Lodged complaint at #FCRA desk @HMOIndia to cancel for #FCRAViolation by @HAQCRC NGO which is illegally using foreign donations to propagate #Hinduphobic bias hiding behind facade of child rights, sought detail inquiry to find out its role in campaign against #Assam#NRC (Cont.)
While publishing report with @QuillFoundation on "Butalising Innocence" on @Uppolice' so called brutalities on minors it went on bashing @myogiadityanath Govt but didn't utter a word against those misusing kids in anti #CAA_NRC protest, thus own agenda exposed! Hypocrisy! (Cont.)
Quill Foundation suspected to b proxy group funded by @HAQCRC n have venomous #Hinduphobes like PB Savant, @HRLNIndia head Justice Hospet Suresh, Kolse Patil, @harsh_mander, #DelhiRiots suspect @Apoorvanand__ Saba Naqvi as board members. It's extended hate front of HAQ (Cont.)
Another suspected @HAQCRC funded proxy is Citizens Against Hate (CAH) which has no mention on its site about its office bearers n its website is packed with highly provocative #Hinduphobic hate material using anti #CAA protest incidences n Police actions. (Cont..)
As per HAQ FCRA date for 2018-19, HAQ made 3 fund transfers to DEVELOPMENT n JUSTICE INITIATIVE- DAJI which itself is FCRA 231661708- beneficiary n it is particularly concerned for rights n safety of #Minorities, #refugees and displaced people! Could U read btw lines? (Cont.)
HAQ-CRC mentioned that it has documented 6 cases of girl child soldiers raped by Maoists. But, even after knowing it, failed to report d cases to local administration which is mandatory as per #POCSO Section 19 n action is mandatory u/s 21 if provisions of Sec 19 violated (Cont.)
HAQ published report titled "Fact Finding Report Fracturing Childhoods, Wounding Children’s Futures: Impacts of the NRC on Children in Assam" published with Terre Des Hommes @TDH_IF (Germany) support. Why a German grp is interested in #Assam#NRC? Proper investigation must (Cont)
Last year Govt of India had cancelled FCRA registration of Ford Foundation for funding #Hinduphobic elements, it continues to fund HAQ as per its FCRA details n HAQ continues to spread its biased propaganda on issues ranging from Assam #NRC to anti #CAA riots! Amazing It is!
Oxfam's @OxfamIndia CEO Amitabh Behar @AmitabhBehar is treasurer of Mander's NGO Centre for Equity Studies @CEStudies, who was first to lash out at @AmitShah for #FCRABill2020 bcoz his interests were going to be badly hit once #FCRA is amended. Reports says Oxfam funds CES (Cont)
#CAIR a hate group. Who should be called to file a complain? If they plan to monitor Hindus, basically they are creating a list of people to harass and target in other ways. This also puts in jeopardy the freedom 2 practice religion by Hindus #EqualityLabs
#Thread Recent fight in Mumbai Press Club @mumbaipressclub provided a window to study #Maoist concept of #Democracy, where treasurer @singhvarun lodged complaint against Anuradha Ghandy Trust founder; known #Naxal MPC President Gurbir Sing @gurbir110 for abuses GS hurled.. (Cont)
After heated argument at club, Gurbir used foul language (G**d word) to Varun for which he lodged written complaint at MPC-MC n 3 members committee of @rajeshmET@lata_MIRROR, Kalpana Rane looked into allegations; inquiry concluded Gurbir guilty n Rs 5000 fine slapped (Cont)
Inquiry report emailed to 3000 MPC members instead of sending to only 10 members of MC! It created difficulty to MPC head Gurbir n he used his dirty influence n intimidation, exerted pressure on MC n forced them to withdraw report! Typical tool of #Maoists when in power (Cont..)
#Shocking Long Thread- How n Why #Church#HRLN Peacefuls ganged up to destroy @NCPCR_ CP Priyank Kanungo @KanoongoPriyank? N why lawyer Colin Gonsalves personally leading the assault against Priyank Kanungo? Indians/ Hindus must read this in ToTo to know their enemies. Cont....
Colin Gonsalves appeared before Delhi HC to secure bail for POCSO accused man, to quash FIR lodged by @DelhiPolice, complaint was forwarded by NCPCR to police. Surprisingly hearing ended up making Mr Kanungo personally party with Rs 50 lakh compensation claims against him (Cont.)
For d order order passed by NCPCR, its CP mischievously made party as a person by Delhi HC even after Commn lawyer stressed that it is unconstitutional! At d same time court order DPol nt 2 take coercive action against accused! #HRLN investment in judiciary thus paid off! (Cont.)
#DelhiRiots- Lawyer Colin Gonsalves' HRLN received Rs 50 Cr from 4 European Churches; money used to legally defend anti #CAA rioters, #ShaheenBagh n #CAA_NRC_NPR campaign; #LRO wrote @HMOIndia@AmitShah to cancel #FCRA n arrest, prosecute Colin for fueling riots/unrest (Contin)
On HRLN website it openly claimed that its lawyers defended stone pelters, rioters, arsonist n criminal elements involved in anti #CAA riots across the country including riot accused Safoora Zargar which is direct violation of FCRA Section 12A(4)(V)(VI) and 12(4B) 1,2,3,6 (Contn)
The Church denominations which funded crores to HRLN's patron "Socio-Legal Information Center" are Bread for the World Germany (Protestant) DKA Austria (Catholic) MISEREOR (German Catholic), Karuna TrustUK (Dalit- Buddhist) INCLO (13 NGOs) n Belgium HQ European Commission