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Jun 20th 2023
1/ Wassup degens!👋

Have you heard about @Narwhal_Finance ?👀

Narwhal is a decentralized perpetual trading platform, emphasizing #Social #Trading on both $BNB Chain and #Arbitrum 🔥

You can trade without KYC, geographical restrictions, or high centralized exchange fees.🤌 Image
@Narwhal_Finance ecosystem includes USDT as collateral and NAR as governance/utility token, making it easy to trade a wide range of leverages and pairs.📈

Follow and even copy the actions of your favorite traders with social trading, and watch your funds grow✅
Not enough to get you excited?🧐

Narwhal Finance has secured $1M in seed funding from top-tier investors such as @AnimocaVentures and @HailstoneVC ! 💰

This positions the platform for even greater success in the future.👏
Read 8 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
Le 25 janvier dernier, Marc Bret, adjoint en charge des #Solidarités, lançait la #CitéSolidaire, co-organisée par la Ville de #Troyes et la Fondation #Vinci, en collaboration avec les associations troyennes. 1/4 #cité #solidaire #social 📸 C.Bell ImageImageImage
Ce partenariat doit permettre d'accompagner les initiatives menées par les associations locales, qui vont à la rencontre des adolescents dans tous les quartiers de Troyes. ImageImageImage
3/4 @francoisbaroin a remis les prix aux lauréats avec JY.Cojean, DG Fondation Vinci pour la Cité, et Marc Bret :
• Dévers Troyes
• Comité Aube Haute-Marne Basket
• Ass. Culturelle Othe Armance
• Rosières St-Julien Handball
• Ludothèque la Girafe
• Brain Boxing Academy
Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2023
Excellent talk by Simon Sharpe @INETOxford just now, pointing out how the #climate crisis challenges economic #orthodoxy in several ways. Spoiler 🔥"Economics as a discipline has forgotten what the scientific method is" (@camjhep pointing to #heterodox ideas in defense)🧵
💡The premise: To meet our #climate goals, we need to reduce emissions globally by about 8% per year by 2030, as compared to the 1,5% p.a. achieved so far - hence the title of his book #FiveTimesFaster
1⃣ An #economy going through the rapid and far-reaching systems #transition this requires (acc. to @IPCC_CH) cannot be analysed in terms of #equilibrium, a sitation in which "nobody has any immediate reason to change their actions" according to the Oxford Dictionary of Economics. Image
Read 9 tweets
Apr 11th 2023
Well, we made some noise and I feel that it is the right time to explain our #vision, workflow and #investments thesis. Our vision is to be a leader of every liquid / investment / MM / Institutional niche in the #crypto and #web3 industry. It leads us to take care of our…… Image
1. Main investment target is #Layer1/#Layer2 #protocols. Investments and cooperation with such projects help us to reach a lot of promising early stage and super early stage projects in order to find brilliant investment #opportunities.
2. Second part of our investment targets includes the most promising and mainstream niches as #GameFi, #Guilds, #DeFi, Web3 #Derivatives, Web3 #Social platforms, #AI, #DAO and sometimes - #meme coins. Then we can play around our portfolio companies in order to find synergies……
Read 8 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
🇨🇳 #RosemontSenecaBohai= #CCP CO-MINGLED
🚩 #FollowTheMoney expose how COMPROMISED
+FBI verified
#Bobulinski's claims of CEFC+China ties
#Burisma $83,333.33 pmts
in co-mingled
Bank Statement⬇️…

WHY Benefit #CCP 🇨🇳not 🇺🇸 ?
#HunterBiden sold US owned #COBALT Mine in Congo to #CCPChina

¬BIDEN puts 20 YEAR BAN on
Mining of US RenewableEnergy MINERALS

¬US passed #ChipsAct #Infrastructure rely ON MINED Materials…… ImageImageImageImage
🚩UnConstitional #ESJ #ESG
Uses SocialJustice

