This fateful alliance was made out of self-preservation.👇🏽
This thread is sourced from William Shirer’s classic history “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” the ultimate study of #Nazi Germany.
Shirer had exclusive access to the archives of the captured German Foreign Office archives, which detail circumstances leading to the alliance.
We begin on page 638: 📕
On March 10, 1939, #Stalin made a speech at the 18th Party Congress in #Moscow.
Most of his criticism in the speech was aimed at Great Britain 🇬🇧 — and here’s why:
#Stalin accused England of the exact same thing #Putin now accuses #NATO of doing — using the #Nazis to provoke a proxy war with #Russia.
He wasn’t wrong. That’s precisely what was happening, and how the world war began.
#Mussolini and #Hitler were both impressed by the speech, particularly #Stalin’s assertion that “the Russians would not allow themselves to be used as cannon fodder for the capitalist powers.”
Duce and Hitler began to think “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Meanwhile, on April 16, the Soviet Foreign Commissar proposed a triple pact for mutual defense between Great Britain 🇬🇧, France 🇫🇷, and #Russia 🇷🇺 to the British Ambassador in #Moscow.
This offer was rejected, even though Churchill endorsed it. (For his own self-preservation)
The British government hesitated to make a defensive alliance with #Russia — dawdling around and wasting weeks of precious time 🕰.
The Brits did not reply to #Stalin’s proposal until May 8.
And so, #Russia then extended the hand of friendship to #Germany, after being rejected by England 🏴 and France 🇫🇷…
Then, in early May of 1939, a major development:
After more than a year of negotiations, #Italy’s leader #Mussolini committed himself and his country irrevocably to #Hitler’s fortunes.
“The Pact of Steel” was thus forged between #Nazi Germany 🇩🇪 and Italy 🇮🇹 on May 22.
The core of the Treaty was Article III, which resolved that Italy 🇮🇹 and Germany 🇩🇪 would unite their military forces “to secure their living space.”
The day after signing the Pact of Steel with #Mussolini, #Hitler summoned his military chiefs to the Reich Chancellery and told them bluntly that success could not be won without the shedding of blood and that war was inevitable.
Realizing they were also on #Hitler’s Hit List, the British began to reconsider #Stalin’s previous offer of a defensive alliance. 🇬🇧 🤝 🇷🇺
On the 31st of May, #Russia signaled back to Britain that the offer of a defensive alliance was still on the table in a speech by #Molotov.
He castigated the Western democracies for their hesitation, saying if they were serious about stopping #Nazi aggression it was time to act
The thought of an alliance between #Russia and the Western powers alarmed and annoyed #Hitler.
He ordered his foreign ministers to push the Russians to close a deal with Germany instead.
#Hitler also instructed his diplomats to LIE, and “tell Molotov that Germany had no aggressive intentions against #Russia.”
But then, Hitler hesitated to extend the offer formally . Again. And again, and again.
As negotiations were underway between Moscow and Berlin, #Hitler suddenly pulled the plug.
He ordered that talks with the Russians be broken off. Why?
Nobody knows what went on in Hitler’s disordered mind. 🤷🏼♀️
In early June, Russia again reached out to Britain, requesting a face to face meeting in Moscow.
British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax refused to go, saying it “really is impossible to get away” in a June 8 telegram to Moscow.
PM Chamberlain still was still dragging his feet
#Stalin’s distrust of Britain and France and his suspicion that the Western Allies might just make a deal with #Hitler — as they had the year before at Munich — was publicized in Pravda for all the world to ponder 🤔…
Stalin thus renewed negotiations with Germany in July.
This time, #Hitler was far more eager to make a deal 🤝— he’d just gotten wind of Soviet negotiations with France and England for a military alliance against him! 😆
Talks between the British and Russian diplomats dragged on for weeks, and threatened to fall apart because the Brits wanted a deal on their terms, and their terms only.
#Hitler accepted all of #Stalin’s demands unconditionally.
Now #Stalin had #Hitler right where he wanted him, and took his sweet time considering Germany’s proposal. 🕰
Stalin knew full well #Hitler was bullshitting him, and that this pact was merely a marriage offer made in desperation.
It was now August 20th, and the pending #Nazi invasion of #Poland was only days away.
#Hitler was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He hadn’t slept in days, staying up all night awaiting word from #Moscow.
He got his answer at last on August 21.
The next day, at a military conference of his generals, #Hitler was in one of his most arrogant moods, telling his warriors to go forth and conquer #Poland. Full speed ahead, and without mercy.
Quoting from a transcript of the meeting:
The fact that #Stalin was negotiating with both the Western powers and Germany at the same time raises the question:
Was #Russia negotiating in good faith with Britain and France during this period, or just toying with them? 🧐
Why did negotiations for a defensive alliance between Britain, France, and the Soviets ultimately break down?
Because #Poland stupidly refused to be protected by Russian troops.
Lord Halifax implored Poland on August 20 to reconsider, saying they were “wrecking” the deal.
Polish Foreign Minister Beck told the French Ambassador that there could be “no discussion what’s concerning the use of our territory by foreign troops. We have not got a military agreement with the #USSR. We do not want one.”
It was too little, too late.
