"Three women have teamed up to fight presidential polls in #Belarus, pitting "female solidarity" against strongman #AlexanderLukashenko, who insists the country is not ready...
The vote's result is in little doubt given his total dominance of previous elections, not recognised as free or fair...

"But the contest has been shaken up by the decision of one woman, #SvetlanaTikhanovskaya, to stand for president...

"Then on Thursday, the campaign teams of #Tikhanovskaya, #Babaryko, and #Tsepkalo announced they were joining forces. Tikhanovskaya posed for a campaign photo with...

"The women repeated the gestures in #Minsk on Friday as #Tsepkalo urged...

"We decided to unite and show what female solidarity is," she said. We're not second-class, we're equal to men, and we believe we'll win."
#Lukashenko has repeatedly belittled...

#Belarus 🇧🇾 #lukashenko #Minsk #elections #women #politics #SvetlanaTikhanovskaya #authoritarian