Page 1 of #PewResearch tells that by 2019 w.r.t 2011, 'Poor' ($1.9 per day income), "decreased" by 262 million & 'Low Income' category ($2.01 - $10 per day income), "increased" by 306 million people.
(Orange - 2011 : Green - 2019)
Page 2 & 3 of #PewResearch tells that 'Poor', "increased" by 75 million as per Post-pandemic estimates.
Now comes the most interesting part ..
#WorldBank released 'Poverty & Equity Brief' paper in April'2021 which was based on blog of #MaheshVyas of (CMIE) which was released in Business Standard, in Mar'2021.
Whos' #MaheshVyas & what is #CMIE ? It is the same Pvt. Ltd. company which is spreading propaganda on Unemployment since long.
#WorldBank Povcal database has earlier (in 2018) shown that India's Poverty is continuously getting "decreased".
Most interesting part, if you actually go to #WorldBank Povcalnet portal, you will find 'Poverty' survey available till 2019 only. #India's data not available.
Lutyens Eco-system works systematically & "manufacture" half-fact propaganda so that #Congress & #RahulGandhi may target #Modi government. As "common public", don't #FactCheck they believe when someone take name of #PewResearch etc.
#PewResearch "methodology" document if full of assumptions & actual data is "not available". #WorldBank PovcalNet portal clearly states, revised estimates of global poverty from 1981 till 2017 were released on March 2021.
पीएम #Modi जी ने सही कहा ; उन्होंने 1971 में बांग्लादेश के निर्माण के लिए #RSS द्वारा प्रायोजित जन सत्याग्रह में अटल जी के साथ भाग भी लिया था और तिहार जेल भी गए थे। #Bangladesh ने इसके लिए 2015 में अटल जी को सम्मानित भी किया था।
Atal जी की अगुवाई में Bangladesh की मान्यता के लिए विशाल रैली निकाली गई थी।
1971 में Bangladesh Liberation के सत्याग्रह में RSS के हजारों स्वयंसेवकों को जेल भेजा गया था।
War started between Iz'lamic republic #Azerbaijan & C'hrist'ian republic #Armenia. Armenia repelling Azeris Effectively.
#Erdogan says Turkey is ready to help Azerbaijan in every possible way against Armenia. Turkey mobilizing troops to border with Armenia to help Azerbaijan. And this is where the Kurdish #PKK will enter the fight.
There are several #Turkısh military units in #Azerbaijan for a month. PM of Armenia calls on citizens to prepare to 'defend the sacred homeland'. On the other hand, #Russia sent military advisers, many equipment's & mercenaries to support #Armenia.