Surveys from #Russia are rare. Together with @mowebresearch, we asked 1500 Russians what they think about the war in #Ukraine in a representative online survey. Despite #propaganda & penalties for voicing critical opinions, 27% oppose the #InvasionOfUkraine. 🧵 (1/11)
Particularly younger respondents (aged 18-39) oppose Russia’s military intervention in #Ukraine (36%). (2/11)
11% of respondents consider #Russia to be responsible for the conflict escalation. The same number attribute this to the #NATO (11%), almost half place blame on the #US (46%). (3/11)
More males than females (16%) and younger respondents aged 18-39 (14%) place greater blame on #Russia. However, across all groups, the #US is primarily blamed for escalating the conflict in #Ukraine. (4/11)
This is also reflected in the assessment of various countries: 50% of respondents have a very good or somewhat good opinion of #Germany. The #US is rated predominantly negative. (5/11)
We also asked Russian citizens about the Western #sanctions. 16% of respondents consider these justified. However, the majority opposes the sanctions (74%). (6/11)
The #sanctions are noticeable. 55% of respondents state that #Russia is severely or rather severely impacted by the Western sanctions. 39% feel personally affected by them. (7/11)
Public trust in the Russian #military is high (81%). A similar level is reached with the trust respondents place in Vladimir #Putin (71%). The majority of respondents also view the Russ. #media as reliable. This also explains… (8/11)
…why #Putin’s #propaganda seem to resonate so well. 49% of respondents believe the war serves to denazify Ukraine & 59% agree that #Ukraine should be demilitarised. (9/11)
Simultaneously, about one in four supports the demand for withdrawal of Russian #troops from #Ukraine. 30% say #Ukraine should be free to join the #EU. (10/11)
Confidence in #Putin remains high. However, amongst men and younger respondents, nearly a quarter distrust the president. How rapidly Russian attitudes can currently change is explained by @navalny:
Zahlen aus #Russland sind rar. Gemeinsam mit @mowebresearch haben wir 1500 Russ:innen repräsentativ online befragt, wie sie über den Krieg in der #Ukraine denken. Trotz #Propaganda & Strafen für kritische Meinungsäußerung, sprechen sich 27% gg. die Invasion aus. 🧵 (1/11)
Besonders Jüngere (im Alter von 18-39 Jahren) lehnen das militärische Eingreifen Russlands in der #Ukraine ab (36%). (2/11)
11% der Befragten sehen die Schuld für die Eskalation des Konflikts bei #Russland. Gleich viele geben die Schuld der #NATO (11%) beinahe die Hälfte den #USA (46%). (3/11)
💡 Nur 22 % der befragten Deutschen haben eine (sehr) hohe, 46 % der Befragten dagegen eine (sehr) geringe digitale Nachrichten- & Informationskompetenz.
Im Ø wurden 13,3 von 30 möglichen Punkten erreicht. Oft fehlen ganz konkrete Kenntnisse & Fähigkeiten.