Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Lobbying

Most recents (24)

1/5 🚨 Conservative Chairman Graham Brady caught in tax haven controversy 🏝️✈️ Brady received £19,000 in free trips to the Cayman Islands, seeking access to Foreign Office ministers for a senior Cayman official. #TaxHaven #GrahamBrady Image
2/5 📧 Emails released under FOI reveal Brady's attempt to connect Cayman Islands' Eric Bush with Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and Lord Goldsmith. 🤝 #CaymanIslands #FOI #ForeignOffice
3/5 💼 Brady's recent sting by anti-Brexit group Led by Donkeys revealed his negotiation of a daily consultancy fee of £6,000. 🐴💰 No allegations of rule-breaking, but transparency is key. #LedByDonkeys #ConsultancyFee
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@theSNP Members,

Do you want a Leader who can win independence?

@HumzaYousaf says he'll fight for Gender Recognition Reform (#GRR) at the UK Supreme Court.

50% of the public say this policy would make them less likely to vote for independence.… Image
"TI Men" (Trans Identifying Men) are:

"biologically male people who identify as female, but who have NOT undergone sex change surgery and still have male genitalia".

The following tweets will explore @HumzaYousaf's views on TI Men compared to the Public and SNP voters.
@HumzaYousaf believes TI Men should have access to women's changing rooms.

Only 14% of the Public agree;
⚠️ At least 69% oppose it.

Only 18% of @theSNP voters agree;
⚠️ At least 61% oppose it.

🛑 ImageImage
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Trump's tax evasion scheme is nothing compared to the 350 American companies hoarding corporate cash offshore.
@Apple: $215B stashed in Ireland.
-Taxes owed $65.4b
@nikestore: $10.7B stashed in Bermuda.
-Taxes owed $3.6b
@amazon : in 2021 $5.2 stashed.
#JohnsonJohnson @JNJNews
There are more companies cheating all Americans out of paying their fair share in taxes.
Small mom & pop businesses are not on the list. They (we) are the backbone of the U.S. We need to end #citizensunited & #lobbying in our politics. The imbalance of taxes and loopholes is staggering.
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#lobbying #covidlong
Aujourd'hui l'association @apresj20 fête ses deux ans d'existence,…
Mais cela fait plus de deux ans qu'une partie de ses membres actifs, dont beaucoup furent contaminés en mars 2020 s'investissent. Eux et d'autres ...
Y compris d'autres qui pensent différemment &/ou voient plus loin. Peut être même d'ailleurs a fortiori.
Des pistes importantes, comme celle de la #MDO (maladie à déclaration obligatoire) qui figuraient dans la tribune publiée le 6 juin 2020 par @leJDD (…)
n'ont jamais été reprise par l'association.
Ni d'ailleurs par la loi dite @MichelZumkeller (…) qui elle demande la mise en place d'un site internet pour recenser et suivre les #covidlong.
Peut être serait-il possible, à l'occasion de la préparation des
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Lobbying : les Big #Tech dépensent des millions en Europe 🤑

Suite au scandale #UberFiles , les français prennent conscience du #lobbying

Voici les plus gros lobbyistes de la tech 👇
Les #GAFA dominent complètement le marché occidental avec leurs biens et services mais ils contrôlent aussi une grande partie des dépenses de lobbying en Europe. Selon #lobbyfacts , les #GAFAM dépensent près de 30 millions d'euros chaque année pour tenter d'influencer l'Europe.
Les 3 entreprises tech qui dépensent le plus en lobbying auprès de l'UE sont @Apple @Meta et @Google, avec des investissements de plus de 6 millions € chacune. Ensuite, on trouve des entreprises comme @Microsoft @Qualcomm @Huawei et @amazon sous la barre des 6 millions d'€.
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❗️ This is huge: 🇺🇦 Ambassador in 🇩🇪 @MelnykAndrij turns to @Europarl_EN and voices strong concerns about the #EUTaxonomy proposal to label #gas as #green.

