The Internet has become a means of livelihood for people especially during the pandemic where the majority of citizens are still working and studying from home. Internet is used to verify information as well. #pandemic#letthenetwork#keepiton#farmersrprotest
Internet shutdown cannot be used as a tool to suppress dissent. This is a violation of the right to freedom of speech and expression as well as the right to life. The impact of such shutdowns on citizens and the economy is huge. #FreeSpeech#RepublicIndia#FakeNews
The letter reinstated the plight of the citizens of #JammuAndKashmir as the region has had more than 365 days of restricted communication. Till 10th August 2020, #India has witnessed 433 #InternetShutdowns in total, out of which 55 have happened in 2020 alone and 106 in 2019.
The human and economic costs of these restrictions are huge and these actions are not at all proportionate. We hope that the Government will respond to the rightful demand to restore high speed Internet access in the region. #LetTheNetWork#5august#internetshutdowns
The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has 20+ districts and restoring high speed in one district each in Jammu and Kashmir region is not enough with a review only happening after 2 months. #LetTheNetWork
Confined to their homes, students have found it challenging to study online with the painstakingly slow internet connections, which also faces frequent outages. #LetTheNetWork #KeepItOn
With limited connectivity, Higher Education is struggling event more. Students who have to prepare for competitive exams can't attend coaching classes physically due to the #Pandemic & the Internet is not fast enough for online classes. #VoicesFromKashmir
A Year of #InternetRestrictions #JammuandKashmir had 213 days of the complete internet blackout after which only 2G internet was restored in the valley. This year long communication block has caused immense damage to the citizens of the erstwhile UT. #LetTheNetWork#KeepItOn
Students have lost many hours of their education, people have lost their livelihoods, the media has been severely crippled, the economy has suffered immensely & businesses have collapsed in the absence of a stable #internet connection. #internetshutdown #5AugustBlackDay
If you have any questions and want our panelists to answer them, you can message us directly.
The Panel is live now. We will also be live tweeting the event here. #LetTheNetWork#KeepItOn#internetshutdowns
The current pandemic that we are living under is a unique paradox, a virtual civilization that allows us to interact with each other and normal civilization that is restricted to our doorstop. - @ManishTewari #LetTheNetWork#KeepItOn#internetshutdown#BackTo2g
What are Internet Shutdowns?
We define an #internetshutdown as "a Government-imposed disablement of access to the Internet as a whole within a particular locality or localities for any duration of time". #LetTheNetWork #keepItOn
There are two key-components to this definition: An Internet shutdown is always Government-imposed i.e. Internet Service Providers serving the locality in question are ordered by an agency of the Government to cut-off Internet services to that area. #LetTheNetwork
An Internet shutdown always imposes a blanket ban on Internet access, where access to the Internet as a whole is disabled, and not a surgical ban, where access to particular content/services is disabled leaving access to other content/services unaffected. #BlanketBan