Inside the Capitol siege: How barricaded lawmakers and aides sounded urgent pleas for help as police lost control…
When I was Assembly presiding officer I worked closely w/our sergeant at arms. And when I introduced the bill to end Open Carry I had to travel with armed escorts to public events. There is no excuse for this type of breakdown of security in a professional law-enforcement body
This reminds me of an event in 2017 #ProudBoys began harassing attendees at an event in #SanDiego at the @SanDiegoCounty Admin Bldg. Deputies stood & watched so I called @SDSheriff Bill Gore on his cellphone & asked him: Why are your Deputies letting Proud Boys incite fights? 3/
I joined w/event organizers to meet w/@SDSheriff Gore in August re:this event. We also reported it to #CLERB.
A few days later: Heather Peyer was run over & killed by a violent white nationalist in Charlottesville & the #SanDiego#ProudBoys were arrested... in Berkeley 4/
It didn't stop them: They organized a "Pizza Party" at Chicano Park that required @sandiegoPD response. They put out invitations that used the @SDSheriff address as their own & called themselves "Border Patriots"
In other words: they've been hiding in plain sight for years 5/
They weren't done: a few months later they joined disgraced/pardoned Rep. #DuncanHunter at Otay Mesa & attacked counter-protesters as- once again- @SDSheriff Deputies stood back and watched the mayhem & violences 6/
These are increasingly violent white supremacists- threatening & engaging in confrontations w/people. @SDSheriff Deputies stood & watched them harass & attack people
Those of us in #SanDiego have been watching for 3.5 years & are tired of asking law enforcement to protect us 7/
It's time for elected officials to step up & stop the violence. The question is: will they stand up for people- or let @SanDiegoPD & @SDSheriff continue to ignore local, violent #ProudBoys?
FYI local journalists- just in case you'd like to connect the dots btwn local #ProudBoys, lack of LEO response for years & what happened this week in DC 9/
3/ We've seen @LorenaSGonzalez draw the ire of corporations after #AB5 -> to Prop 22
We've also seen her conduct unprecedented campaign money laundering, transferring corporate funds to her husband- @SupFletcher - when he ran for Supervisor in 2018.
1/The response of #SanDiego Mayor @Kevin_Faulconer when it comes to #homelessness and/or reacting to people protesting his policies that increasingly criminalize families who are #homeless : Call the police
#SanDiego is LAST in CA to use these funds to provide safe, private, secure housing to unsheltered San Diegans
3/ Instead: under @Kevin_Faulconer the @RTFHSD @sdhousingcommision @SDConventionCtr has been re-directing funding to keep the Convention Center operating as a shelter for about 900 people- at a cost of $5.7 million/month
1/ We have been seeing this in #SanDiego in recent years: "Proud Boys" "Bordertown Patriots" clashed with protesters as @SDSheriff deputies watch- but failed to intervene
"Patriots" used the Sheriff's street address on social media pages promoting events
2/ A screen image of the "Border Patriots" group, showing a variation of the #SDsheriff address as their own.
In June, a group claimed to have "permission" from the Sheriff's office to be out after curfew to help with "protecting personal property."…
3/ The original #KPBS article referred to these armed civilians as "would-be vigilantes."
When it was pointed out that their actions in #Santee made them "actual" vigilantes- they updated their report.
July 2 2017: An "Impeachment Rally" at the County Admin Bldg. is disrupted by #ProudBoys as @SDSheriff Deputies stand back and watch, doing nothing to separate people
2/ Organizers meet w/@SDSheriff Gore to express concern over what appears to be gang violence
Response: it's not an "economic enterprise" so it's not considered "gang related."
Meanwhile: A group called "Bordertown Patriots" uses variation of @SDSheriff HQ address as their own
3/ Aug 12: Heather Heyer killed in Charlottesville
Complaint re:#ProudBoys filed with CLERB: Case 17-056. Witnesses at hearing note protesters are at increased risks of violence from #ProudBoys & others
Aug. 27: Proud Boys travel to Berkeley, are arrested for disorderly conduct
1/ UPDATE re:June 4 2020 @sandiegoPD abduction
June 23: A Public Records Act request was submitted
Responses are below
To date: 14 responses have been received and are included in this thread
2/ Original request submitted online 3 weeks ago re:@sandiegoPD abduction on June 4
Responses in this thread include text and image format from @CityofSanDiego website. It remains embargoed for public review until this request is resolved.
3/ Reply @CityAttorneySD office- CriminalDivision
Department Assignment Public
Removed: City Attorney
July 15, 2020, 8:59am by Danielle Fawcett, Paralegal, Office of the City Attorney