👉 He says it's clear #Russia will profit through the Act, and speaks of a "fatal signal" to 🇺🇦. A 🧵 1/6
@MelnykAndrij @Europarl_EN @LudekNie @Urmaspaet @ijabs @nicustefanuta @KGroselj @guyverhofstadt @LeszekMiller @Andi_Glueck @susanasolisp @hildevautmans .@MelnykAndrij has been one of #Germany's most vocal voices to push the 🇩🇪 government towards more help for #Ukraine.

In his letter, he thanks MEP @ViolavonCramon for supporting sanctions on 🇷🇺 #energy, given 🇷🇺 "considerable income through sale of #naturalgas" to the #EU. 2/6
Melnyk cites the #Russian energy minister who said that 🇷🇺 gas industry sees a "range of opportunities" through the #EUTaxonomy, while #LNG terminals are excluded. Its conditions thus "clearly favour #Russian #gas." @ijabs @CiolosDacian 3/6
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This report explores the impact that #security #thinktanks such as the Henry Jackson Society (#HJS) are having on British #democracy and societal cohesion
It highlights links between such groups & the British & international #FarRight which combine with patterns of divisive
far Right which combine with patterns of divisive and agenda-
driven reports based in impoverished methodologies to #shape UK #policy & #political #discourse for the worse.
Such groups have caused concern amongst numerous equalities, community, & faith groups &
& are cited as enabling & encouraging Islamophobia & racism, facilitating far
Right mobilisation, & pushing successive UK governments towards policy positions that damage societal cohesion.
This report brings together open-source articles, reports, & public instances of events
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Dans 9 cas sur dix, les autorisations de mise sur le marché d’un médicament ne dépendent pas des autorités sanitaires Françaises, mais de l’Agence européenne du médicament (EMA), dont 85 % du financement est assuré par l’industrie pharmaceutique... #conflitinteret #lobbying Image… Dès le lendemain de son départ de l’EMA, Thomas Lönngren changeait en effet de camp. Il rejoignait le conseil d’administration de NDA Ltd, société de lobbying au service des firmes pharmaceutiques, qui l’a recruté en tant qu'”influenceur de premier plan“
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Que propose @anticor_org ?

Sur le #lobbying : 9 mesures !

1 - Imposer la traçabilité, afin de permettre de savoir qui a rencontré qui, et à quel sujet ;
2 - Créer l’obligation pour les parlementaires de mentionner l’origine d’un amendement qu’ils décident de relayer ;
3 - Révéler, dès leur transmission, toutes les propositions législatives faites aux décideurs publics ;
4 - Interdire aux représentants d’intérêts de faire bénéficier les décideurs publics de cadeaux ou d’avantages (ce n'est interdit que pour les fonctionnaires mais pas les élus)
5 - Publier les rapports et informations communiquées par les représentants d’intérêts aux pouvoirs publics ;
6 - Plafonner les revenus annexes que peut avoir un parlementaire ;
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Et si on parlait un peu #propaganda...? Depuis qques jours sur @BFMTV on voit bcp Amelie LeBreton directrice générale d'une agence de com' au doux nom de CorioLink... Et si on creusait un peu...?? Allez petit thread spécial #nudge #relationpublique #lobbying... 😏⬇️
Coriolink est une agence de com' créée par Amelie Le Breton et Jackie Isabello. Ce dernier diplômé de l'école supérieure de Gestion fût chargé de mission au cabinet de RAFFARIN de 94 à 97 avant de créer plusieurs agence de com'... Merci le carnet de contact #pantouflage
Amelie Le Breton a un master en politique européenne et a commencé sa carrière comme assistante parlementaire à Bruxelles avant d'être consultante presse ds le privé puis retour ds la fonction publique comme
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Just ten men, almost all Brextremists, have made a fifth of all major political donations from individuals in the UK in the past 20 years, giving £106 MILLION to political parties & campaigns.

All have given money to the Conservative Party at some point.…
Almost all the top ten donors are Brexiteers and have donated £27m between them to Eurosceptic causes.

