government.
via @ContainmentNu:
At least this and 2 later ones would be interesting to hear the Finnish govs, STM's and THL's stance, as to why abandon WHO advice and go about Salminen unscientific hidden secretive dangerous animal modelings meant for diseased herds, not humans:
ITV News has already uncovered a previous plan to pre-book beds in care homes in UK and release Corona patients there, via @Mash_uk77:
The 'Herd Immunity Lotto' speculation and discussion goes on in UK and also in all the other countries longing for their unscientific gamble on 'herd immunity' not to have been for nothing, via @catrollo:
A 🇳🇱 PvdA @LodewijkA: motion for independent inquiry into cabinet Corona decision-making. "The effects of those measures are enormous." Virologist, OMT member & WHO advisor @MarionKoopmans: 'absolutely in favor of that'
via @KellyOverCorona @op1npo:
Also in previous clip, "'The strategy (..) . Isn't it better to try (..) to contain it very much. Isn't that better for the economy and health? It actually makes a lot of sense to do that. ”
Seems the dutch maybe starting to turning tides.
In 🇫🇮 conversation hasn't even properly begun, as Gov. talks about 'smart' "hybrid" strategy, not opening models or source code, keeping them secret.
Also not telling the citizens that it is in fact a mitigation with controlled spread of the disease, instead using vague phrases to lie to public, but instead letting it spread, albeit slowly, withing IC capacity. Likely using 🇳🇱 model as a base for their own.
Building immunity as a "side project", - 'herd immunity is not our goal, but if some immunity comes along with it, we are not against it'
We do not have containment/suppression in Finland. We have the goverment controlled spreading of the virus.
🇫🇮 needs real discussion.
@jukka235 on Herd Immunity countries and their testing strategy: (thread), read at least 3 posts downwards from linked):
@StefSimanowitz continues with another great thread on 🇬🇧 UK's Herd Immunity policy and Boris Johnson's "Take it on the chin" - strategy;
Re-Emphasis on eralier post on @StefSimanowitz thread on UK and their modeling to gain best solution for obtaining that elusive herd immunity:
I think we have heard this 🇬🇧 style gov./press intimidation in 🇫🇮 as well.
Discouraging discussion or criticism towards or contrary to the THL & Gov's unopened, hidden 'herd immunity' policy, now disguised as "Hybrid Model".
via @StefSimanowitz
UK Care Home scandal exposed by @StefSimanowitz:
"Some of these patients may have #COViD19. All can be cared for in care homes.”
“Negative tests are not required before transfer/admission to the care home.”…
On can never have enough of John Edmunds, the staunch Herd Immunity supporter advising SAGE
Same rotten anti-human team as 🇸🇪 Anders Tegnell and 🇫🇮 Mika Salminen and their minions and supporters.
Could the Finnish THL's, STM's and gov's corona strategy failure be similar as to what @StefSimanowitz is reporting on UK ?
It could explain why in 🇫🇮 they try to classify their modeling and data as secret and patented, to cover up their errors:
The 🇫🇮 THL and STM strategy comes under scrutiny as new cases seem to continue accumulating, via @kaija_jari:
"The 🇳🇱, [like 🇫🇮] is pursuing a mitigation strategy of allowing the coronavirus to gradually spread, retreats from its lockdown while discouraging face masks. "
@ContainmentNow demands a containment policy. @AlJazeera reports;
In Herd Immunity driven 🇸🇪 old people are denied IC even though capacity is available. Sometimes demands of relatives can help:
In 🇳🇱 #covid19 patients are discouraged from seeking medical support to artificially keep the numbers down.
via @falsel_net:
In 🇳🇱 the mask 😷 (inferior) are recommended only in public transport and discouraged and demonized to use elsewhere.
Likely for the need to keep those Corona virus infections incubating, same as in 🇫🇮. via @oosterom_m:
As asymtomatics have been a hot topic lately, here is a good list of Corona related symptoms.
