Tanya Carter says : “The BBC is promoting a damaging ideology to children. In so doing, they are breaching their own guidelines on editorial impartiality and the 1996 Education Act, which stipulates that an education provider cannot promote a political ideology to children”.
Sadly it is not just @bbcbitesize that have produced wildly inappropriate materials for children. Many organisations have done so. We will be releasing our new resource Parents’ guide
to external #PSHE / #RSE providers’
later today #edutwitter#ukedchat#sltchat#WomenEd#LGBT
Excellent quote from @Baroness_Nichol
‘Tory peer Baroness Nicholson, a former director of Save The Children, said: 'I think the BBC is way out of line here and is putting itself in very dangerous territory.'‘ #edutwitter#WomenEd#ukedchat bit.ly/3mnk0eK
It is heartening how many individuals & businesses have responded to @MarcusRashford’s appeal to help children needing #FSM over half term. It is really encouraging that many people care about keeping children safe & healthy so they can grow up in the best possible circumstances
#safeguarding must always come first though. We are alarmed at some of the offers of help we have seen. We must not normalise unsafe practises such as encouraging online contact from kids, going to meet adults they don’t know & taking gifts from strangers. Safeguards must be used
We know people want to help but this must be done safely or the consequences could be severe. Sadly children have frequently been groomed with food. The guardian has reported here. Boys are more usually groomed into the drug trade. #ENDCHILDFOODPOVERTY
The image chosen to illustrate the article on twitter & Facebook appears to show a mixed sex changing room. Mixed sex changing undermines #safeguarding.Here is the full article from @bbcbitesize. There are a number of concerns with the article itself. bbc.in/3mbwd66
Safe Schools Alliance support good quality inclusive #RSE & #PSHE for all children. This must be biologically accurate, #safeguarding compliant & correctly represent U.K. law. The materials we have seen from many providers do not do this.
It is the responsibility of each individual school to ensure the suitability of any resources that they use with pupils. They must also comprehensively consult with parents. We will be releasing more guidance shortly on which organisations do not comply with new guidelines.
#Mermaids are trending following new guidance from @educationgovuk making clear that mermaids are not suitable to train #teachers & #schools. All policies that they or organisations partnered with them have consulted on must now be reviewed.
Thread of threads on @MERMAlDS_GENDER
We are pleased to see that this @educationgovuk guidance is largely in line with our own resources. We have a selection of factsheets & template letters on our website to assist teachers & parents assessing materials.
This guidance stresses the importance of consulting with parents. It is in the best interests of children when schools & parents work together and there is transparency about what is being taught & how. #Safeguarding children is the responsibility of every adult in the community.
Safe Schools Alliance Spokeswomen Victoria Edwards & Tanya Carter quoted in today’s @dailytelegraph article in response to @trussliz announcement on reforms to the Gender Recognition Act and self ID being ruled out. #edutwitter#WomenED#LGBT#ukedchat
‘We welcome the news that the government has decided not to use ‘self ID’ as a basis for being issued with a Gender Recognition certificate. It is heartening that this government have chosen to listen to the concerns of women’s groups & advocates for children.‘
‘When the original #GRA2004 was introduced, women’s opinions were not sought, nor was it assessed against our current child safeguarding frameworks.
There is still further work to do, to undo all the regulatory capture of organisations that have been working outside of the law.’