Of this, nearly half comes from Christopher Harborne, linked to many offshore companies, a businessman who has donated £13million to Nigel Farage’s Reform Party since 2019.
Billionaire Peter Hargreaves gave £3.2m to the Brexit campaign group Leave. EU.

In February, following Sunak's hint about corporation tax rises, he said: "The best Governments get out of the way of business. Government spending is inefficient & abused by unworthy recipients." ImageImage
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There seemed to be some confusion about (the use of) words in @CommonsHealth Committee yesterday morning, so here's a [Thread] to try to clarify.

First "#commercial". It is of course the case that many parts of the #NHS use commercial providers, e.g. of software, whether that... @Microsoft365 for word processing, spreadsheets & e-mail; or IT systems to handle patients' records in hospitals (e.g. @CernerUK) & General Practice (e.g. @TPP_SystmOne, @EMISHealth, @CegedimHS); or software to drive complicated equipment like #MRIscanners, etc.

This is...
..entirely normal use of #commercial software & software services, for which the #NHS body is the #DataController. Apart from when that software goes wrong, I don't believe many would have concerns about this.

Then there are #commercial providers of #NHS services, about which...
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New report from @FossilFreeEU & @corpwatchers:

How the the fossil fuel industry hijacked 🇫🇷🇪🇸🇮🇹🇵🇹 recovery funds through #lobbying for #hydrogen!

📌 Read…
The #fossilfuel industry is a big winner in the EU's 'green' recovery package, thanks to fierce lobbying in 🇪🇺🇮🇹 🇪🇸🇫🇷 🇵🇹 for its current techno-fix climate solution: hydrogen & renewable gas.
A fossil-free recovery needs #FossilFreePolitics…
In 🇮🇹 spending on hydrogen ⬆️300% between drafts thanks to fossil fuel #lobbying for 'blue' fossil #hydrogen - before the Commission reined it in. Fossil hydrogen projects are still expected to be funded through an 🇮🇹 'complementary fund'
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Another day, another #lobbying scandal - & yet another breach of the worthless & pointless Ministerial Code.

Our Government shows a flagrant disregard for transparency, democratic checks & balances, & the law.

Below, some previous #THREADS on lobbying.…
First up, a #THREAD about divisive ex-corporate lobbyist, proven bully, & serial Ministerial Code-breaker Home Secretary Priti Patel, who also enjoys attacking "activist" lawyers for doing their job, demonizing asylum seekers, & criminalizing protest:

Here's a long #THREAD about lobbying & corporate propaganda.

1 in 5 of the new Tory MPs from 2019 have worked in lobbying or PR for corporate interests, & 4 of Britain’s largest lobbying firms now have at least one former employee in parliament.

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Michael Gove confirms:

🔴 Govnt believes that domestic COVID passes could have "an important role to play"

🔴 He met with event organisers in Israel "successfully" using the "Green Pass"

🔴 Govnt can trial COVID passes in certain settings:…
🗓️ For MONTHS Govnt ruled out Covid passes for domestic use.

Today Baroness @SalBrinton asked why there are plans for "unreliable tests as the mainstay for its passport scheme when ministers and experts have said this is wrong?"
👀 "Can the Minister guarantee maximum transparency during the review - and commercial #lobbying for such certificates in particular..?"

