Thread: #Germany: #Brandenburg police thwart attack plans Young right-wing extremist allegedly built explosive devices Police in #Potsdam have arrested a minor who allegedly planned a right-wing terrorist attack #AtomwaffenDivision#AWD §86 StGB Reporting free, see tweet 13 1/x
2/X Police in #Potsdam on Friday apprehended a right-wing extremist who is alleged to have prepared attacks. According to @Tagesspiegel information, the teenager under 18 was in contact with the right-wing terrorist network #AtomwaffenDivision#AWD via chats.
3/x In this way, he is said to have radicalized himself, according to security circles. Investigators from the State Protection Service of the #Brandenburg State Criminal Police Office (LKA) approached the right-wing extremist on Friday morning with an arrest warrant.
4/x Special police forces were also deployed because weapons had been suspected on the teenager. He was arrested.
5/x Investigators searched residential, business and ancillary premises used by the juvenile right-wing extremist. What they found there confirmed the suspicions of the security authorities, they said.
6/x Investigators believe the right-wing extremist may have been on the verge of committing an attack. For months, authorities have reportedly had the teenager in their sights. There have been extensive operations to observe the right-wing extremist.
7/x It is assumed that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution was also involved. The Brandenburg Prosecutor General's Office had initiated proceedings. Investigations are underway on suspicion of preparation of a serious act of violence threatening the state,
8/x violation of the Explosives Act and the use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations. In addition, the teenager is suspected of not only obtaining instructions on how to build weapons, ammunition and explosive devices,
9/x but also of having already obtained chemicals to build explosive devices. He is said to have already built explosive and incendiary devices himself and to have carried out initial blast tests.
10/x The attorney general's office then obtained the arrest warrant and a search warrant from the Brandenburg/Havel district court. Investigators reportedly seized various data carriers and instructions for building explosive devices on Friday.
11/x A judge announced the arrest warrant to the right-wing extremist on Friday afternoon. There is growing concern among security authorities about right-wing extremist lone wolves who could become fanatics through chats and carry out attacks.
13/x We explicitly point out that the published images according to §86 StGB only serves the reporting of events of current affairs & similar purposes. Paragraphs 1 and 2 in §86 StGB do not apply here. See:…
15/x However, experts point to parallels with the group originating from the USA. The #TotenwaffenDivision is also active in the #USA, as photos from the chat show, and also refers to the idea of "lone wolf" terrorism.
Thread: German government confirms: #German#Nazis have participated in paramilitary training of the far-right #Russian Reich Movement. Fighters of the Russian orga are involved in the war against #Ukraine, just like the mercenary group #Wagner. 1/x…
2/x Members of the far-right #NPD youth organization Junge Nationalisten (Young Nationalists) and the neo-Nazi micro-party Dritte Weg (Third Way) have in the past taken part in courses at a paramilitary training center
3/x run by the far-right organization Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) in St. Petersburg, which teaches such things as how to handle weapons and hand-to-hand combat techniques.
Thread: #Raid and #arrest of a suspected member of a right-wing extremist criminal organization at the behest of the #Federal Prosecutor's Office on the basis of an arrest warrant issued by the investigating judge of the Federal Supreme Court. #Röderaue#NPD#Meissen#Saxony 1/x
2/x This is Matthias B., former district board member of the #NPD right-wing party in #Meissen. Previously, about 80 pallets of books were seized in December 2020 during a #raid against the #Neonazi publishing house "Der Schelm" in the district of #Leipzig. #Sachsen#Saxony
The arrest took place in #Roederaue#Saxony. In addition, premises of the suspect and three other suspects were searched in #Saxony and #Brandenburg. Officers of the Saxon and Brandenburg police were deployed.
Thread: #Razzia und #Festnahme eines mutmaßlichen Mitglieds einer rechtsextremistischen kriminellen Vereinigung auf Veranlassung der #Bundesanwaltschaft auf Grundlage eines Haftbefehls des Ermittlungsrichters des Bundesgerichtshofs vom 30. Mai 2022. #Röderaue#NPD#Meissen 1/x
Die Festnahme erfolgte in #Roederaue#Sachsen. Zudem wurden Räumlichkeiten des Beschuldigten sowie weiterer drei Beschuldigter in Sachsen und #Brandenburg durchsucht. Eingesetzt waren Beamte der sächsischen und brandenburgischen Polizei
Thread: Schüler droht mit scharfen #Waffen. #SoftAir einkassiert. Großeinsatz der #Polizei an Schule in #Neheim. Der Schüler sei bereits „sicher“ in Polizeigewahrsam, sagte eine Polizeisprecherin.. Es bestehe keine Gefahr für Schülerinnen und Schüler. #sauerland 1/x
2/x Der Jugendliche habe zum Unterricht eine sogenannte Softair-Pistole mitgebracht. Solche Pistolen sehen echten Waffen oft täuschend ähnlich. Nachdem ihm die Waffe abgenommen worden war, habe er gedroht, mit einer echten Waffe wiederzukommen, berichtete die Polizeisprecherin.
3/x Das habe den Polizeieinsatz im #Sauerland ausgelöst. Wie die Polizei auf Twitter mitteilte, wurde der Einsatz gegen 11 Uhr beendet. Der 17-jährige #Arnsberg|er sei zuvor festgenommen worden.…
Thread: Rechtsextremes Vernetzungstreffen von #Rassisten aus der ganzen Welt in #Ungarn bei der #CPACHungary2022 (Conservative Political Action Conference). Wir richten einen kritischen Blick auf die Veranstaltung, die erstmals in #Europa stattfand. #CPAC#CPACHungary 1/x
In äAmerika werden die Veranstaltungen der #CPAC überwiegend von US-RepublikanerInnen #GOP, #Trump-UnterstützerInnen, christlich Fundamentalisten und #Rassisten besucht. 2/x
#Orban, der Hauptredner der Veranstaltung, stellte seinen 12 Punkte Plan bei seiner Eröffnungsrede vor: „Hungary first, America first“, so der Slogan des nationalistischen ungarischen Ministerpräsidenten. 3/x