Weeks after #SARS-CoV-2 inf or exposure, some children develop a severe, life-threatening illness called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (#MIS-C). GI symptoms are common in MIS-C pts & severe hyperinflammatory response ensues with potential for ❤️ complications.
👉🏽As proof of concept, they treated a #MIS-C patient with #larazotide, a #zonulin antagonist, & monitored impact on antigenemia and clinical response.
👉🏽in MIS-C, prolonged + of SARS-CoV-2 in t GI tract ➡️ to release of zonulin, a biomarker of intestinal permeability,
wth subsq trafficking of SARS-CoV-2 antigens into t 🩸 , ➡️to hyperinfl. T MIS-C pt treated wth larazotide displayed a coinciding ⬇️ in plasma SARS-CoV-2 Spike Ag levels, inflammatory markers, & a resultant clinical improvement above tht achieved wt currently avail treatments.
These mechanistic data of MIS-C pathogenesis provide insight into targets for diagnosing, treating, and preventing MIS-C, which are urgently needed for this increasingly common severe COVID-19-related disease in children. @EricTopol#tweetorial#MedTwitter#COVID19Pandemic
T source of t antigenemia in MIS-C is likely t gut. MIS-C develops days to weeks after resolution of t initial infection, often when SARS-CoV-2 viral levels are low/undetectable in respiratory secretions, making t MIS-C trigger less likely 2 be frm upper respiratory tract source
⬆️zonulin indicate breakdown of intestinal epithelial tight junctions,➡️ may let t leak of 🦠 Ag into t 🩸 stream. In Kawasaki disease, pts presenting wth prominent GI symptoms at t onset of illness R less likely to respond to IVIG therapy alone & thus ➡️ to develop ❤️ aneurysm
As zonulin-dependent loss of gut integrity develops in MIS-C but not COVID-19-infected children, this suggests that a chronicity of SARS-CoV-2 dysbiosis in the gut results in a cumulative increase in breakdown of mucosal barrier integrity. #ACADEMIA#scicomm
Age and sex were described for all pediatric patients and controls, in addition to clinical features of illness for acute #COVID-19 and #MIS-C.
A)Plasma zonulin,B) LPS-binding proteinC) soluble CD14 ,in children with MIS-C (n=13),COVID19 (n=21),& non-COVID19 controls (n=23).D)SARS Spike,E)S1 & F) Nucleocapsid were quantified from t plasma of 👶 with MIS-C (n=16),👶 with acute COVID-19 (n=22),& pre-pandemic contr (n=32)
Timeline of child treated with larazotide.
proposed hypo ➡️ MIS-C. 🦠 enters t GI tract. Dysbiosis leads to ⬆️ zonulin release & resultant loss of tight junctions. 🦠Ag, especially t Spike protein, breaches t mucosal barrier, entering t 🩸 stream. T superAg motif of t Spike protein +s a pathogenic hyperinflam response.
#SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (NP) was detected in the colon, appendix, ileum, haemorrhoid, liver, gall- bladder and lymph nodes from 5 pts who recovered from COVID-19, ranging from 9 to 180 days after testing -ve for SARS-CoV-2. #MedTwitter
Although resp transmission is responsible for most COVID-19 inf, there is ⬆️ evidence of COVID-19 causing GI & hepatic manifestations, as studies reported the presence positive SARS-CoV-2 RNA in anal swabs & stool samples, despite NP or sputum specimens testing -ve for the virus
This gentle man is Sir William Osler.. He has frequently been described as the “Father of Modern Medicine” and one of the "greatest diagnosticians ever to wield a stethoscope". What did he hv to say about #India ? @sanjeevsanyal@vipintukur@naveenthacker@EricTopol@mvankerkhove
In one of his essays; “Of India, of "Vishnu-land," what can one say in a few minutes? To the Hindoos we owe a debt which we can at any rate acknowledge; and even in medicine, many of our traditions and practices may be traced to them”. @drharshvardhan@PMOIndia@BharadwajSpeaks
The boy a 15 year old was discharged from the hospital earlier after successfully recovering from the #COVID19 disease in April. Later, he was diagnosed with Mucormycosis. No mention of any risk factors..!! @ARanganathan72@PMOIndia. hindustantimes.com/india-news/guj…
#Covid19 is probably the greatest debunker in #medicine we have seen...
Read this ... 👇🏾
🧵 *** The researchers found no evidence of a difference in response in biochemical markers of #inflammation between patients with #MIS-C/PIMS-TS who were treated with #IVIG, #steroids, or #biologics, compared with those who were not.
*** Despite a lack of evidence, 🇬🇧 and 🇺🇸 treatment guidelines for MIS-C/PIMS-TS have become very similar.