Baroness Chakrabarti warns of the risks of Covid passes to discrimination and privacy rights.
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Today the European Commission officially presented its proposal for harmonised rules on artificial intelligence that has the ambition to create a framework for #artificialintelligence that respects European values. Is it fit for purpose? At first sight: No. [Thread] 1/23
First of all, very few applications are prohibited. Among them, the ban of remote biometric identification is in. In theory. In practice the exceptions granted to law enforcement agencies are too broad to call this provision a ban. #reclaimyourface 2/23
There is no ban for gender identification and recognition of sexual orientation either. Subject to a ban are subliminal techniques beyond a person’s consciousness, but only if they cause physical or psychological harm to that person. 3/23
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#DavidCameron Govt being called #Greensill Govt within Whitehall as if no sleaze in this Govt. Think of #pandemic contracts & today we hear @MattHancock didn't disclose in 2019 that Topwood Ltd, then owned by his sister & mother won NHS contract to supply shredding services
Hancock didn't declared this & now owns shares in the company which he's declared.
& this from in @DailyMailUK…
A senior #No10 person now leaking messages from foreign leaders from Sept 2020 raises alarm bells about national security #transparency
Also - Are there 22 more Greensills? Fears over #lobbying timebomb via @MailOnline
A Govt official told @playbookdc “99% of what goes on with senior SpAds, officials & their mates in the private sector has still not been uncovered”
Watch this space!
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#CashInvestigation c'est maintenant sur @France2tv ! Une enquête très bien documentée de @Blancveronique5 qui révèle des faits qu'@AddictionsFr dénonce depuis des années. #Thread
L'émission débute par le témoignage choc d’un ancien commercial de @Pernod_Ricard. Et la santé au travail, on en parle ? #CashInvestigation
Un commercial de @Pernod_Ricard fortement alcoolisé alors qu'il exerce son activité professionnelle, explique que boire et faire boire est une stratégie de l'employeur pour "fidéliser" les #jeunes, une cible marketing privilégiée des alcooliers. #CashInvestigation
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This part is called: RESTORING AND STRENGTHENING OUR DEMOCRACY:Building an Effective,Transparent Federal Government/Only one party understands that qualified,dedicated civil servants serve the people &this nation, not special interests.1/12
Every federal employee swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution. 2/12 #DemPartyPlatform #FederalWorkers #CivilService #transparency
It is a sacred promise to the American people—that federal workers, both civil servants and political appointees, will put the interests of the many ahead of their own personal concerns. 3/12 #DemPartyPlatform #CivilService #transparency
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1/6 Si Emmanuel #Macron réalise son intention de réformer la #santé avec des partenariats publics-privés, voici quelques éléments de réflexion pour lutter contre un #projet machiavélique de renforcement de la #marchandisation d’un bien commun si précieux pour notre avenir.
2/6 En mars 2018, les industriels impliqués dans un partenariat public-privé conclu par la DG de la recherche et de l’innovation de la Commission européenne, pour des recherches de «médicaments innovants» ont rejeté la proposition de travailler sur «la préparation aux épidémies».
3/6 Ce n’est donc qu’après le début de la #pandémie que ces industriels ont débloqué 45 millions d’euros pour le développement de traitements et d’outils diagnostiques pour la Covid-19.
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N°1 mondial des engrais synthétiques, la firme norvégienne #Yara reste inconnue du grand public. Toujours +onéreux pour les paysans, ses engrais sont une source massive de #gazaeffetdeserre. L’entreprise est nominée au #PrixPinocchio «spécial agriculture».…
Yara incarne:
➡️La domination de grandes firmes sur le monde agricole
➡️Les liens étroits entre #agriculture intensive et crise climatique

Ces engrais libèrent un puissant #gazaeffetdeserre qui représente presque la moitié des émissions de l'agriculture🇫🇷 selon @RACFrance Image
Selon @corporateeurope, Yara a dépensé près de 12M d’€ en #lobbying à Bruxelles depuis 2010 pour éviter toute régulation contraignante de son impact climatique. En parallèle, elle a poussé sa propre «solution»: l’«agriculture climatiquement intelligente»…
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Les mots ont-ils encore un sens ? #glyphosate

Le "consensus scientifique" n'est en fait qu'un consensus réglementaire.
Prétendre que les autres nient les données scientifiques, alors qu'elle s'assied sur trois études publiées en 2019 trouvant des liens entre glyphosate et cancer Image
Prétendre que les autres cèdent au #lobbying alors qu'elle est elle-même perçue par Bayer/#Monsanto comme étant « pro-glyphosate »… Image
À propos des trois études publiées en 2019, dont je parle, et qui, s'appuyant sur diverses études épidémiologiques, identifient un lien entre certains cancers et l'exposition au glyphosate (ce qui n'appuie donc pas l'hypothèse de non-cancérogénicité) ⤵️
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