Checking for symptoms and isolating / getting tested to prevent global herd immunity plans seems related to this thread:
via @Kaarina_Kreus:
Thousands of 🇳🇱Covid-19 patients likely have permanent lung damage (despite 'cured'), doctor says
via @Kaarina_Kreus:
"Asymptomatic carriers of #SARSCoV2 rarely give other people #COVID19 - Wrong."
via @Laurie_Garrett:
Proponents of Herd Immunity overlook and dismiss these facts:
"Debilitating symptoms can last long after a person’s body has gotten rid of the coronavirus, a reality Italians are now confronting."
via @Kaarina_Kreus:
Another example of downplaying severity:
🇫🇮 THL's Mika Salminen: "Täähän on keskimäärin siis lievä tauti"
Which roughly translates to "This disease is moderately mild"
⚠️Tokyo and Hong Kong have gone crazy or they know things THL does not; testing ppl at airport w/ vigorous anti-covid measures in place.
Apparently they do not sign off on Mika Salminen/THL:s view that disease is moderately mild
via @willripleyCNN:
Coronavirus in herd-immunity UK: Loss of life toll hits 40,992 with 109 new fatalities… via @HitsGoogle
🇸🇪 is taking it's collective herd-immunity insanity into a whole new level with it's FHM, Tegnell and Giesecke brainwashing, via @DrKatrin_Rabiei:
The importance of mask wearing to curb the normal and super spreading events especially in light of the asymptomatics spreading the virus, from @DrEricDing:
"Should we follow a herd immunity strategy like in 🇸🇪?
Countries like NL or US are, but if we have anything to learn from Sweden, they shouldn't. Our new article on the #coronavirus shows why (thread)", from @tomaspueyo:
"slide of the Dutch Association for Intensive Care of April 24, which calculates how much IC capacity is needed to achieve group immunity in 3 years: 60% of NL infected, 0.45% on IC = 700,000 IC lying days" via @DucodeBoer:

"Is it so strange to suspect that the continuing desire of building up immunity is partly the reason why efforts are being made to achieve a higher spread? After all, without immunity building as a factor, the less, the better"
via @ContainmentNu:
In 🇫🇮 there has also been discussion among at least HUS Asko Järvinen and STM Tuula Kumpulainen for accelerating the spread of the disease:
🇫🇮 Another example of coronavirus controlled spread planning against communicable diseases act, by Finnish Social Ministry Chief of staff et al.:
Translation of previous entry 153/x video to english:
Whistleblowers at 23 care homes across Britain have claimed that tests showing residents had Covid-19 were deliberately not disclosed to staff or families
via @CompassnInCare, @thetimes:
More information on 🇳🇱 [in addition to 🇸🇪🇫🇮🇬🇧] limiting their testing of 'mild' corona cases on 12th March 2020, the very same day @WHO declared Coronavirus Pandemic.
via @KellyOverCorona:
12th March 2020 was also the day when @WHO announce Coronavirus a Pandemic, via @ContainmentNu:
No one can stay vigil with that little amount of sleep.
This callous behavior has jeopardized the well being of an entire nation.
Not to mention Working Hours and Rest Period violations.
Maybe people at THL are exempt from the rules they themselves help design ?
No one in their right mind would let a person with that amount of sleep drive a bus or heavy machinery, let alone steer the future of an entire nation.
And boasting about it on twitter.
Would explain the quality of the analyses though.…
Given Salminen's statement of working 15-20h per day, that gives a maximum of 4-9 hours sleep, if falling asleep straight after work, not accounting eating, showering, exercising or performing any other activities.
Likely 3-7 hours sleep max.…
As a rule, employees are entitled to an uninterrupted period of at least 11h off during the 24h following beginning of each shift. A shorter daily rest period of 9h can be applied to employees who have a period-based work schedule, if necessary to ensure the flow of work.
Pursuant to section 18 of the Working Hours Act, the rule of thumb is that employees’ total working hours, including any overtime, must not exceed an average of 48 hours per week over a four-month period.
