Also, please note that I'm not a professional hacker or pentester. I'm still learning to be, so these are the resources I have found useful along my journey.
1) Basic IT skills.👶🍼
If you are brand new to IT, I strongly recommend this course.
This is a FREE course by Professor Messer –…
2) Networking skills.🌐
Having solid networking skills is incredibly important as hacker or pentester. You should be able to describe the OSI model, tell what services are running on specific port. If this is pure jibberish to you then you need some networking skills.
This course will help build simple and complex networks across a variety of devices and extend beyond routers and switches. Create interconnected solutions for smart cities, homes, and enterprises.
My favourite and great networking instructors. If you want follow a path to be a successfull Network Engineer, I would strongly recommend these guys courses as well as their youtube channels.👇
3) Linux skills🐧
To be a successful hacker you need to know a lot of linux. Primarily, hackers use debian based distros that is either Kali Linux or Parrot OS. But you are not limited to use those two only, you can create your builds or choose the one you love/comfortable with
for example Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Arch Linux etc.; but Kali Linux and Parrot dominate the majority.
Fortunately, there are a multitude of free resources out there for individuals interested in learning Linux. Here are a few and my favourite too.
3a) Applied Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Zero to Elite
Found this course along my way to learn linux and it has proven very useful for me. But I would recommend you start with the book below.
3b)The Linux Command Line & Shell Scripting Bible
My personal best and favourite book to learn and master Linux, as well as shell scripting. 👇
This book teaches you how to bypass the graphical interface and communicate directly with your computer, saving time and expanding capabilities as a hacker or pentester, even developers too.
To be a good hacker, you should also have basic programing knowledge and be able to read code. You do not have to be a full-on developer in order to be successful hacker, but having the fundamental skills of coding will make your life easier.
For coding, I would recommend you to start with Python. Since python is very beginner friendly and is fairly easy to pick up. Here are some of my favorite youtube channels to learn Python.....
#Learn 🧠🐍#python: Sometimes when programming in python they're situations when you want to copy the contents of an existing list into another. Python has several ways of achieving that. In this thread you will learn different ways of achieving that with the help of examples.
1) Using the equal (=) sign operator:
Using = operator you can copy the contents of an existing list onto another/new list. But there's a problem with this method which I will explain on the next section.
The problem with the above method is that if you modify the new copied_fruits list the original list (fruits) is modified too, this is because the copied list (copied_fruits) is referencing/ pointing to same fruits list in memory.