Get your article in to @SecurityRollo or myself as guest editor by 21st August for the bumper September #Firespecial
#security #fire #firerisk #firesafety #majorincident #disasterresponse

Submission deadline - 21st August
Day 1 #Arson
The #security professionals role in arson assessment, prevention, control & response
DM your views, articles & comments @SecurityRollo or myself

Submission deadline - 21st August
Day 2 #FirePrevention
The #security professionals role in fire prevention - tactics beyond security patrols.
DM your views, articles & comments @SecurityRollo or myself

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 3 #FirePreparedness
The #security professional is key to combating & responding to #fireincidents - how do you prepair
DM your views, articles & comments @SecurityRollo or myself

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 4 #crisisresponse
Breaking into the countdown with a special thank you to @BritishRedCross
150yrs of supporting global society with aid & kindness
Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 5 #BeirutExplosion
Thoughts with everyone impacted by yesterday’s explosion in #Bruit
As professionals we all have a role to play in preventing & aiding recovery from major incidents

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 6 #fire + #explosion
Securities role in preventing or protecting against:
Fires leading to explosions
Explosions leading to fire
Thoughts with everyone impact by #BeirutExplosion

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 7 #fireprecautions
Q security personnel role in protecting or ensuring availability of fire precaution systems.
From foot patrols to control rooms what to look for & protect against?

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 8 #lifesupport
Q how can security professionals use buidlings natural defences & protection systems as life support.
From defend in place, invacuation or progressive evacuation.

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 9 #FireDetectionAndAlarm
Q Human assets - critical important of security staff knowing how to detect fire and smoke sign, fire call challenge, investigation & raising the alarm 🚨

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 10 #FirstPersonOnScene
Often on site security is charged with a range of duties following fire detection & alarm:
From fire call challenge or mobilising evac what’s your views

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 11 #firesafetytraining
Q Before the alert singnal comes in what’s the optimal level of fire safety training for security staff
From fire safety basics to immersed emergency planning

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 12 #firefighting
Q who’s on the security team, what training do they have, let’s talk about firefighting kit & when to deploy + when to withdraw & notify the #fireservice

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 13 #fireaction
Q ok so the #firealarm has activated - what’s next for the #Security detail:
A) notify the fire service,
B) relay critical information
C) commence & assist evac

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 14 #evacuation vs #security
Q how do security professionals balance between evacuation & security during emergencies.
What’s your roll, failsafes & fallbacks during evacuations.

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 15 VJ Day & dedicating todays post to War time Firefighters
Remembering those who gave so much, so we all can live free 💚
+ little plug for @themasseyshaw - great london based charity

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 16 #FireSafetyManagement
Q the security professional is correct to fire safety management - from observational skills, arson prevention to security & safety checks & incident reponse.

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 17 #firesafetyaudits
Q what’s the security professionals role in auditing fire safety provisions. Invaluable intelligence resource so what no maximise potential during security checks?

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 18 #disasterresponse
Q what is the security teams role in disaster response
From incident response, to first aid evacuation, interim & post incident security, stress testing & recovery

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 19 #crisiscommunications
Q when it all kicks off - we know the importance of robust crisis coms
How do security teams maintain contact during & post incident or engage with the media

Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Day 20 Penultimate day Thank you #TPSO
Wanted to pause to thank Mike @ProSecurityMag
@SecurityRollo Managing Ed
Shoutout for all their amazing work in #securitysector + plug @UKGoSIP

Day 21 Submission deadline - 21st Aug
Ok folks time to finish those papers, articles, submissions, thoughts, comments, insights, pictues, figures & get them in to @SecurityRollo managing ED or myself
Thank you all 💚

Over the past 21days we’ve highlighted a range of #fire topics
Drop us a line if we’ve missed anything

Pause to reflect again on the #BeirutExplosion #BeirutBlast
Killing over 180 + 30 still missing
Injuring over 6000
Upto 70,000 buildings damaged
Over 300,000 left homeless
This is why we all have a roll in #firesafety
A wee shout out for #Diesel @SFRSdog @fire_scot @fire_scotISAR + #servicedogs
@SFRSdog can we have a little article on the work of Diesel, Mac & #ISAR team for @ProSecurityMag #TPFO Sept2020 #FireSpecial
Deadlines today but we can accommodate 👍
Over the past 21days we’ve highlighted a range of #fire topics
Now it’s time to thank our #emergencyservices who give so much in public service.
Thank you all 💚

Over past 21days we’ve highlighted a range of #fire issues & thanked emergency services
Now it’s time to thank those professional bodies supporting the sector

Thanking professional bodies supporting the #firesector
@SFPE_UK @NFPA @ifeglobal @the_ifsm @IFPONews @FireIndustry #FSF @RICSnews @NahFo @NFCC_FireChiefs @LondonFire1666 @Nahfo_UK @FPA_tweets @globalfireforum @TheFireBible_

Finishing by welcoming next generations #fire & #security professionals
Whether taking an apprenticeship, vocational qual, degree or prof route: all are welcomed into an amazing career
Follow #tpsomag & join @UKGoSIP for free 👌