*Link: ⚠ bit.ly/2O9mnT4 ⚠

*More than 40% of adults say they’ll cut back on some of the very discretionary spending needed by struggling retailers.
*Link: bloom.bg/2AGmuCw

*Link: bloom.bg/3flL7nh

*Weighted by GDP, 95% of the economy is affected by a viral R high enough to cause an exponential ⬆ in the number of cases.
*Link: nyfed.org/2WKQm8u
➡ Without stimulus soon, 3Q GDP sould disappoint ⚠ christophe-barraud.com/en/u-s-economi… ⚠

*6 states have seen the number of employees going to work at SMEs ⬇ by at least 5% from early June to mid-July, according to Homebase.
*Link: cnb.cx/2WOYipp

*Link: bloom.bg/3fSL6r9

➡ Figures are coherent with the deterioration of employment situation flagged by other high frequency indicators (bit.ly/32L9eIm).

*Link ⚠ christophe-barraud.com/en/u-s-high-fr… ⚠

*Link: bloom.bg/30FkIdP

*Link: reut.rs/3g1cdjF
➡ More HF indicators confirmed recovery has stalled since late June: christophe-barraud.com/en/u-s-high-fr… ⚠

➡ Figures are coherent with the deterioration of employment situation in July flagged by other indicators: christophe-barraud.com/u-s-employment… ⚠
*Link: bloom.bg/3fGOsg5