If I am to be suspended with so many other independent journalists, writers, which is likely... along with my brothers and my sisters... there is one more thing I must do.
And that is to share this single Lucy Parsons quote.
In response to negative comments, those unsettled by quote. The expression must be understood not as violence, but as self-defense. Freedom fighters, fighting against imperial invasions/occupations - fighting for their own lives & the lives of their loved ones, understand this.
Land defenders, Indigenous peoples that resist the #colonizers - that must defend themselves against a genocide that has never ended. Those fighting for their own lives, the lives of their loved ones, & the land to which they are connected & belong to. They understand this.
We, in the West, are being killed also, albeit within a slower, gentler process that goes largely undetected, along with our ecosystems that graciously sustain all life. We choose to remain willfully blind rather than confronting this truth. #SoftViolence#SoftPower
Global capitalism is the most violent system ever waged upon people and the natural world. This is the greatest violence. It is unprecedented.
"We find that #India could become one of the first places in the world to experience heat waves that cross the survivability limit for a healthy human being resting in the shade, & this could occur as early as next decade."
"The massive growth of #data centers that began in the US is now standard in Europe, w/ hyperscale data centers now expanding into #SouthAsia where average yr round temps for the humid region hover around 27°C."
N. India has historically exhibited some of world’s hottest wet-bulb temps. According to scientific lit.: "35° wet-bulb temp. is commonly regarded as [] limit for human survival. At 35°C wet-bulb a healthy human being can survive, resting in the shade, for approx. five hours."
"To date this season, 51 influenza detections have been reported (Figure 2), which is significantly lower than the past 6 seasons where an average of 8,784 influenza detections were reported for the season to date."
#McKinsey Data visualizations from "Charting the Path to the Next Normal". "Globally, governments allocated a stunning $10 trillion for #economic#stimulus in just two months. That was triple what they spent during the entire 2008–09 financial #crisis."
"#Digital became the way to get many things done—from visits to doctors to shopping to #socializing. The reliance by Asian governments & businesses on six digital & mobile technologies would become a model for the world."
#McKinsey is a World Economic Forum strategic partner.
On Jan 25-29, "The #Davos Agenda", will focus on "the future of work, accelerating stakeholder capitalism, & the Fourth Industrial Revolution." #Social, #human & "natural capital".
A major partner of The Climate Group #ClimateWeekNYC, (attributed to Callum Grieve) is #GlobalCitizen which targets/captures youth demographic. For Climate Week 2020, the film "Imagine for 1 Minute" was released - featuring #Thunberg w/ #Pope, & others.
This is an extraordinary example of who & what media serves. This media event was viewed by millions. Perhaps billions. See man who steps behind Thunberg, to the right. No one - not 1 journalist or media outlet reported on who this man was - that accompanied Thunberg EVERYWHERE.
ClimateWeekNYC was created for The Climate Group by communications specialist Callum Grieve. #WWF identifies Grieve as a co-founder of #WeMeanBusiness. Grieve was the 3rd person to respond to Rentzhog's Aug 20 2018 first Greta tweet, tagging 9 others.