Do you remember when Prophet was denied entry in Makkah for Umra? It was against all norms!
In history only once Companions didn’t rush to obey Prophet when he asked them to shave their head without performing Umra! They were shocked..Continued 1/
Companions were shocked & Saddened! Do you remember dialogue of Omar RA with Prophet SAW in the eve of treaty of Hudaibiya?
Do you recall Muslim prisoners were returned to Pagans as per treaty?
Can you imagine stress of Companions? Continued 2/.
The last Prophet was denied entry in Ka’aba, a city where he was born!
At this point when Muslims were demoralized, dejected, Sad; Allah sent Sura titled "Victory". The verses begin, "Verily we have granted thee a manifest victory...” Continued 3/

And glad tidings of VICTORY came true! Within 6 years Makkah was Conquered. Prophet returned to Ka’aba. House of Allah was cleansed from Idols.
Islam spread from Indonesia in East to Andulus in West!
It reached #India, it made India. Continued 4/

#Islam made India #Super_Power.
Islam is Truth! Not a Sect! No Caste, No Untouchability!
It belongs to The Creator.
Allah The All Mighty is Protector of His House. He is All Powerful. We’ll not forget nor will we rest till Masjid is restored. 5/
Glad Tidings of Victory is for us too! We’ll pray Namaz in Masjid soon.
But we must live a life of Muslim, our Character must represent Islam. Hold on to Quran, Allah is our Protector.
Be Just, Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Generous, Be Wise, Be Muslim!
Challenges #IndianMuslims facing R immense. They’ve readymade guide in #Quran, Best of leadership in #Prophet, majestic history & achievements.
Stage is set, Indians need Islam than never before! Ignorants & fascist brought India 2 Disaster ...7/
#IndianMuslims must 1st put house in order. Build society on #JUSTICE
Develop #Leadership: Pragmatic, Capable, Trustworthy.
Bring Change at grassroots, be productive, resourceful, empowering.
Islam is responsibility & Muslims R Custodians ...8/
#IndiaMuslims, put finances in order. Elect Leaders who serve. Religion is not to make money. Give & share. Elevate poor, kick superstitious habits
#Dead can’t help!
#Trust Allah HE is sufficient
Learn #History, V R only one who can save India..9/
Journey of #IndianMuslims is not easy. Make #Prophet as example, #Quran as Guide, Sabr is strength.
Fear #Allah not death. Each one will die on his day never before. Love your neighbor.
Show #Mercy to all.
#Knowledge & ignorance aren’t equal..10/