It all began with an ‘It’s just like flu’ shrug, a sprinkling of ‘I’ll shake hands with anyone’ braggadocio and an almost subliminal hint of mask aversion.
Our ‘guardians of business’–the Trumps, Johnsons and Bolsonaros–promptly delivered the world’s worst recessions to the countries they claimed to govern…
I’ve never taken kindly to being part of a herd. I’d rather be part of the human race, or part of all life on Earth….
Is herd membership something you’re ok with?
Herd immunity – championed by the same commentators, think tanks and lobby groups who don’t like public healthcare, free education, the NHS or paying taxes….
If applied as public policy (as Trump's almost achieved), it'll leave many thousands dead, millions with Long Covid or fatigue syndrome and, after all that, it almost certainly won’t work….
You need vaccines or mass death to wipe out fatal diseases, and if you haven’t got the first and don’t want the second then you need to Test, Trace and Isolate–with lockdown as a last resort.
T, T & I….
So how are the authoritarian populists doing on that front?
And now we come to the confected lockdown controversy, which has an immediate & pleasing bonus: Lockdown denialism lets our great leaders off the hook.
They didn’t manage lockdown properly… but why worry?
Lockdowns don’t actually make a difference, do they?
Let’s not forget ‘lockdown is murder’. All those hospital postponements! The inadvertent deaths.
But that’s another confected argument.
No one claims lockdown is a good thing. It’s just the least worst option for countries failing to develop decent track and trace.
As we grind into the second wave of coronavirus (or, in some cases, just continue with the first), our authoritarian populists get truly cynical. “Lockdown is just a postponement of deaths,” they tell us.
So let’s just call the ‘lockdown postpones deaths’ argument what it is. It’s the 'rejection of empathy' argument. It’s the ‘Who gives a damn about the vulnerable and the old?’ argument.
These ‘strong leaders’ care very little about other people’s risks. They strongly dislike investing in precautions like ICU beds, PPE, ventilators, lockdowns, masks.
Our authoritarian populist leaders DO like giving huge contracts to their friends – but that’s just a backdoor to arranging future benefits for themselves.
Once upon a time, a long time ago, a wealthy family in the village of Trumpton came into possession of an unwelcome child.
The infant knew he was unwelcome from the moment he emerged from his mother’s thighs and opened his mouth to bleat in orange-faced despair.
His uncaring parents named him DONALD JOHN TRUMP.
He was born with a grudge in his heart and a chip on his shoulder.
He was going to become THE BIGGEST IDIOT the village of Trumpton had ever seen….
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be immersed in a perfect storm?
Nothing would be predictable from one moment to the next.
Chaos all around you… Noise and confusion buffeting you from every side.
Solid ground?
Even its memory would begin to recede.
As a species, that’s where we are now. Our beautiful planet is under attack from weapons of mass destruction. Chemical weapons are being deployed against our people. The foundations are being laid for ecological and civilizational collapse.