#SocialScore DigitalID:
+LIMITS EV #GeoFence
+BANS Bank loan
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports #CarbonFootprint
Pay #PerMileTax
Read 22 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Comment ne pas rater son #mouvement #social, expliqué par le WorldEconomicForum
1 ne pas confondre attention et #pouvoir
2 ni confondre mobiliser & organiser
3 avoir une stratégie après #rejet
Un mouvement n'a jamais gain de cause directement mais... ⏬1/5
#Manifestations Un mouvement social n'obtient jamais gain de cause immédiatement. Initialement on rassemble plein de gens en colère, on fait du bruit et puis on fait souvent face à un rejet. Les mouvements qui ont réussi ont été capables de réagir en temps réel à ce mur... 2/5⏬
Exemple: le #boycott des bus par la communauté black de Montgomery pour protester de la ségrégation (avec Martin Luther King après l'affaire Rosa Parks). Ils ont tenu 380 jours, pour que personne ne prenne le bus. Jusqu'à ce que la loi de ségrégation soit jugée & abandonnée.⏬3/5
Read 5 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
☕️ Le café de Flore est un lieu mythique de Paris. De Simone de Beauvoir à la série Emily in Paris sur Netflix, il s'inscrit dans une certaine histoire. Mais loin des paillettes, l'ambiance est moins idyllique, dévoile @pch__alexandra.

Déroulez le #thread pour en savoir plus 🧶 Image
Depuis + de 6 ans maintenant, un bras de fer administratif et judiciaire oppose le Café de Flore à un ancien délégué syndical.

La direction du lieu souhaite le licencier pour des motifs disciplinaires et a entamé plusieurs procédures en ce sens depuis 2016. Sans réussite.
Le 13 janvier dernier, le ministère du Travail a encore tranché en faveur du salarié.

Le Café de Flore lui reprochait d'avoir subtilisé 43 euros, le prix d'une bouteille de vin, et d'avoir mal encaissé quelques tables.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
There are new pathogens in our midst.

My latest article about media #manipulators, velocity #hacking, and the latest Covid origin #controversy.

Maybe some #mainstream journalists & influencers take a good look in the mirror.

Read:… Image
How much should we think about the role of information in society?

In this article, I use the recent media coverage surrounding #lableak versus #zoonosis to point toward a new threat we have not yet wrapped our heads around:

Information pathogens with high #velocity. Image
#Velocity is a metric for the transmission efficacy of information given a particular content payload, its viral packaging, and its host environment.

Basically the R0 of information, a measure of #contagiousness.

Info pathogens with high velocity outcompetes good information. Image
Read 11 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Highlights from the keynote address made by Mr. Deepak Bagla, Managing Director & CEO of Invest India at the Standard Chartered Treasury Leadership Forum 2023.

A thread! (1/n)

#India #economy #GDP #highlights #thread
India is going through the most unprecedented transformation of human history in the free world today. (2/n)

#india #economy
This is the first time in the history of India’s 5000 years of existence, that the 3 pillars are going through a rapid transformation at the same point in time.

The 3 Pillars:
- Economic
- Social
- Political (3/n)

#india #economy #social #political
Read 20 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
📢We are *LIVE*!📢
Excited to hear from Joe Tarbert, former criminal defense barrister & current Impact & Partnerships Manager @redemptionroast - a UK org that aims to teach and provide ex-offenders professional roastery & barista skills + have real #impact.
"We are a business with a #social impact. We provide training but also #employment for guys after they leave #prison." ... "They'll lern everything from roasting, to packaging, to delivery. They are paid for their time. And on release, connected to the employment support team." Image
"Guys are v. excited to get behind a coffee machine, seeing how it works, and how to make a coffee. We move away from 'theory behind coffee' to actually doing it: learning whilst doing. Guys love it. They become more confident [...] It gets competitive. But they love the process" Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
A thread on how anti- Sikh fringe elements like #AmritpalSingh facilitate weapons & drugs smuggling from #Pakistan. Info in this thread is based on investigated facts which exposes the #ISI run anti-#India operations.
(10 mins read)
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐊𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧?
The idea of #Khalistan was created by politician Jagjit Singh Chohan after he lost an #election in 1969 and went to #UK where he was tapped by #ISI just like Hizbul Mujahideen chief #Syed Salhuddin, who too lost an election.
He then went to #Pakistan to meet Yahya Khan in 1971 who funded him to start #Khalistan movement.

