#Sahel: Today, #JNIM released the video "If they fight you, fight them". It's been almost three years since JNIM released their last full-length video with combat footage, namely "And the Battle Continues".
#Sahel: This could be explained by several factors: First, the focus has been on the political line; second, JNIM's official media presence has declined significantly, and this is against the backdrop of several key media figures (in #Algeria and #Mali) being killed
#Sahel: The decline is particularly relevant when compared to #ISGS, which received major boost from its formal integration into #IslamicState's organizational infrastructure & media apparatus. However, this last video marks the effective recovery of #JNIM media wing Al-Zallaqa.
#Sahel: In terms of communications, the video (re)anchors #JNIM in the orbit of #AlQaeda and emphasizes the connections within Al-Qaeda as a whole — vertically JNIM-#AQIM-AQGC and horizontally #Taliban-#AlShabaab-#AQAP-JNIM/AQIM, in itself nothing out of the ordinary.
#Sahel: What is kind of striking is how much it focuses on #Mali; #BurkinaFaso and #Niger are left out, while this has been the case throughout #JNIM's existence, yet these segments of the organization still do not seem to be well-integrated into JNIM's lines of effort.
#Sahel: Clearly it is difficult to build and maintain cohesion over such a large space, there seems to be a rift and communication problems between #JNIM in #Mali and East Burkina (including Yagha).
#Sahel: As evidenced by the denial and condemnation of #Solhan and related follow-up.
#Sahel: Interestingly, the Ghanaian suicide bomber in Gossi addressed at length one of the commanders ("Mouslimou") in eastern Burkina Faso, as part of an attempt at broader outreach, video was only circulated locally though, an official claim followed
#Sahel: But most would agree that the two suicide bombers respectively perpetrating the Gossi & Tarkint attacks are mixed up. By examining the Ghanaian's speech you would notice how illogical it would be for him to have carried out the Tarkint attack
#Sahel: Anyway, several dead leaders are praised (again), including Abu Iyad al-Tunisi, Abu Musab Yahya Abu al-Humam, Abu Musab Abd al-Wadud, Abu Dujana al-Qasimi,..
#Sahel: ..and Tunisian jihadi poet and tutor Sha'ir al-Qayrawani, who wrote nasheeds sung by #KUBN fighters in #Tunisia in a 2017 clip entitled "Gift from the Sahara to the Lions of al-Qayrawan".
#Sahel: Lots of indirect fire, including the "Supporting the Messenger of God"-campaign (which also comprised a series of IED attacks & SVBIED attacks), where bases in Gao, Kidal, Menaka and Tessalit were attacked simultaneously in late November 2020.
#Sahel: For rundown of the weapons, see @CalibreObscura, he's your guy when it comes to the tools
#Sahel: Last but not least, what I think is the most interesting sequence in the entire video, lasting only one second at 3:34, and because it represents the continuity of #AQIM's efforts, functional specialization, and embedded management
#BurkinaFaso: #JNIM has unofficially claimed through audio and photographs yesterday’s ambush against a Burkinabe joint force convoy accompanied by a team of three foreign nationals, all experienced professionals on an anti-poaching mission (or reportage)..
#BurkinaFaso: Including two Spanish journalists, one was a journalist and film director, a cameraman, and an Irish Zambia-born ranger, co-founder and president of Chengeta Wildlife, a conservationist NGO.
#BurkinaFaso: Four convoy members were wounded, the three foreigners mentioned above were killed, and a Burkinabe force member went missing.
#Sahel: Here’s a quick roundup of ISGS’s comeback in Al-Naba #271, no big surprises, the group claimed 9 operations over a 2-month period (or 9 weeks).
The primary focus is its Al-Qaeda counterpart #JNIM, accounting for 2/3 of the modest number of operations claimed, 2 out of 6 operations purportedly targeting JNIM were by local sources reported as civilian targeting, namely in N’Tillit (Oussadia) and Menaka (Inekar Ouest)
As usual, the claimed operations, only account for a fraction of the number of attacks conducted by the group, and as expected it did not claim the massacres in Tchomabangou and Zaroumadarey
#BurkinaFaso: To begin with several of these countries are on the alert, fearing spillover [or maybe even expansion] of violent militant activities into their countries, debatable if that will happen,..
#BurkinaFaso: ..non-violent activities is a reality though, movements, recruitment, logistic transfers. #Benin experienced what so far is a one-off incident with the killing of a Beninese tour guide and the abduction of a French couple
#Mali-#BREAKING: As expected #JNIM claims the March 17 assault against the #FAMa camp in Dioura (Ténenkou), #Mopti, says it killed nearly thirty soldiers, wounded others, while the remaining fled, and also burned eight vehicles
#Mali-#BREAKING: Further, burning the camp, and details a large seizure including 2x 14.5mm HMG, 1x DshK, 2 SPG-9 RCL rifles, 1 PK MMG, 82mm & 60mm mortars, 6 military vehicles, 38 AKs and RPGs
#Mali-#BREAKING: Once again, #JNIM portrays itself as defenders of the Fulani, and the attack as a revenge for crimes committed by the Malian army and with it associated militias i.e. Dozos