How can I argue this? First, I took #Germany's long-term #GDP forecast up to 2060 by the #OECD (2020-2050, in USD, dark blue line). /2
Then I corrected this #GDP#growth forecast with #Germany's expected average annual expenditures for climate protection estimated by the #KfW (ca. 5.2 percent of GDP annually!, green line). /3
Finally, I took #climate economist's W.D. #Nordhaus best estimate for the maximum global #GDP cost of 3.62 percent in 2100 from a 2 #Celsius temperature rise by the end of the century. The data is from @BjornLomborg's book "#FalseAlarm"./4
In my "model" the economic cost from #climatechange is likely to increase gradually, i.e. from "0" percent in 2020 to 1.37 percent of #GDP in 2050 (bright blue line). /5
Thus, #Germany - its economy, competitiveness and people - is overpaying for #climate protection measures by 183 bln USD on average or 4.5 percent of #GDP. That is an unnecessary burden of 2200 USD per capita each year! /6
Officially, the German federal government wants to save nothing less than the world #climate. In order to achieve this megalomaniac goal, it does not shy away from any expenditure that costs our economy around 50 billion euros annually in the form of high taxes and subsidies. /1
This moralizing #climate activism makes every German citizen poorer by at least 600 euros per year. /2
But among the heads and chief ideologues of large lobby organizations, there is the naive hope that this massive transformation will finally make #Germany the world champion exporter again - through the export of #climate technology. /3
Beim #Corona-Narrativ geht es doch eigentlich darum die Überlastung des Gesundheitssystems zu verhindern, oder? "#fattenthecurve" war das Schlagwort - könnt ihr euch erinnern? (M)ein Thread. /1
Am Beispiel von #Bayern will ich drei Dinge aufzeigen: 1. Es gab/gibt keine Überlastung des Gesundheitssystems. 2. Behandlungskapazitäten werden stetig zurückgefahren... 3. Intensivbettenauslastung soll arbiträren Inzidenzwert als Kriterium für Maßnahmen ablösen. /2
Zum Gipfel der 1. #Corona-#Welle am 21.04.2020 belegten #COVID-19-Patienten nur 15,5 Prozent der verfügbaren #Intensivbetten in Bayern, 54 Prozent der Intensivbetten waren frei. /3