Chohan lost election because he & his ideology was REJECTED by #Punjab. Today, this junk ideology is supported by:
Read 28 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
Mar. 3:
1/ #ISW: #Russians #Bryansk reaction

More on #Russian #Volunteer #Corps” & #Russian freak out over #Bryansk incident:

@TheStudyofWar report:
#Russian officials continued to release limited ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #FalseFlag #Propaganda…
Mar. 3:
2/ #ISW: #Russians #Bryansk reaction

..”#Information” about the Mar. 2 #Incursion in #Bryansk Oblast but 🔸#Failed to provide clarity about what actually #Transpired.🔸[#Russia found the #Incident ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Misinformation…
Read 25 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
👋Hey folks, if you're not familiar with Nostr, we've got a thread for you!

But if you already know what it is, here's our public key to follow us:


Also, do drop yours below…🧵👇 Image
Now, for those who don't know, Nostr an exciting new protocol that allows for the creation of decentralized social networks and other solutions using self-owned account/identities. 😎 Image
The Nostr social network is built much like Twitter, where you can create posts (or "notes"), like posts, follow and unfollow others, and even retweet/repost. It's a new way of social networking that puts the power back in the hands of the users. 👥
Read 9 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
**Has Russia committed #genocide in #Ukraine?**

My op-ed in @thehill answers #yes. I discuss the politics of naming and differentiate between colloquial, legal, and social scientific understandings -- and their entailments. A thread 1/9…
First, #colloquial understandings generally center on the killing of innocents. The Holocaust looms large as a prototype, but it can be applied widely to everything from abortion to AIDS. It can also encompass various sorts of mass atrocities 2/9…
Because of its capaciousness, the colloquial understanding can be misapplied and politically appropriated – as was the case with Russia’s baseless claims about genocide in Donbas. 3/9…
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Feb 18th 2023
🧵 "Nearly a year after the start of Canada’s 2022 #FreedomConvoy—a series of protests and blockades that brought together a wide variety of #farrightactivists and #extremists, as well as ordinary Canadians who found common ground with the aggrieved message of the organizers ...
the question of whether and to what degree foreign actors were involved remains largely unanswered. This paper attempts to answer some of those questions by providing a brief but targeted analysis of #Russia’s involvement in the Freedom Convoy via #media and #social media.
The analysis examines Russian involvement in the convoy through the lenses of overt state media coverage, state-affiliated #proxywebsites, and overlap between #Russianpropaganda and #convoycontent on social media.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
A proposito di #USA #NATO #EU,democrazia da esportare,#Guerra,#armi, #morte #pacifinti #liberali #neoliberisti #Putin #Zelensky e tifo da stadio x la mattanza, un breve thread🧵sul Paese in cui mi trovo attualmente:🇱🇦Repubblica Popolare del Laos e fanculo ai fabbricanti d'armi.1)
2) Dal 1964 al 1973, gli #USA hanno sganciato più di 2,5 milioni di tonnellate di ordigni sul #Laos durante 580.000 missioni,pari a un aereo carico di bombe ogni otto minuti, 24 ore al giorno,per nove anni,rendendo il paese più pesantemente bombardato nella storia.3)
3) Gli attentati erano parte della guerra segreta americana per sostenere il governo reale del Laos contro il Pathet Lao e per interdire il traffico verso il #Vietnam.I bombardamenti hanno distrutto villaggi e sfollato centinaia di migliaia di civili durante quei 9 anni.4)
Read 9 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
Elon Musk ha fatto precipitare Twitter nel caos: i giornalisti hanno scoperto esattamente come è successo. Lunga sintesi dell'indagine condotta da The Verge. Thread a seguire 🧵⤵️…
Elon Musk è alla guida di Twitter, una delle principali piattaforme di social media, da ormai quasi tre mesi.
In questo lasso di tempo, l'azienda ha perso diversi inserzionisti, ha licenziato almeno metà del suo personale, anche per aver criticato il nuovo proprietario, e ha vietato agli sviluppatori di creare e sviluppare alternative all'app ufficiale.
Read 87 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
“While working at grassroots levels, I realised the huge gap in implementing government schemes. We have a lot of schemes, but they often don’t reach the bottom of the pyramid," says Aniket Deogar.