By August 21st, #Stalin had already accepted #Hitler’s offer of a non-aggression pact — before Britain, France, and Poland could get their trousers on.
Besides, as Stalin revealed to Ribbentrop, the British “had never told the Soviet government what it really wanted.”
On this, they were in agreement: “England is weak,” Ribbentrop boasted, “and wants to let others fight for her presumptuous claim to world dominion.” 🇬🇧
Nonetheless, #Stalin was under no illusions that #Hitler would keep his end of the bargain — knowing full well what the Fuhrer’s word was worth.
On June 22, 1941, #Stalin’s suspicions were proven correct when the #Nazis invaded the Soviet Union.
As Stalin explained it, his motive in signing the useless pact with Germany (which wasn’t worth the paper it was written on) was merely to buy time for #Russia to prepare.
Stalin was convinced by 1939 that Hitler was going to war — as he later told Churchill.
Stalin was determined that #Russia would not be maneuvered into the disastrous position of having to face the German Army alone - a move Churchill agreed was “realistic in a high degree.”
The Kremlin could argue, as it did, that there was no difference between the Soviets appeasing Hitler with the 1939 pact and Chamberlain’s appeasement at Munich the previous year.
Stalin and FDR also agreed that the pact with #Hitler wouldn’t last, their cables reveal.
16 years before, #Hitler wrote his own prophecy in Mein Kampf:
“The very fact of the conclusion of an alliance with #Russia embodies a plan for the next war. Its outcome would be the end of #Germany.”
And so concludes this chapter on the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
Source: original 1960 printing of Shirer’s Book Three, Chapter 15, pages 685-725.
(Page numbers may vary in later editions)
As you can see I’ve read this one more than a few times, as my parents did before me! 📖
While I realize most people just don’t have the time or motivation to read a 1,250 page book, I encourage you to listen to the full audiobook version of “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.”
It’s available for free here:
Bookmark this thread for future use. ✅
Next time some NAFO “fella” or pro-#Ukraine troll tries to fool the Twitter community with lies and distortions of history, please post a link to this thread, refuting the #Nazi propaganda.
President Trump’s Executive Action ordering the release of the still-secret files on the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK said absolutely nothing about a Congressional Task Force.
Read the paragraph below carefully.
This feels like yet another tactic to stall the releases.
Congress invited themselves into the process on Feb. 11 when House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman James Comer announced the establishment of a task force titled the “Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets.”
No mention of Congress in the EO.
This new Congressional Task Force also aims to “review” the files on Epstein, 9/11, and other matters which were NOT included in President Trump’s original Executive Order.
All this mucks up and slows down the process, adding another unwanted, unneeded layer of bureaucracy.
On February 22, 1972 the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked Lufthansa flight 649, demanding a $5 million ransom for the release of 192 onboard.
The skyjackers also had a celebrity hostage: 19 year-old Joseph Kennedy, son of #RFK — their human bargaining chip.
Young Kennedy had been touring India with his uncle and aunt, Senator and Mrs. Edward M. Kennedy.
The Senator's wife, Joan, had accompanied Joseph to New Delhi while her husband returned to the United States, but left India ahead of her nephew.
Joe boarded the plane alone.
The PFLP hijackers seized the plane about an hour after it took off from New Delhi, around 1 a.m.
Bombay air control authorities said they received this message from the plane: “Call us victorious Jidda. If you call us Lufthansa, we won't answer you.” ✈️
When he was arrested after the #RFK assassination, one of Sirhan’s appellate lawyers says there was a newspaper clipping in Sirhan’s pocket that discussed the incongruity of Kennedy’s advocacy for the oppressed while also supporting Israel over Palestine.…
Sirhan’s friend and appellate attorney says he cannot be certain there was not some sort of conspiracy, but has little doubt Sirhan shot Kennedy. “Sirhan never said there was somebody else,” Jabara insists.
The official motive for Sirhan’s murder of #RFK was “anti-#Zionism.”
Sirhan blamed his murderous rage on trauma he had suffered as a child in Palestine.
At age 4 he witnessed the bombing of Damascus Gate, the death of his older brother, a man disemboweled by a bomb and the family was forced to relocate after Israel was created in 1948.
Nazi Germany waged an extensive propaganda campaign to spread Nazi ideology in the Arab world.
University of Maryland Prof. Jeffrey Herf and American University Prof. Richard Breitman discuss how Nazi ideology still lingers in the 21st Century.
Prof. Breitman served as director of historical research for the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency Working Group, which helped to bring about declassification of more than eight million pages of U.S. government records under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act.
If some of these talking points sound familiar today, now you know where they originated…
According to an April 25, 1966 Tom Wicker article in the New York Times (“CIA: Maker of Policy, or Tool?), President #Kennedy vowed privately to an aide after the Bay of Pigs incident in Cuba, that he would “splinter the CIA in 1000 pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
#JFK didn’t complete his mission to fully destroy the CIA (some believe the Agency got him first) — but here’s what he DID do.
In June 1961, two months after the Bay of Pigs — he issued National Security Action Memos (NSAM) 55 and 57.
NSAM 55 called for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, not the CIA, to be his primary military advisors.
NSAM 57 declared “any large paramilitary operation wholly or partly covert… is properly the primary responsibility of the Department of Defense with the CIA in a supporting role.”