this is a damning indictment if ever there was one!
the NHS Federation has written to govt to highlight an "impending humanitarian crisis" over winter in health of UK citizens #EnoughlsEnough#SocialistSunday
NHS collapsing under pressure & 13 years of reduced funding, so whenever a right wing tabloid or tory slags off the NHS remember, it was their decision:
so much for 40 new hospitals, tho I guess they could say new rooves amount to new hospitals?!!…
here's Alyson Pollock's Ted talk on tory plans for the NHS, with details on how we compare to the US, & SPOILER LAERT the US spends as much as our entire NHS bill on admin & billing!!!
Police numbers slashed, resulting in almost "legalised rape" - has anyone seen the figures? And even if a case is successfully investigated IT CURRENTLY TAKES BETWEEN 3 TO 4 YEARS TO GO TO COURT
no one should minimise Covid, as it shares *some* similarities with HIV:
@DaniBeckman actually has a Phd in neuroscience & I trust her explicitly. here she explains (in terms that everyone can understand) how Covid reaches the brain:
I just picked mum up from a short day procedure from the same team she first caught covid from a little over a year ago.
This morning she tested negative.
I unpacked a new FPP3, & mum promised to put it back on as soon as she came around.
The TWO nurses that were with her in the “pre-op” room threw her new FP3 in the “toxic waste” bin, and TOLD her hospital management has a *NO MASKS* policy.
My mum is 86 & has been registered disabled since she turned 60. This is in her notes.
Dad died after nosocomial covid at this hospital, 14 months ago.
One of mum & dad’s best friends also died post nosocomial covid at this hospital last year too.
"virtually all children infected with cvid showed signs of damage"
3 Drs & countless nurses on the ward my niece is in, have told me that cvid is harmless to children & their immune systems are *very resilient* & that "she'll be fine" (1 wk in so far)