#Hungary Told To Repeal Law Banning LGBT Promotion To Children "Or Else Leave EU" | Jun 26
- EU 'leadership' is now fanatically dictating that Hungary and its 'defiant' prime minister #Orban must bow the knee to the Pride Flag or else "must leave" the EU. zerohedge.com/political/hung…
Dutch PM #Rutte Wants to Bring #Orban, “Hungary to Its Knees” | Jun 28
- For a general take on Viktor Orban’s achievements in keeping his country as uncontaminated by EU globalist ideology as possible, thelibertybeacon.com/dutch-pm-rutte…
#Hungary Europe’s ‘Last Freedom Fighter’ | Jun 22
- Hungarians should fight for a ‘European renaissance’, meaning the defence of national sovereignty grounded in a Judaeo-Christian heritage, and also fight against ‘the climate and gender #madness, dictated hungarytoday.hu/press-orban-so…
The #Hungarian parliament passed a law introducing heavier sanctions on #sexualcrimes against minors | Jun 24
- the act now outlaws “promoting or portraying” homosexuality or sex reassignment to minors and limits sexual education in schools. euractiv.com/section/non-di…
The world's most widely recognized protection law. 1. Convention on the Rights of the Child ohchr.org/en/professiona… 2. In the #Finnish version, the 'legal protection' needed by children, removed by ex-President Tarja 'GDR Recognition Committee' Halonen. unicef.fi/lapsen-oikeude…
@vonderleyen@SKyriakidesEU Children do not understand and cannot protect themselves. Therefore, it is the duty of adults.
- #Pedophiles, though a minimal minority, are not in a vulnerable position, but #predators who have forsaken their God and Creator.
@vonderleyen@SKyriakidesEU The core of society is a whole family.
- Love is selfless taking responsibility and carrying the burdens of others.
- God is love.
Viktor #Orbán has declared a final battle against #Brussels and is attacking with seven theses.
- The #EuropeanUnion is in trouble, and it will not improve, transform and return to the right path on its own, we must do that. translate.google.com/translate?hl=&…
#Hungary, #Orban Falling Victims to Cancel Culture | Jul 2
- the new law "prohibits sharing content on homosexuality or sex reassignment to people under 18 in school sex education programs, films or advertisements." newsmax.com/patrickbuchana…
@EU_Commission@vonderleyen What we can expect to see from the #EU on this 'cursed' path:
- A gradual introduction of tyranny
- The elimination of the worship of God to introduce dependence on power
- Rejecting God while trying to become gods nowtheendbegins.com/eu-parliament-…
#Chicago shooting: Police commander, sergeant shot dispersing crowd shooting fireworks in Austin | Jul 5
- police said a female commander and a male sergeant were on patrol when police said they tried to disperse a large crowd shooting fireworks abc7chicago.com/2-cpd-officers…
#Chicago shootings: 72 shot, 13 fatally, across city in weekend shootings
- 13 people have been killed and at least 59 others wounded since Friday night in shootings,
At least seven children have been shot in Chicago since late Sunday afternoon. abc7chicago.com/72-shot-13-fat…
#US Conducts #Airstrikes In #Iraq, #Syria Against Iran-Backed Militia Groups | Jun 27
- Iran-backed militias were targeted in the strikes as a result of the militias’ ongoing attacks against U.S. interests [stealing oil] in the region. dailycaller.com/2021/06/27/joe…
Drone attack said to target US forces in Iraq | Jun 23
- The #US returned to #Iraq in 2014 to help 'fight #ISIS.' However, tensions with Iran have led to calls for the US to leave. jpost.com/middle-east/an…
The #Iraq war was launched in March 2003 upon the invasion of Iraq by US forces | Jun 10, 2021
- it is estimated that the #UnitedStates spent a total of over 819 billion US dollars on war costs in Iraq. statista.com/statistics/269…
#Valtioneuvosto: n 'selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminta'
Infraääni ei selitä tuulivoimaan liitettyä oireilua – tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti julkaistu
- aiheuttaa tärinää ja sähkömagneettisen kentän.
- ääni asunnoissa oli hyvin pientaajuista, alle 2 Hz. vnk.fi/-/infraaani-ei…
Not-in-my-back-yard (#NIMBY)
People tell researchers that a #windfarm does not cause health hazards, but sell their houses near them and move out.
Turbines? What turbines? Oh, THOSE turbines, no, we hardly notice them. Would you like to make an offer? northeastwindmills.com/are-you-willin…
'Thursday’s #ArcticCouncil meeting'
Russia’s northernmost base projects its power across Arctic | May 18
- Russian President Vladimir Putin has cited estimates that put the value of Arctic mineral riches at $30 trillion. egyptindependent.com
Some 5000 'migrants' cross from #Morocco to occupied enclave of #Ceuta | May 18
- Some swam while others crossed on feet. Videos shared by locals showed Sub-#Sahara'n 'migrants' marching to the enclave. northafricapost.com/49775-some-500…
Record 5,000 migrants from Morocco reach Spain's Ceuta enclave in one day, authorities say | 3h ago
A spokesman for Ceuta said the scale of the influx, which comes at a time of high tension between Madrid and #Morocco's capital #Rabat, was unprecedented abc.net.au/news/2021-05-1…
About 5,000 #Moroccans illegally enter #Spain’s #Ceuta enclave -government spokesman | May 18
- Crowds of mostly young people swam onto the beach, some running or showing thumbs up, footage by local media Faro showed, - activity started overnight... oann.com/about-5000-mor…