A narrative is being peddled that the #COVID19India crisis is due to these factors
1. Modi & Team claimed victory & did nothing 2. Modi allowed election rallies & #Kumbh which caused the #CoronaSecondWave 3. Now @narendramodi is not giving oxygen, medicines & vaccines to states
Let us see what facts can be ascertained by looking at the numbers.
On Feb 1, daily new cases in India had dropped to 85790. Two third of these new cases from the states of Maharastra & Kerala, blessed with best CM & best health minister in the country.
By 15th Feb, daily new cases had risen to 15614. Punjab joined Maharastra and Kerala in the top 3 states and they contributed 12,126 new cases. 78% of all new cases in the country
Kerala had seen high cases even in Dec-Jan period when rest of country was witnessing decline
On15.3, total 24,437 new cases were reported in India, 62% from Maharastra alone. Many of us thought that like in past, this could be contained locally.
Punjab overtook Kerala to claim the number 2 position. Several new cases in Punjab were of highly infectious #UKVariant
By 31.3 new daily cases climbed to 72115 as #coronavirus spread further.
Maharastra was still contributing 55% of new cases but now 6 states had more than >2500 daily cases. With 55 deaths in a day, Punjab was second only to Maharastra. It also had a poor #vaccination record
On 7th April, new daily cases were more than One Lakh (126,276). Chattisgarh which had become the number 2 state now had >10K cases daily.
Total 5 states reported more than 5000 new cases. UK strain had now spread from Punjab to Delhi & UP thanks to so-called #FarmerProtest
By 15th April, the second wave had taken dangerous proportions with more than 2 Lakh new daily new cases being reported in India with MH at the top but 6 states reporting > 10K cases daily.
A tiny state like Chattisgarh had the second-highest fatalities.
One 22.4 more than 2 Lakhs new daily cases were detected with 6 states contributing >15K
The virus was now rampant in Delhi & UP with 'stunning' images of funeral pyres being splashed in global media. Kerala joined the list again. Chattisgarh was still suffering high fatalities
So you see the #CoronaSecondWave started in Maharastra & Punjab. In Maharashtra, it was a new variant B.1.67 (called the Indian variant now) while in Punjab it was the UK variant.
While the UK variant was spreading in the capital, the media was cheering farmers who had sieged Delhi & wanted protests to intensify and spread across the country.
Rallies were being organized in every poll-bound state to urge people to defeat BJP.
India met this demand by diverting some industrial oxygen for medical purposes and we avoided any big problem. Also, the approval and funding were made available from #PMCARE to set up 162 PSA plants to make big government hospitals self-sufficient.
Hospitals avoided setting up these plants for a number of reasons but mostly because they preferred "procurement". Even private hospitals who minted money in first wave avoided investing in setting up in-house oxygen plants.
With higher production, the bottleneck shifted to logistics as oxygen is produced in coastal cities while demand was in northern plains including villages. And oxygen can be transported only in special cryogenic tankers.
While the center government led by @narendramodi gets so much criticism and hate even after doing all this in a matter of days, see how media indulges its darling state - Kerala
May 1 - Oxygen Surplus State
May 4 - We need #oxygen from center
Now let us look at the #vaccination strategy of India. The narrative is that the Indian government did not do anything on speedy development of #vaccine
PM @narendramodi was personally involved in talking to all stakeholders
India has 230 million people > 45. Total stock available for domestic requirements at the start of April when #vaccination was opened up > 45 years was 135 million. With a monthly production of 70 million, we could have covered most of the people with one dose by end of the month
India has 130M people >60 years. Add 10M of 45+ with comorbidities. That is 140 million.
We had enough #vaccines to provide first dose to almost all of these people by end of March itself. Imagine the difference it would have made on total deaths as 80% deaths are in this segment
Looking at the low spread of #COVID in India in Dec-Feb, the strategy was to roll out vaccines in multiple phases to cover the most vulnerable people first.
But what went wrong? Why did states fail to use the stock to vaccinate its residents?
Instead of participating in #VaccinationDrive to save the most vulnerable people, the opposition was busy mocking our #vaccines & creating doubts in peoples' minds. Some Chief Ministers even skipped the special meeting called by PM @narendramodi in March to ramp up #Vaccination
At most, they expected some competition from China. But India? India has been seen as a back office, a mass producer of commodities, not as an innovator or a place that can research, develop vaccines.
In Mumbai oxygen flow was budgeted as 6 liters per minute per patient requiring oxygen support. It was lowered to 4.2 also when crisis came. So even without crisis it was 6 LPM.
I have done calculation using average flow of 10. With 5 LPM, 900 MTD is enough for 1.8 Lakh people
Covid has hit our homes and we are very vocal. Rightly so.
But think how would they have handled a pandemic of this scale that requires a response where we need to increase resources by 5-10 times in months because doubling or tripling will be GOOD but not ENOUGH.
@sganesh181 I had earlier posted that #KumbhMela should have been closed for common people & only few sadhus of each Akhada should have been allowed with #COVID protocol.
But I did more research after reading many posts & articles blaming kumbh for current crisis.
@sganesh181 First of all most pictures being shared are fake. People are posting old Kumbh pictures to exaggerate their claims about crowds in #MahaKumbh2021
@Aabhas24 Iyas ibn Qabisah al-Ta'i I (from Tayy tribe) was the Sassanid governor of al-Hirah from 602 to 617. The Banu Bakr ibn Wa'il tribe opposed his rule which led to the Battle of Dhi Qar in 609, in which the Sassanids were defeated.
@Aabhas24 Tayy is an ancient Arab tribe. They helped Lakhmids rule Al-Hirah in the 610s. A chieftain & poet of this tribe, Hatim al-Ta'i, is widely known even today through stories (Qissa-e-Hatem-tai ) about his generosity. He lived in Ha'il (Saudi Arabia) & was mentioned in some Hadiths.
@Aabhas24 The Tayy's original homeland was Yemen but in the 2nd century, they migrated to the North Arabian mountain ranges of Jabal Aja and Jabal Salma (traditional homeland of the tribe even today). The two main branches of Tayy were Al al-Ghawth & Al Jadilah.