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Jan 20th 2023
3 confessions from #ClimateActivists & #ClimateEconomists seeking to tackle the #ClimateCrisis

We were wrong

-2 promise apple pie & motherhood sans costs
-2 repeat solar PV cheapest form of power sans caveats
-2 dismiss any trade-off between climate & development

Back in the day those, including me, who worked on many different versions of the #greendeal all focused on the win-win scenarios ... #greenjobs #greengrowth #justtransition etc. and tho the context has changed completely this win-win farming remains even in the year 2023
Had we mobilised on a war-footing back then, invested at scale, imposed #carbontaxes, innovated like mad & massively increased financial & technological support 4 developing economies to shun coal & adopt #renewables, the #greendeal may have worked, albeit not without real costs
Read 18 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
#Germany 🇩🇪 is overpaying for #climateprotection by 183 bln USD or 4.5 percent of #GDP. 📉🌍 @BjornLomborg #FalseAlarm #climate #economy /1
How can I argue this? First, I took #Germany's long-term #GDP forecast up to 2060 by the #OECD (2020-2050, in USD, dark blue line). /2
Then I corrected this #GDP #growth forecast with #Germany's expected average annual expenditures for climate protection estimated by the #KfW (ca. 5.2 percent of GDP annually!, green line). /3
Read 7 tweets
Jan 24th 2019
My latest in @sciam: How does #ClimateChange harm our #health today and threaten it tomorrow? Let me count the ways... THREAD (1/n)

1. The frequency, intensity, and duration of #ExtremeWeather events (heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, floods, storms) are increasing, with some of the first and worst impacts occurring in least-developed countries, whose people have contributed least to climate change. (2/n)
2. As average temperatures continue to rise, so will heat-related disorders. One shocking thing I've learnt is that an unforeseen example of human #ClimateCanaries has emerged in Central America , where 20,000+ sugarcane workers have died from chronic kidney disease. (3/n)
Read 10 tweets

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