2/3 aller #Corona Toten kommen aus Pflegeheimen. 90% sind über 70 Jahre.
Seit Januar 2020 gibt es das Virus. Erst Januar 2021 (!) wurden FFP2 Masken und Schnelltests zur Pflicht in Pflegeheimen.
Immernoch gibt es keine Schnelltests für jedermann. Das Versagen ist enorm.
Statt Schnelltests breit anzubieten und jeden (!) durchführen zu lassen und die Menschen nicht mehr einzusperren machen wir #lockdown für alle für immer bis alle geimpft sind und wenn mutiert wird sperren wir eben #alternativlos alle wieder ein. Das ist so beschämend.
Man könnte 2/3 aller Toten (!) verhindern indem Schnelltests nur in Pflegeheimen ständig angewendet werden. Jeder kann sie durchführen, ich tue es privat seit 3 Monaten. Es ist unsagbar einfach. 100% Sicherheit gibt es nie, wir könnten ein normales leben führen. #covid#corona
Wann werden Sie endlich dafür sorgen dass:
- Jedermann einen Schnelltest anerkannt zu Hause durchführen darf und dieser für 5 EUR zu haben ist?
- Die Gesundheitsämter nicht schon ab 0.05% Infektionsrate nicht mehr nachverfolgen können?
The biggest #bubble of our lives:
- Retail makes prices at the margin by buying OTM calls on sh1t #stonks
- #Tether prints USD backed with #bitcoin and loans & it’s fine
- “It’s a software co” EV maker is larger than almost all #software companies
- Digital images sell for >$300k
- People now make videos explaining they don’t need to work jobs because they buy stonks when they go up
- $ETH is undervalued on basis of cashflows for transactions that token holders have zero claim on
- #Ripple dumping on you is fine because they have $XRP fans in Japan
- #Restaurants & Small #businesses go bankrupt because of #lockdown and slow gov’t help but it’s fine
- $HTZ tries to do a cap increase out of chapter 11 because #robinhood
- A Company does reverse stock split and people brag about gains on per stock price basis on social media
Let's hope this is what Paolo is trying to achieve... #bitcoin $BTC
Well done Paolo. Maybe we can be friends again 😉. #bitcoin $BTC
Not advice
Almost made it back to $34k resistance. Really hope we can get past and leverage & tether premia would seem to allow that, but I am just going to be not so greedy and take a bit off here. Should improve leverage premium 🙈. Not advice. #bitcoin $BTC
So... #bitcoin up $800 in seconds after this. #tether doesn‘t move price, right?... but if this isn‘t the last print it sure marked the bottom nicely. Go figure
We‘re going to need a lot more though...
Simultaneously people aren‘t so high on leverage anymore it seems and #tether premium coming into printable range again 💪🏻
Now we just need to be sure Paolo won‘t let us down and send lot‘s moar!
More on #tether. Just listened to the podcast with Paolo and Stuart done by Peter McCormack. I thought it was informative, but there were significant issues. I will first summarize the relevant part of Q&A (and paraphrase), then provide my interpretation.
1/ Are you shareholders in Deltec bank? A: They do not disclose investments.
2/ What is your KYC process? A: Stuart clearly read off a statement prepared by their lawyers.
3/ Why can $USDT be issued on weekends? A: Because they already have the funds but this is when the customers require/want them or receive them.
Okay. So in the middle of #bitcoin $BTC dalalilama to $40k and beyond, while we are all (including me) exceedingly happy... Humor me and think about #tether for a moment. Let's do it together:
We know that there are "scientific" papers out there that allege that $USDT prints drove $BTC price in 2016/17 and we also know those have been disputed in some ways by other smart people. I have read those disputes and I can see their point too. We also know that...
... @lawmaster, a guy that many people would say is highly trustworthy in this trustless industry (myself included) has "testified" that he has spoken to more than 10 (I think) people who have successfully redeemend money from #tether. We have also seen irregular balance...