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Dec 7th 2021
Seen in one light, America has an epidemic of corporate crime. Companies like United, Boeing, Wells Fargo and Walmart attract *hundreds* of government enforcement actions. Wall Street's 'Charging Bull' statue, behind bars in a priso
But these companies almost never end up facing criminal charges - instead, they get "leniency agreements," which they violate, again and again (United's done this *533 times*).…
Functionally, the USA doesn't have a corporate criminal law system at all, even though corporations commit 20x more crimes than natural persons, and their crimes attain a scale and severity no human criminal could ever hope to match:…
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Mar 8th 2019
AAG Brian Benczkowski at @ABAesq #WhiteCollarCrime conference: commends Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein for having made DOJ policies transparent and accessible. Rosenstein has previously criticized “policy by memo.”
Benczkowski talks about his monitorship policy, announced a few months ago at @nyulaw. Assures that the intent was not, “First, kill all the monitors.” Funny, in a geeky sort of way that lawyers here appreciate.
Just wants to make sure #monitors are imposed in appropriate cases. Benczkowski’s policy was in fact widely seen as somewhat discouraging the appointment of monitors in DOJ cases. Anecdotally, we have seen fewer monitors imposed under this administration.
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Mar 8th 2019
Benczkowski at @ABAesq #WhiteCollarCrime conference: re corporate penalties, “we want to reduce penalties just for penalties’ sake.” Also will avoid “penalties that disproportionately punish innocent employees” and shareholders.
Benczkowski appropriately says that it’s important also to look at cases the DOJ does *not* bring. Touts having formalized declination of prosecution policy, seeking to reward companies that do the right thing and self-report, etc.
“At bottom, the policy fosters transparency as to when credit is due” for companies under the DOJ declination policy.
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Dec 4th 2018
A blueprint for the systemic overhaul of #NYS fraud & #corruption laws mentioned below can be found in the final report of the NYS White Collar Crime Task Force, which I was privileged to Co-Chair.
@toddkaminsky @SenGianaris @AndreaSCousins @LizKrueger
"The Task Force noticed the proliferation of crimes that it came to refer to as boutique laws. These statutes were aimed at narrow slivers of criminal conduct, and had often been heralded by supporters as important tools for prosecutors to use in combating white-collar crime."
NYS White Collar Crime Task Force on boutique laws: "A look at the data reveals that far from supplying the answer to the fraud problem, many of these tools are gathering dust."
Read 8 tweets
Oct 24th 2018
Texas oil-and-gas mogul Christopher A. Faulkner has pleaded guilty to securities fraud, engaging in illegal monetary transactions, and tax evasion, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Erin Nealy Cox announced today.
A frequent media commentator and self-proclaimed “frack master,” Faulkner, 41, admits he bilked investors out of millions of dollars and concealed millions more from the IRS.
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