#Entrepreneurs #Startup #People #WomenEmpowerment #SharkTankIndia Image
He helps facilitate welfare schemes for people across the country while targeting their problems through his #social enterprise, #Haqdarshak.
The start-up appoints local women in villages who go door-to-door and help people apply for government schemes and file paperwork covering areas like education, housing, health, employment, small businesses and COVID-19-related benefits.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
2/4 "Even after accounting for such factors, having #LongCovid was linked to higher risks of recent #unemployment, #financial #hardship, and #anxiety and #depressive #symptomatology, with evidence of dose-response relationships."
3/4 "Overall, an estimated 27.3 million US adults with #LongCovid were at risk of adverse #socioeconomic and #health outcomes including #anxiety and #depression."

#SDOH #social #determinants of #health
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Jan 4th 2023
VorssanExpress -hevoisuutimia: @oikeusasiamies
'Poliisiylijohtaja valehteli #alHol -suunnitelmista | 14.12.2019 
- Presidentti #Haavisto on pitkin syksyä valehdellut ja tahallaan johtanut ihmisiä harhaan #alHawl'sta.…
@oikeusasiamies #Soros järjestää #hillotolppa'a #PoliticalTrash pyrkyreille.
- Syyttömien koulutyttöjen veri virtaa #vihreät #demarit #kokoomus #UsefulIdiots syystä.
#Soros-#CIA plan to #destablish #Europe.
- #ISIS Has Directed and Inspired Attacks Around the World.
@oikeusasiamies #Utaremaisteri'sta #Soros-#Alivaliosihteeri @PaiviNerg
Read 19 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
Hey everyone, let's talk about economic calendars! An #economiccalendar is a tool that helps traders and investors keep track of important financial events and data releases. 1/n Image
This includes things like central bank meetings, #GDP reports, and #employment figures. By knowing when these events are happening, you can make informed decisions about your investments.
Most economic calendars also provide information on the expected impact of each event. This can help you gauge how markets are likely to react to certain news. I loved the way @Investingcom explains the impact.

Read 10 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
#Social ⚡️💡⚡️
Premières coupures d’électricité signalées en différents endroits de l’archipel (Petit-Bourg, Pointe-Noire, Marina Bas du For, Saint François)
@guadeloupela1e @EDF_Guadeloupe
Coupure des moteurs de la centrale EDF PEI à partir de 12h00 confirme @EDF_Guadeloupe Image
Début de la grève…
@EDF_Guadeloupe @guadeloupela1e Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Earlier today, #EU agreed on a badly needed reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (#EUETS) which is the system of cap-and-trade of #carbonemissions allowances for #energyintensive industries and the #powergeneration sector. The most critical points are:
1. Agreement to make it compulsory for #EU members to dedicate all their auctioning revenues to #climateaction #investments
2. Sectors covered by the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (recently agreed #EU #carbon import tax) such as #cement, #aluminium, #fertilisers, #electricty production, #hydrogen, #iron and #steel, will see an end to free #allowances for these sectors between 2026 and 2034
Read 8 tweets

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