Russia's attack on #Ukraine has intensified calls for a transition away from #FossilFuels.
The war also highlights the need for #FoodSystem change. Today, we explore how #AnimalAgriculture fuels global crises by creating high levels of dependency between countries. 1/11👇
Ukraine produces large quantities of wheat, barley, rye, and #maize. Russia is the world’s top #wheat exporter.
The two countries taken together account for almost a third of the global wheat export market, @weizent reports via @CNBC. 2/11…
Maize and wheat are just two examples of crops #meat and dairy producers feed to animals.
The world produces enough to feed 10+ billion people, but #food supplies are unevenly distributed.
Western diets typically take up more resources such as land and crops than diets in other parts of the world because they contain more #meat and dairy. 4/11…
The livestock industry often portrays #meat as crucial for global #FoodSecurity.
However, for every 100 calories fed to animals as cereals, only 17 to 30 calories enter the human food chain as meat, according to @GRAIN_org and @IATP. @DeSmog reports. 5/11…
Food supply disruptions vary due to different local #FoodSystems.
While Egypt and Indonesia expect higher bread and noodle prices, European countries also expect higher #meat and dairy prices as animal feed becomes more expensive. @abcnews reports. 6/11…
The war in #Ukraine especially threatens countries dependent on Russian and Ukrainian #wheat exports to feed their human populations directly.
We're excited to announce a new Writers' Collective course titled Collaborative Advocacy.
This course will help you understand anti-oppression and how writers can build a stronger #AnimalRights movement by collaborating with other #SocialJustice movements. Meet our speakers 👇
Editor and writer @zane_crittheory is a scholar-activist with a BA in History and MA in Political Science.
He is an experienced organizer and has worked in the spheres of public policy, government relations, and #animal law in the #nonprofit sector.
Deniz Kavur is an activist w/ a BA in sociology & MA in political philosophy and is certified in international labor law & organizational analysis.
In honor of @womensday, here are a few pieces written by amazing women of various backgrounds—journalists, investigators, doctors, and beyond.
Cows don't just naturally make #milk but must be impregnated and give birth in order for lactation to occur, and calves must be routinely removed for that milk to be rerouted for human consumption.
We honor this week by exploring one of the lesser-known ways to reduce #FoodWaste and its negative impacts on the environment: Choosing a more #PlantBased diet.👇 1/7
30-40% of available food in the US gets wasted, according to @USDA.
Since more resources are needed to raise animals than grow plants, wasting meat and dairy has significantly higher environmental impacts than wasting plants, @karenaspwriter reports. 2/7…
For every 100 calories of grain fed to animals, we get:
🥛 40 calories of milk
🥚 22 calories of eggs
🐔 12 calories of chicken
🐖 10 calories of pork
🐄 3 calories of beef
A new @DeSmogBlog investigation found that #meat producers worldwide use the same tactics to downplay the climate impact of meat.
Here are 8 examples of the main narratives the industry promotes—and the arguments of experts objecting to its claims.👇 1/18…
Claim: ‘Grazing supports biodiversity’
Several meat companies, including Dutch meat producer @VION, suggest that the adoption of certain grazing practices can help “reduce the degradation of natural habitats and halt the loss of biodiversity.” 2/18…
Criticism: According to @CenterForBioDiv, the ecological costs of grazing “exceed that of any other western land use.”
A @UAlberta 2020 study warned that scaling up livestock grazing threatens the biodiversity of herbivores and pollinators worldwide. 3/18…