Please experts, could I ask-
We’ve repeatedly been told that @ONS stats say that #teachers aren’t at increased risk of catching #Covid than other key workers. I’m no statistician but I can’t work out how can that be true as they don’t wear #PPE & are surrounded by children....1) the 2 groups with the highest number of cases.
There seems a rabbit off somewhere??
It doesn’t make sense.
Could the stats be wrong?
A recent thread highlighted that “maybe” they were based on quite dated figures & on small sample sizes? 2)
The @ONS stats on #COVID19 risk for teachers were based on cases in 53 teachers-2 nursery, 5 primary, 7 secondary & 39 unknown type. They were taken in the period 2 Sep-16 Oct BEFORE the surge in cases in <19s. 1/
We keep being told that #teachers are NOT at increased risk - “they” said that about drs & nurses in the #firstwave.
It simply does not add up that workers surrounded by children (esp teenagers) for many hours in crowded indoor spaces without #PPE are not at increased risk? 2/
As a non-statistician I’ll be brave & suggest that these stats were taken from too small a group, too early in the Autumn Term & should not be being used to claim safety for a whole profession now.
Stats on admissions, deaths & #LongCovid in #teachers appear scanty/absent. 3/
Couldn’t agree with you more @chrischirp!
Today in my local #Medicentre a pharmacist & 2 dispensary workers were chatting & joking w/out a #mask in sight! Then I saw several patients wearing those UTTERLY USELESS nylon #masks which slip/slide & they touch constantly. A 🧵...
And a Pt wearing a surgical mask that appeared to have been worn > 50 times it was so filthy!
We’ve had a whole term where kids haven’t worn #MasksInClassrooms & the anti #mask#keepschoolsopen AT ALL COSTS gang who don’t care 1 jot how many #teachers/families get ill w/ #Covid.
Just remember the vote on #FreeSchoolMeals in Oct!
Virtually EVERY @Conservative MP voted AGAINST this simple & low cost way to feed our most vulnerable children DURING A PANDEMIC!
Now they tell us it’s all about child welfare... I have my doubts!