So calculating with Mika Salminen's values:
122,5h work per week on average. 140h max, 105h min.
So not exactly OSHA approved work and rest hours.…
This is not even taking account the the negative deteriorating mental abilities with such work load and low rest.
ping @tervettatyota
Minumum of 74,5hours over the weekly allowed average with only accounting for 3 months worth of work.
No one is super human. If people in leading positions in THL do not realize the degenerating mental abilities with this work load, then we, as a nation, are truly lost.
THL: Hanna "sleeve-badge-for-corona-survivors" Nohynek wants to "expose healthy young 20-40yo. people to the coronavirus in vaccination trials":
THL Hanna Nohynek:
"-We can do studies that consciously expose young people, mostly 20-40 yo. [to #Coronavirus] in laboratory conditions.
They are first given vaccines, then they are exposed to the natural virus and then we see what happens."
Also in Finland THL Mika Salminen spreading questionable information about children not possibly being super spreaders contrary to many studies:
Aki Linden spreading anti-testing sentiment:
Dir. of comm. for 🇫🇮 Foreign Ministry muting public discussion on 🇫🇮 Corona Strategy:
"#Koronafi epidemic in 🇫🇮 and also a discussion here #Twitterfi has been muted.
With these guidelines in mind, we hope the situation will continue to be so."

Yet another example of gov. infowar: 'consult' Pasi Sillanpää with connections to gov. THL ordered consult reputation crisis managent firm Tekir is trolling his pro government propaganda in twitter:
Good examples of THL mis and dis-information from beginning of the crisis, which they now try to deny and hire expensive consultants to troll twitter to try and change public opinion because they have failed miserably.
via @AnnaKorhonen3:
🇳🇱 People who have been infected with #coronavirus but were not admitted to hospital are struggling with severe effects on their health months after first falling ill, a survey by the respiratory disease organisation @Longfonds has shown.
🇫🇮 Minister of Basic Services Krista Kiuru (sd) assures that the capacity of intensive care is sufficient.
🇫🇮 Minister Kiuru asks Kirsi Varhila, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, whether it would not be appropriate to take tougher restrictive measures.
The word “#herdimmunity” is repeated in Varhila's answers.
The propaganda troll consults do not even have a Sunday off.
Maybe they get to charge extra for Sunday duty, as is according to Finnish labour laws.
"The second wave, that's you!"
Good one-liner. Wondering which agency came up with it."
Via @Diedhein:
🇳🇱 According to the researchers, the protocol of De Gouw's GGDs once again shows that there is not even attempted to eliminate the virus. The test and trace program is too half-hearted. " #coronavirus #GGD #RIVM #testing"
From @MarjelleTweets
"Today Chancellor
@RishiSunak has urged people in 🇬🇧 to hit shops when they reopen tomorrow to “kickstart the economy”. Proof that all tories care about is saving capitalism & place it over safety & wellbeing of millions of people!"
Via @SyHawkes:
"Quality content for the number crunchers!
@JPosthumadeBoer analyzes how the RIVM models assume immunity building and do not allow track / trace / isolate:"
via @ContainmentNu:
🇳🇱"Interesting, oft-repeated back-and-forth between experienced field epidemiologist @bosmana and virology professor / member of Dutch govt advisory comittee @MarionKoopmans, who invariably defines containment as permanent lockdown instead of TTI"
🇳🇱The @rivm models are incapable of measuring TTI, have built-in assumption of herd immunity as explanatory factor. Article in Dutch for now:
from @ContainmentNow:
🇳🇱 "Article version of an analysis of used epidemiological SEIR models; the Twitter thread has been censored. Proof: - inaccessible due to a shadow ban.
We need help, @devisridhar @yaneerbaryam @DrEricDing
@tomaspueyo "
The origin of that particular graph is…. A very similar version was initially used to sell the herd immunity plan in England as well:
via @ME_Valentijn:
Threadreader app compilation before thread censored.
