"It's a way to find out what is really meaningful to a community of participants.
Thoughts + ratings help to understand where there is agreement/disagreement"
^^ This is one of the top thoughts from our participants. #TeVE #Leadership
When social capital is high, change comes with greater ease. Reaching out with questions signal care and concern.
#EdLeaders #BringPeopleTogether #TeVirtualEvents
SHARE - Enter as many thoughts as you want. It is a SAFE space (confidential).
STAR - Prioritizing and learning about others thoughts & ideas
DISCOVER - Transparency! You can see the results and learn what is important to everyone. #TeVE
Here is an exchange template for Re-Opening After #COVID19 Closures ▶️ bit.ly/2V7vurc
#TeMasterClass #TeVirtualEvents #TeVE
#KeepPeopleConnected #TeVirtualEvents #TeVE #TeMasterClass
#BringPeopleTogether #TeVirtualEvents #TeVE #TeMasterClass 🚀