“but @youseepeeYYC, the families who earn much more than median income don’t need subsidized childcare as badly, they can afford to pay out of pocket, and therefore should”
Someone, probably.
Let’s briefly examine why this is the wrong way to look at a social program.
When a service is universal and benefits *everyone* it is more difficult for politicians to play identity politics and wedge issues to divide people over cutting it.
That’s why *universal* programs are so much more powerful than boutique programs.
“What about programs like childcare? Shouldn’t the people who can afford to pay do so?”
Well, yes. But the way we do that with healthcare is to charge those who can afford it through progressive income taxes instead of at the point where service is delivered. (Hospital etc.)
So doing the same for childcare means everyone pays the same at the point of delivery—$10/day—and those who earn more end up paying through taxation to help their neighbours.
For a program like this, a rising tide lifts all boat.
The other benefit of treating everyone the same is that sometimes people of different backgrounds end up bumping elbows.
In the current system people of similar economic means end up using the same facilities.
People with more means end up at more expensive providers.
The people scraping by end up at the cheapest.
Imagine how this plays out in practice.
Imagine if all services were like golf clubs.
Confederation Park in #yyc charges $36 for a round of golf—not too bad. The Fairmont Banff Springs Golf Course that charges $374+tax including club rental.
High prices are meant to exclude the poor.
Imagine how obscene it would be of we treated public libraries like that.
With the “good” books in one room, and the books for “everyone else” in another…
I could come up with tons of examples of how modern society “others” people to exclude them.
This is considered “acceptable” because capitalism needs someone at the bottom for the people at the top to exploit.
Remember: wages are an expense that capitalists don’t want to pay.
When you hear about Conservatives crying about the wages of highly-trained healthcare workers (nurses) they are trying to push down the wages, break unions, and deprive the poor of healthcare.
By suppressing the wages of youth—an “other” group the #UCP can discriminate against—they effectively suppress the wages of *ALL* workers. #ableg#BoycottUCPdonors
Why Albertans will be paying [federal] taxes to fund affordable #childcare in other provinces without getting the benefit of the service those taxes are for here?
"The first debate of Edmonton’s mayoral election was a spirited affair, featuring a current of combativeness, a no-show candidate and plenty of ideas on how to invigorate the city’s beleaguered economy. "
Now I want to see a sort of buddy-cop show with @aaronpaquette and @AndrewKnack going around #yeg helping people, & generally making the world a better place.
Every episode some Dark Money “Dr. Claw” type figure tries some evil scheme that gets thwarted…