From @JPosthumadeBoer:…
[CENSORED] Thread about COVID-19 modeling based on the slides presented by van Dissel in the technical briefings of 18 and 25 March 2020.……
via @JPosthumadeBoer

via @JPosthumadeBoer:

via @JPosthumadeBoer:

via @JPosthumadeBoer:

part of [CENSORED] Thread about RIVM COVID-19 modeling based on the slides presented by van Dissel in the technical briefings of 18 and 25 March 2020.
From @JPosthumadeBoer:
🇳🇱 Kindly check perdiodically the latest (more English versions to be added as they are finished):
from: @ContainmentNu:
Herd Immunity in the Netherlands…
"🇳🇱Hospital admissions declining less rapidly than in the past two weeks. #ministerraad Belgium also has an increase in IC. #versoepeling . For the first time since April 12 (slight) increase in number of corona patients on IC."
via @ViaZadelhoff:
"A deja-vu from February: "Children (0-4) should only be tested if they also have a fever." This time not from RIVM but from NVIB / AJN."
via @ArnoldNiessen, @NUnl
Same kind of thing with most journalists in 🇫🇮 as in 🇳🇱:
"Our ground-breaking article by @JPosthumadeBoer on how the Dutch pandemic model works and how it is responsible for many if not most of the unique and unfortunate choices made by 🇳🇱 government.
Lots of parallels with 🇬🇧 and 🇸🇪. Same model?"
In Finland old news article in HS, THL Mika Salminen: "Expert-opinion behind decision to open schools recommends accelerating the #coronavirus pandemic from current pace":
via @AnnaKorhonen3:

"THL (as expected and contrary to government guidelines) issued a negative decision of @OKFFI to the request for information on epidemic modeling:…"
via @aivelo:
Video: #UK heading for international #pariah status because of Johnson-Cummings' catastrophic failures… via @JayneLinney, @skwawkbox:
"...article I want to write on testing before March 9, looking for:
virological weekly statements from RIVM's website, the test guidelines for / from March 12, implementing labs, data delivery RIVM."
"Expert assessment behind the opening of schools recommends accelerating the #coronavirus epidemic.
The modeling assumes that contacts would no longer be restricted in the fall or early winter."
#HerdImmunity version: 3.0 Enhanced Edition:
"Stockholmers tested to be #corona-positive can now go to work if symptoms are mild."
via @jakivisto, article in @Expressen:
"There is one good side to it: in that move,
[by not releasing the Epidemic Modellings and Source Code], THL has acknowledged that their decision-making is not based on science.
Science is public by definition."
via @EliasAarnio:
🇫🇮President does not buy into @THLorg & @STM_Uutiset propaganda on😷not being useful:
🇫🇮President @niinisto said he still wears a mask while shopping:
“Everyone can give themselves a recommendation"
[to use 😷]
Reuters survey: Finns' confidence in the media has collapsed
via @pirijanne, @SUutiset from @risj_oxford:…
"How Data Became One of the Most Powerful Tools to Fight an Epidemic
As public-health experts have known since the 19th century, information can be the best medicine. What new data streams could help quell future outbreaks?"
by @stevenbjohnson:
🇳🇱"What's going on with all that #besmettingen now on #scholen ? Oh yes, 'keep going'.
To refresh the memory, or who missed it, see tip:
via @SDicht:
An insightful thread from @jaapstronks on HerdImmunity, Mitigation, Containment, Press and Government propaganda and why institutions like 🇳🇱 RIVM [like 🇫🇮 THL] choose a losing corona strategy and defiantly defend their wrong epi models and choices:
In 🇫🇮 THL has advised people to cough on their sleeves or elbow (and in so doing contaminating their shirt in the process) They knew that for example Spanish Flu spread through contaminated clothing back in 15.1.1920:
via @HeikkiRay, @EKalmanen:
"In 🇸🇪, Stockholm, #corona-positive (!) are allowed to return to work even with mild symptoms, as long as they haven't had fever for 2 days, which has raised quite a stir, understandably.
It's really nothing special, as 🇸🇪 aims to drive .. (1/n)"
"...the epidemic through the population, at least in Stockholm. They don't want to stop the epidemic, but merely slow it down so that IC capacity is not exceeded. Given capacity in Stockholm, the epidemic can be accelerated by such measures. (2/n)"
"This is basically the same strategy that THL pursued with its modeling until May.
The epidemic must not be allowed to slow down too much so that the infections don't happen in too fast clusters exceeding the capacity of intensive care. (3/3)"
Coughing to sleeve may cause inadvertent contamination, along with aerosol dispersion of high velocity droplets bouncing from your sleeve/elbow to nearby people/airspace unfiltered. A disposable tissue would filter some of those droplets at least.
"@innouveau has created a COVID-19 simulation based on Dutch data. This model simulates: (1) no interventions; (2) mitigation; (3) crusth-the-curve; and (4) elimination scenarios for demonstrative purposes:"
Via @JPosthumadeBoer, @KellyOverCorona:
🇳🇱"New #SARSCoV2 infections doubled in #Amsterdam.
Currently the 7 days rate per 100k inhabitants is 10,8.
400% higher than D (2,6) and 600% CH (1,8)
caveat #Children not tested"
via @falsel_net:
Seems 🇳🇱same tactic as 🇫🇮 school openings, both RIVM and THL are downplaying the possible severity of symptons in children) as in this intervies and other from 🇫🇮 immunity in population"
🇫🇮HUS Head of Infectioning Diseases Asko Järvinen said on @YleAstudio that "Children are like disease motors, they spread diseases very effectivily and we should open schools to get the disease to spread at a fast pace to gain population immunity"
I will try and make English subtitles to some important videos from 🇫🇮 concerning the Finnish Corona policy and THL and STM and Government herd immunity policy which they spoke about but now deny.
Will do the subtitles when I can squeeze them on my task list..
I think these must be the reasons Herd-Immunity countries like 🇸🇪 and those with "modifed-herd-immunity" strategy like 🇫🇮 and 🇳🇱 do not really test children or asymptomatics b/c they are an ideal way to keep "silent spreaders" running amok spreading the virus w/o knowing.
🇳🇱 "Outbreak Mgmt Team members have started leaking big time about their unhappiness with goings-on these past months.
Trigger seems to be "our" article in 🇩🇪 paper @SZ. Are the "rats" leaving the sinking ship?.."
via @ContainmentNow:
🇫🇮 @TimoHarakka is the latest Minister in 🇫🇮 to join the club with Justice and Interior ministers in blocking a Finnish citizen in twitter when advising said minister that coronavirus is airborne and spreads via asymptomatics." via @HeikkiRay:
In 🇸🇪 the home care has run out of masks:
They even refuse to use a mask if one is freely offered:
A good thread from @StefSimanowitz on Netherlands 🇳🇱, summarizing their herd immunity strategy:
🇳🇱"An important step forward for our struggle: One of the two main German newspapers published an article today about Dutch Herd Immunity and our platform. It portrays us as issue owners and adopts our framing and campaign elements. Hurrah! Thread."
"Does it sound familiar?
We have THL Salminen afraid that we will get the curve too low and there will be no immunity.
And STM Varhila and others that virus can not be limited, the disease will will come no matter what you do"
"In 🇫🇮, neither Favipiravir nor non-GSK corona vaccines will be authorized until THL's own corona vaccine studies are over. Corona- drugs other and vaccines would interfere with THL’s corona vaccine studies. This is not in the public interest at all"
"This is how @STM_Uutiset explaing "witholding Corona information" to the Chancellor of Justice - "Covid19 overloads so much, resources committed to dealing with situation"…
via @thlbr, @yleuutiset:
An @iltasanomat article in what some doctors consider "unethical" and "detrimental" research done on Finnish population by THL and GSK: